HealthDiseases and Conditions

Stones in the gallbladder

Gallstone disease is a process of bile composition disorder, as a result of which dense compounds - stones are formed in the ducts and the vesicle itself.

Stones in the gallbladder: causes of the disease

Etiological factors include:

1. Infectious-inflammatory reactions in the body as a whole and directly in the liver and biliary tract. The mechanism of stone formation in this situation is quite simple: dead bacteria are the substrate for the settling of bile and other elements, as a result of which stones are formed.

2. Stones in the gallbladder are formed as a result of the work of certain glands with:

- Diabetes;

- decrease in the production of thyroid hormones;

- a deviation from the norm of the concentration of sex hormones on the background of taking contraceptives or pregnancy.

3. Lipid disorders:

- Atherosclerosis;

- gout;

- increased body weight.

4. Increase above the norm of bilirubin concentration in bile composition, which is observed in anemia accompanied by erythrocyte death.

5. Weighed down a hereditary anamnesis.

6. Constant adherence to low-calorie diet, systematic unloading days, starvation.

7. Over-consumption of fatty foods, semi-finished products and preservatives.

Pathogenesis of the disease

Stones in the gallbladder appear as a result of a violation of the composition of bile and its evacuation. Due to some factors, bile begins to stagnate in the bladder, on its dense particles its components are sorted and stones are formed.

According to the structure, stones with predominant cholesterol, pigment component or mixed character are distinguished.

Symptoms of the manifestation of the disease

Stones in the gallbladder can not clinically manifest themselves for a long time. It is necessary to understand that the main clinical manifestations of the disease occur when the stones clog the ducts or pass through them. This situation provokes the occurrence of hepatic colic - an intense pain syndrome that is not stopped by spasmolytics and localized directly in the right hypochondrium. Often, patients with colic can be found in the right hypochondria traces of warmers - so people try to stop the pain.

Jaundice is the result of stagnation of bile and one of the most frequent manifestations of blockage of the bladder or ducts. The process of forming a discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes (acquire a yellow tinge) is reduced to the fact that some components of the bile contents are absorbed into the blood and staining takes place. The longer this process is preserved without treatment, the more noticeable the staining.

Stones in the gallbladder provoke the formation of dyspeptic phenomena, heartburn, sensation of bitterness in the mouth. Patients report increased pain and other symptoms after eating fatty or smoked foods.

Sometimes fecal discoloration and darkening of urine may occur. With jaundice, patients report a decrease in sebum production and itching.

ZHKB can sometimes manifest itself only as a cardiac symptom - this greatly complicates the diagnosis of the disease and aggravates the severity of the process.

Stones in the bladder and ducts can be of various sizes - from the smallest to the largest. If the stones in the gallbladder are small, the patient will most likely be disturbed by intensive hepatic colic, as a result of passing them along the ducts.

It is necessary to understand that the treatment of SCI consists in the surgical removal of not only the stones themselves, but also the gall bladder. However, in this disease there is a rule: "Do not hurt - do not touch!". This means that if the stones do not cause inconvenience to the patient, then no medical measures should be taken. But when the stage of clinical manifestations comes, you need to think about the methods of treatment.

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