Finance, Banks
We choose Renaissance Credit Bank. Reviews - the decisive factor?
To date, there are quite a few different banks registered that provide the same service around the world, but how do they differ from each other? Most of them provide services on loans, deposits, exchange of currencies, money transfers and many other transactions. For example, you can consider Renaissance Credit Bank, the testimonials of its clients indicate that its financial institution performs its functions qualitatively and quickly, because that's what attracts new customers. What factors do we pay attention to when choosing a bank? Do we analyze its financial statements before the start of cooperation?
The rating of banks is based on many factors and indicators. These can be cash amounts that are on deposits, balance capital, interbank loans, financial results and so on. All these data are submitted in regular reports, and on their basis a bank rating is built. For example, Renaissance Credit Bank has rather high growth rates: on average for 8 months the monthly increase was more than 6 million hryvnia, and the average rate of recovery in percentage is 3.36.
How do we choose a bank? There are several options: an in-depth analysis of activities and financial results, forced choice or by studying the attractiveness of the company's image.
The first method is the most correct, because with its help you can be confident at least 95 percent in the stability of the institution. For example, there is a little-known bank that has just opened and does not have a client base. Would you agree to place a deposit of UAH 50,000 in it? Most likely, no, because even there is no certainty that this company will exist next month and does not go bankrupt. But the bank, which was established in 2006 and has stable indicators, may interest you. Such an institution can become a Renaissance Credit, the reviews can confirm the seriousness of its intentions in the financial services market.
Other way there are people who, for example, receive a salary, a scholarship or a pension on a bank card. Here, the management of the relevant organization signs a contract with a certain bank and the employees are simply told that they need to go to such and such a department and get a card for which regular payments will be made.
The third method is both unreliable and reliable at the same time. On the one hand, how can you choose a bank based solely on a beautiful logo, vivid advertising or simply look at the bank's Renaissance page for reviews? Of course, someone can say that this is very dangerous for a person's financial health. It is often said that bright advertising hides failures in professional activity. This, in part, is true, but this question can be considered on the other hand. Only a successful company can afford to hire such a team that will be able to draw the attention of all people to the advertising slogan or poster of this particular bank. Is it easy to create a catchy and catchy logo? No, it's very difficult! And on the example of Renaissance Credit Bank, whose clients' testimonials are confirmed by the high level and quality of its work, it can be concluded that this path is not always doomed to failure, but, on the contrary, it can open a very promising and reliable company for you!
So, before each of us, sooner or later, the question of choosing a bank becomes. The reasons can be different: the need for credit facilities, the convenience of paying by card, not cash, and so on, because the motives are different for everyone. There are only three general methods, they will help you choose the bank that will suit you. But the ideal result can be achieved only when it is possible to combine the analysis of financial results and company image, and in the case of banks like Renaissance Credit, the reviews will also help to make the right choice!
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