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Relative truth is a subjective reality

The truth in scientific cognition is a kind of knowledge that objectively reflects the properties of the perceived object. Relative truth is one of two kinds of truths. It is adequate information relative to the object.

The difference between relative truth and absolute

As already mentioned, truth can be absolute and relative. Absolute truth is an unattainable ideal; This is an absolute knowledge of the object, fully reflecting its objective properties. Of course, our minds are not so omnipotent to know the absolute truth, therefore it is considered unattainable. In reality, our knowledge of the object can not completely coincide with it. Absolute truth is often considered in connection with the very process of scientific knowledge, characterizing the progress from the lower stages of knowledge to the higher. Relative truth is a kind of knowledge that reproduces information about the world not fully. The main characteristics of relative truth are incompleteness of knowledge and its proximity.

What is grounded in the relativity of truth?

Relative truth is knowledge obtained by a person with the help of limited means of cognition. A person is constrained in his knowledge, he can only know a part of reality. This is connected with the fact that the truth that is comprehended by man is relative. In addition, truth is always relative when knowledge is in the hands of people. In the process of obtaining true knowledge, subjectivism always interferes, the collision of different opinions of researchers. In the process of obtaining knowledge, there is always a clash of the objective world with the subjective. In connection with this, the notion of delusion is at the forefront.

Misconceptions and relative truth

Relative truth is always an incomplete knowledge of an object, mixed in addition to subjective characteristics. Delusion is always always taken for true knowledge, although it has no correspondence to reality. Although delusion reflects one-sidedly some moments of objective reality, relative truth and error are not the same thing at all. Misconceptions often enter into some scientific theories (relative truths). They can not be called completely false ideas, because they contain certain threads of reality. Because they are taken for true. Often, the composition of the relative truth includes some fictitious objects, because they contain the properties of the objective world. Thus, relative truth is not an error, but it can be part of it.


In fact, all the knowledge that a person has at the moment and considers true, are relative, since they reflect reality only approximately. The composition of the relative truth may include a fictitious object whose properties do not correspond to reality, but have some objective reflection, which makes it deemed true. This happens as a result of the collision of the objective cognizable world with the subjective characteristics of the cognizer. Man as an explorer has very limited means of cognition.

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