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Full-food: a prescription for a child up to a year. What can you give a baby a year. Menu of the one-year-old child by Komarovsky

Many mothers are concerned about the topic of "feeding a child for up to a year." Recipes of various dishes, useful for your crumbs, you can think up yourself, and you can take advice from a pediatrician. In search of the best for the child, parents carefully study the store shelves with baby food. Sometimes the choice of the most suitable option becomes a real torture. To choose the right prescription for a child up to a year, you need to know some rules and, of course, listen to the wishes of the baby.

Nutrition of newborns

First of all, remember that the most important and necessary product for the baby is the mother's breast milk. It can not be replaced, but only lazy does not know about its usefulness. If the mother for any reason can not breastfeed, then the only way out is an adapted mixture. To her choice it is necessary to approach with all responsibility. After all, this product will be the only food for crumbs in the first six months of life. When you are breastfeeding, your baby may need extra fluid. In this case, it must be drunk with water or a special tea, suitable for age.


The first lure should be introduced in about six months. Do not rush with this. As experts say, it's better to be late for a week than to hurry. A recipe for a child of up to a year should not include complex products. Ingredients should be natural, fresh, without preservatives and colorants. The very first thing a kid should try is sour-milk products. Usually this is kefir. It is given two to three spoons for the first time, then supplemented with breast milk or a mixture. Lure is always introduced into the second feeding. So you will have the opportunity to observe the reaction of the baby. Every day, the number of spoons should be increased. As a result, kefir completely replaces one feeding. When a child gets used to a new product, cottage cheese is gradually added to it. Do this gradually. Take your time not to do much harm.

Recipe for a child under one year old

Having mastered cottage cheese and kefir, the kid, certainly, will not refuse to try something else. Offer him a dairy-free cereal. It can be buckwheat, rice, corn. Please note that the product does not contain gluten. It can cause an allergic reaction.

Porridge should be prepared on water or an adapted mixture. Cow and goat's milk should not be present in the one-year-old child's menu. According to Komarovsky, breast milk is also added to the porridge if it is in sufficient quantities (Dr. Komarovsky is a well-known pediatrician: his advice is followed by a large number of parents, including those who are very famous in the world).

To feed the child of the first year of life, vegetable and fruit purees are needed. The latter should be given with caution. Having tasted the sweet, the child can abandon the vegetables. For cooking vegetable purees, choose products such as potatoes, pumpkin, cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini. They do not cause allergies and contain a large number of nutrients. Do not put any seasonings in the puree. Salt and sugar are also banned. Thus, the baby gradually gets used to thick food.

How to introduce meat

The recipe for a child before the year gradually becomes more diverse. After the baby has mastered the vegetables, you can try the meat. First, soup is cooked, but not on water, but on chicken broth. Give his baby a few days in a row. If negative reactions did not follow, you can add mashed meat.

Gradually introduce the chicken yolk, starting with the fifth part. By the year its amount should not exceed half of one yolk. By 10 months the baby should try pork, beef and fish. At this age, he is already able to chew hard enough pieces. Mother's milk or mixture recede into the background.

What can a child do per year

Having crossed the one-year boundary, the child not only grew up, gained weight, learned to walk and make many sounds, but he is also ready to try and learn all kinds of tastes. The kid is active and every minute receives a lot of new impressions. His body requires replenishment of energy. In this regard, the recipes for a baby (1 year) of this age are somewhat different from those used previously. Much is changing in his taste sensations. The child has already tried all possible tastes and formed his attitude towards them.

It is worth noting that, contrary to popular belief, not all children love the sweet. Many prefer to chew a bread crust or eat a piece of tender meat. Attentive parents will easily understand the taste preferences of their crumbs. Below we propose an approximate menu of the one-year-old child by Komarovsky.

  1. For breakfast, you can serve omelet, milk porridge, compote (tea, jelly or cocoa). Everything should be freshly prepared.
  2. Lunch includes several dishes. On the first can be served soup or broth. On the second - lean fish or meat with a garnish of vegetables. For dessert - fruit (always fresh) and drink.
  3. Snack is usually the most favorite food for children. Mom should prepare any curd dish, cookies, fruits and, of course, compote.
  4. Supper should not be too high in calories. Fatty food will not let the baby fall asleep and "give you" a sleepless night. You can serve stewed vegetables or porridge and milk (kefir).

How to cook

Many mothers are interested in the question of what can be put in soup. For this purpose, a familiar set of products is useful. This broth, meat, potatoes, carrots, onions, cabbage. They can be alternated, thereby diversifying the menu. All ingredients are cooked together, then with a blender turn into soup-puree. Over time, vegetables and meat can be cut into small pieces so that the child learns to chew.

Similarly, you can cook and vegetable mashed potatoes. Vegetables are cooked on water and mix well. Puree must be thicker than soup. Meat in this case is served separately. Food for a one-year-old child is prepared in the same way as for an adult. The difference is that the food is not added to the baby spices, and the salt is strewed in a minimal amount.

Caution does not hurt

When preparing all dishes, you should carefully study the recipes. Nutrition of a child, 1 year of age, is extremely important for its growth and development. It must be full and balanced. All used products must be fresh and free from harmful impurities.

A big mistake many parents make is their desire to feed the child against his will. Extra spoons, eaten "for dad, mother, grandmother", will not do any good. A small child is quite capable of deciding how much to eat and at what time.

Carefully watch what the baby gnaws at. At the age of one year he already has several teeth. However, he can not completely chew anything. Therefore, having bitten off a large piece of apple or a bagel, it can easily choke. Give him a baby cookie. It is hard enough and melts under the influence of saliva. So you protect your baby and give him the opportunity to practice masturbation.

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