HealthDiseases and Conditions

Cervical lymph nodes

Cervical lymph nodes can increase as a result of many diseases, which are different not only in the clinical picture, but also in the methods of their diagnosis and treatment. As a rule, the reason for their increase is not related to oncological or oncohematological diseases.

Often these are immunological, infectious (bacterial, viral, protozoal, fungal) and other conditions. In healthy children, certain groups of nodes are normally palpable. Basically, these are cervical lymph nodes, as well as inguinal and axillary. It should be noted that with age, the percentage of exactly healthy children who have palpable lymph nodes increases significantly.

Thus, in 34% of cases it is possible to detect lymph nodes in babies having a size of more than 0.3 cm in newborns, and 24% of them are inguinal lymph nodes. But already at the age of 1 to 12 months, this figure reaches 57%, and this is most often the lymph nodes on the neck.

Enlarged are considered lymph nodes, the size of which is more than 1 cm (cervical) and 1.5 cm - inguinal. Their increase is due to the proliferation of lymphocytes, being a response to the infection. This may be associated with the development of lymphoproliferative disease. Cervical lymph nodes may increase as a result of infiltration by malignant or inflammatory cells.

Often observed such a disease as local lymphadenopathy, which is defined as a direct increase in those groups of lymph nodes that are anatomically close. In patients with this disease, cervical (85%), then axillary (about 7%) and supraclavicular (3.5%) lymph nodes are very often involved. As a rule, different kinds of infections lead to this disease.

When the cervical lymph nodes suddenly and dramatically increase, it can serve as a symptom of a lot of acute local diseases. This may well be angina, and a variety of dental diseases, and infections of the nasopharynx, as well as any general disease.

Cervical lymph nodes, the location of which contributes to the reliable protection of the body from all kinds of inflammatory processes and tumors, increases with inflammation in the tonsils, gums and teeth. Therefore, it is so important to carefully examine the oral cavity, especially the space to the left and right of the root of the tongue, since it is there that inflamed, enlarged tonsils can be found . In this case, immediately rinse the throat with a specially prepared solution of soda, chamomile or other antiseptics. But there are cases when there is an increase in lymph nodes without any signs of angina.

If you do not feel pain when you press the knot, and if it is soft, it means that an infection that is caused by herpes viruses may well be present in the body.

When the cervical lymph nodes are thickened, they are characterized by painful sensations. And if the lower part of the cheek and jaw spread swelling, it can serve as a signal of mumps, it is also called "mumps".

Whatever the signs of the disease, the final and reliable diagnosis in any case, can only be done by an experienced specialist, having first ascertained its cause. It is he who prescribes the necessary treatment for inflammation of the lymph nodes on the neck. So, in order to reduce puffiness and improve the condition of the nodes, absorbable ointments and substances are prescribed.

In addition, a huge benefit and a light massage. And in the absence of contraindications it is recommended to conduct thermal, but necessarily sparing procedures. These include warming the neck, for example, a woolen scarf.

Do not forget about proper, nutritious nutrition. Since the body is weakened by the fight against various infections and viruses, it just needs a lot of vitamins and nutrients. But do not forget that inflamed lymph nodes are very painful, which means that when eating people will feel a certain discomfort. Therefore, all food should be liquid and thoroughly ground.

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