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How to calm the nervous system and what?

The life of modern people is full of emotions, stresses. The harmful effects of nervous disorders are often felt by even a balanced, healthy person. Irritability appears, sometimes sleep is disturbed. The functioning of the body suddenly starts to fail. No wonder there is a saying that any ailments - from the nerves. Doctors completely agree with her. Therefore, every person should know how to calm the nervous system to prevent the development of serious diseases.

The main cause of stress

Before we talk about how to calm the nervous system, it should be said that only when you learn to take your negative emotions under control, you can achieve what you want.

To do this, try to understand what causes you such a negative. This is a difficult task. After all, the cause of irritation is difficult to determine. Psychologists say that the main source of negative emotions is overestimated requirements for themselves and for others.

This situation makes a person to be on the platoon. There is a constant feeling of anxiety. This person is not able to relax and fully enjoy life. And only after getting rid of such feelings a person can fully learn to control all their emotions.

But, unfortunately, this is a long process, and what to do today? We will tell you how to calm the nervous system quickly and effectively.

Let's release steam

It's a wonderful method not to succumb to the surging negative emotions and restore balance. So, how to calm the nervous system quickly and effectively?

The most beautiful way is to give vent to feelings. Do not hold them. There are many methods of how to do this. Choose the most suitable one for you. You can beat a pillow, scream at the top of your voice, throw something and even break it (for example, a cup).

German scientists in the study confirmed that women screaming during the quarrel, beating dishes, many times reduce the risk of premature death from a stroke or a heart attack.

Take a timeout

Perfectly demonstrates how to calm the nervous system, the following rule. Hearing something unpleasant, do not rush to answer the offender the same. Imagine that for 20 minutes you are just numb.

It is best to walk somewhere. Movement perfectly eliminates stress. If possible, change the situation. Go out into the street, be sure to take a walk. In this case, you should alternate the rate of movement. Periodically accelerate, and then slow down. Change the width of the steps. Very quickly you will feel how nervous and irritable you have left.

Such simple movements make it possible to normalize the functioning of the endocrine system, to activate the work of certain areas of the brain responsible for the mood. You will be able to switch the biochemical processes that occur in the body as a result of stress to support physical activity.

White water

Scientists give a wonderful method of relaxation. Do you know what color calms the nervous system? White. And if you present also a water surface, then you will have a wonderful effect.

During stress, try to calm down. Sit down and imagine a watery surface, but not transparent, but white like milk. Try to feel how slowly you sink into it. Feel the touch of your skin with amazing water. Plunge into it.

In such a condition, just stay a couple of seconds. Enjoy your sensations in full. After this, imagine that near your feet formed a hole, and the water in it gradually flows, carrying with the flow of all the negative.

Now take a deep breath and open your eyes.

Physical culture break

How to calm down the autonomic nervous system? Initially, it is necessary to work out the necessary regime of the day. Quick release from the negative contribute to a full sleep, walk on the air. Very useful therapeutic exercise. Favorably affect the body occupations in the gym, skiing, bike ride.

An excellent effect will even morning exercise. She will greatly enjoy the victory over laziness. As a result, the body will receive endorphins - a natural cure for stress, which secrete the brain.

To quickly relieve the emotional tension, you need to do a few simple exercises:

  1. Sitting on a chair, grasp the seat. Pull it up with an effort. Keep this position until counting to 7.
  2. Put your hands in the lock and lead them by the head. Press them on the cervical section, giving the whole body resistance to such pressure.
  3. Sit on the edge of the chair. Lie down freely. Raise your head up. Count to ten. Then inhale. On an exhalation, lean towards your knees. Take another breath. And straighten up slowly.

Proper breathing

Analyzing what can calm the nervous system, the doctors proposed an effective technique. Respiratory gymnastics is an excellent tool not only in case of neurosis, but also with strong excitement, dizziness, and poor health.

A few deep breaths and breaths saturate the brain with oxygen, contribute to stimulation of the thought process. It is noticed that this method allows you to lower the pressure, reduce the heart rate, enlighten the mind.

The technique of proper breathing is simple enough. Initially, it is better to practice lying on your back. And only after full mastering, go to the exercises sitting. Try to breathe the diaphragm. Very slowly inflate, and then blow off your stomach like a ball.

Acupressure - acupressure

This method stimulates the production of hormones in the body - endorphins and serotonin, which are a natural sedative. To perform a massage, calming the nervous system, you must act on the active points:

  1. One of them can be found on the inside of the chin - in the center. Massage this anti-stress point with circular motions. 9 times in one direction and as many in the other.
  2. For two or three minutes, knead, stretch, squeeze the middle fingers.

Listening to music

This is a great way to eliminate unnecessary excitability, relieve stress, calm nerves. It is recommended to listen to music in a relaxed atmosphere. For complete relaxation, I advise you to lie down and close your eyes.

However, not every music will bring the necessary effect to the body. Want to know how to calm the nervous system? Choose motives, the therapeutic effect of which is fully confirmed.

It is known that the following products have an excellent therapeutic effect:

  • "Moonlight Sonata" (Beethoven).
  • The Italian Concerto (Bach).
  • Cantata No. 2 (Bach).
  • Symphony No. 45 (Haydn).
  • "Ave Maria" (Schubert).

Such tunes perfectly calmed, relieve tension. You can listen to other motives. The main condition is a calm sound, which helps to relax and raise a person's mood.

A wonderful therapy is listening to the natural sounds of nature. The noise of the sea, the singing of birds, the rustle of the forest, the sound of rain can quickly get rid of stress.

It is noticed that 30 minutes of music therapy can replace the effect of sedative drugs. Melodious sounds eliminate psychological clamps, turn a person to positive emotions.

Of course, such methods can not change circumstances, but your attitude towards problems will become completely different.

Folk methods

Despite enough frequent criticism by modern doctors of znacharian methods of treatment, in this case even official medicine recognizes their effectiveness. The professional community of doctors believes that you can perfectly calm the nervous system with folk remedies. The use of infusions from herbs has a beneficial effect on the body, which carries a variety of stresses.

In pharmacies, you can buy a lot of soothing teas, the main ingredients of which are herbs. Valerian, mint, ginseng, chamomile, wormwood are useful. In addition to calming the nervous system, they are very tasty.

Another method of herbal therapy is quite popular. It's a dream on a special pillow. You can easily make it with your own hands. Fill the pillow with soothing herbs. It is recommended to use scented plants. The most suitable are mint, lavender, and melissa.

Soothing herbs

A big plus in the use of broths is a favorable effect and at the same time a complete lack of addiction to the body.

Recommended herbs are:

  1. Mint. Soothes the nervous system, normalizes sleep, relieves stress.
  2. St. John's Wort. Has an anti-inflammatory, soothing effect, relieves a sense of fear and anxiety.
  3. Chamomile. Relieves muscle spasms, soothes nerves.
  4. Valerian. The root of the grass perfectly eliminates irritability, relieves anxiety.
  5. Thyme. In addition to sedative effect, it has a light hypnotic effect.
  6. Adonis. Not only calms, but also increases interest in life.
  7. Linden. Anti-cold medication in combination with melissa perfectly eliminates irritability.
  8. Blooming Sally. Calms the nerves, eliminates insomnia, headache.
  9. Sagebrush. Grass, perfectly relieves of nerve fits, eliminating insomnia.

If the above methods do not help to overcome the unpleasant consequences of stress, then it's time to visit a doctor. Perhaps the nervous system needs more serious therapy, and without special medications can not do.


From nervousness, increased excitability, modern pharmacology offers many sedatives. Initially, we will stop on effective known means. It's about tinctures:

  • Valerian;
  • Pion;
  • Motherwort;
  • Hawthorn.

Do not forget that any medicine should be prescribed by a doctor. Therefore, if the tinctures did not bring the desired effect, go to the doctor. Only he will be able to recommend how to calm the nervous system. The medicine chosen by a specialist will suit you completely. And much faster will have a beneficial effect on the body.

In the case of anxiety conditions and pronounced neuroses, one of the following medicines may be prescribed:

  • "Adaptol";
  • "Tenoten";
  • "Haloperidol";
  • "Deprim";
  • "Fevarin";
  • "Cogitum";
  • "Dormiplant";
  • "Chlorprotixen";
  • "Eglonil";
  • Fluoxetine.

The rapid effect is possessed by drops:

  • Valocordin;
  • Novopassit;
  • "Valoserdin";
  • "Negrustin";
  • Corvalol.

For some patients injections of drugs will be more effective:

  • "Haloperidol";
  • "Milgamma";
  • "Ataraks".

Children's medicine

Despite carelessness and so young age, babies can also suffer from moral overload and stress. The period of the child's growing up is always combined with frustration and difficulties. That is why almost every parent periodically faces the question of how to calm the child's nervous system.

For such purposes, many teas and phytostases have been developed. Excellent results are provided by listening to relevant music.

Pharmacists have developed special drugs that can protect children from stress. Just do not forget that before using them, you should consult a pediatrician or neurologist. The most popular medicines for children are:

  • "Tenoten children's";
  • "The Hare";
  • Notta;
  • "The Dormickind."


There are many ways to achieve calming of the nervous system. Some people recover after watching your favorite movie. Another is enough to visit the fitness club. Still others will be happy to meet over a cup of tea with a friend. It does not matter which method you choose for yourself. The main thing is not to let the problem arise.

Remember: there is an exit from any situation!

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