EducationSecondary education and schools

How to write off the USE: the most popular ways

When the Unified State Exam was introduced in Russia, it was immediately overgrown with scores of horrors and legends: it is impossible to write off the USE, every student's movement will be strictly monitored, observers will be from among teachers who are unfamiliar with the subject, and so on.

As practice has shown, in the last ten-odd years, the Unified State Exam successfully passes the majority of students: some long work hard to achieve results, others, no less persistently, are looking for ways to write off. If you throw away the moral side of this issue, then writing off on the USE clearly develops such qualities as resourcefulness and ingenuity. But this applies to those students who independently invented the original method, prepared the material (cribs) and most importantly, no one noticed them! Most prefer to use proven methods, or the capabilities that modern technology provides.

How to write off on USE using a mobile phone

This method is the most popular. At the exam, two phones are taken at once: one surrenders at the entrance, so as not to cause unnecessary suspicions among observers, the other must be carried unnoticed in your pocket. Further, by choice: you can photograph the task, dial and send SMS, go online and look for similar tasks, ask to solve someone from friends, etc. On the Internet, there are always willing to help the graduate, sometimes for free, more often for a small amount of money. After the sms comes with ready answers, you need to go to the toilet and rewrite everything on paper - it takes not so much time. You can write directly from the phone, but, as a rule, it attracts attention.

How to write off the USE using a headset

Small headphones and hidden in the folds of clothes microphone allow you to read assignments right in the audience and get ready answers. The method is not bad, but it requires exposure - if the student keeps mumbling something all the time, observers will begin to pay more attention to him.

How to write off the USE in the traditional way

Paper cribs are gradually being replaced by various electronic devices, but some graduates continue to use them. Hide them is not difficult: you can shove it into your socks, bra or just put it in your pocket. Many students paste small pieces of paper on pens, chocolates, empty passport pages, etc. It is more difficult to use cheat sheets: you need a certain skill, so it's best to go to the toilet and see the answer there. On 100 points this way you can not pass the exam, but you can score for a positive evaluation. Cribs will be useful even for an excellent student in order to spy out solutions to tasks, in the correctness of which there are doubts.

How to write off a USE using a calculator

Modern programmable calculators with all the external nondescript have a memory of 2 million characters and the ability to store formulas and pictures. The advantage of this method is that the teachers will not be able to notice anything. But the exam for humanitarian subjects calculator is better not to take.

The most effective method is to write off everything from your own head, then no one will notice anything!

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