EducationThe science

Ways, skills, conditions of constructive interaction. Constructive interaction is ...

A person throughout his life enters into various relationships and interactions. It can be contacts between adults, between an adult and a child, a teenager, as well as relationships with nature.

Development of relationships does not happen without problem and conflict situations. Solve such problems better through dialogue. The more constructive the dialogue, the easier problems that arise between the participants in the dialogue are solved. Thus, constructive interaction is the solution of a problem through communication and the ability to hear each other, while the ability to clearly and clearly explain their position.

Why do we need a constructive relationship

Since early childhood, the person has laid the skills of constructive interaction. Since in childhood the child relies more on the emotional component of his development, parents should correctly form the communication skills, using the emotional side. Depending on the skills of communication established in childhood, and what conditions of constructive interaction surrounded him, a person enters adult life more or less in contact.

Versatile human development and the ability to easily build relationships with others will make life easier, and solving problems will not cause difficulties. If in childhood children did not develop the existing communication skills, then as the child grows up, it will be difficult for the child to find a place in society.

Pre-school period - the basis for the development of constructive communication

To develop the skills of constructive interaction in a child, an adult must:

  • Develop free communication in children and adults.
  • Comprehensively develop spoken language since childhood: pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, connectivity of speech.
  • To strengthen the assimilation of the norms of speech in practice.

At the age of 6-7 years, children move to a new stage of development, go to school, so it is necessary to have a basis for further constructive communication in the team.

Constructive interaction is the guarantee of a balanced resolution of school conflicts.

Parents help in building communication skills

Parents should prepare children so that they do not have conflict situations at school. For this you need:

  • Improve the speech of the child.
  • Learn to retell the read.
  • Develop the ability to fully express your thoughts.
  • Maintain an interest in self-education, help to take the initiative to gain new knowledge.
  • Learn to fully disclose the characteristics of the object, the situation.
  • To create conditions where children can discuss the situations of interest to each other.
  • Teach a child to draw simple conclusions, express their thoughts is accessible and understandable.
  • Pay attention to speech etiquette.
  • Accustom to the independence of judgments.

Having mastered the main ways to develop the constructiveness of judgments, the child in the future will easily communicate in the team, resolve disputable situations and have an active life position.

Constructive interaction with adolescents

Adolescence is the period of choice of life path, imitation of the ideal, a time when the teenager tries to match the image chosen for himself, understands his internal problems, wants to be "no worse than others." However, not always everything happens as you want, and often the child chooses the wrong direction for his development. And the role of parents in the life of a teenager is very important, they need to find an approach to him and, without touching his feelings, help choose the right direction.

Constructive interaction is Communication of an adult with a teenager on an equal footing and the ability to use dialogue to find a way out of difficult situations.

Trust is the basis for the interaction of an adult with a teenager

Constructive interaction with a teenager will be achieved if the basis of relations will be trust. If you have confidence, you will not have to control every step of the child and worry about going through a difficult period. A teenager who trusts an adult will tell him about events in his life, share experiences and problems. However, if an adult is caught in a lie, the trust will disappear, and it will be very difficult to restore it.

Parents should not violate the teenager's private space, give him the opportunity to independently find his place in society. However, a teenager needs to feel the support of his parents, this will give him confidence in himself.

The adolescent period is a time of psychological separation from parents and an outlet to the adult world, the emergence of an independent inner world.

How to overcome the teenage period painlessly

Growing up, the child will "separate" himself from his parents, he will need a personal space that no one will violate.

In order not to adjust against the child, constructive interaction with the adolescent is necessary. Parents should state their vision of the situation, and the child - his own, and together come to a common result, satisfying both.

Such methods of constructive interaction should be present on the part of the adult:

  • It is available to tell the child about their fears, so that he understands them.
  • The child must understand that you are ready to listen and understand him at any time, while not criticizing.
  • Show that the child's opinion is important to you, and you respect it.
  • The child himself must make a choice when necessary, and, accordingly, bear responsibility for this.
  • Be sure to praise your child so that he does not give up on himself.
  • Love and support will help the teenager to go through a difficult stage of becoming a person.

If a teenager feels independent, at the same time adequately owns the situation, has a steady self-esteem, knows how to communicate in a team, is responsible for his actions - this means that the adolescent period is over and the parents' help has been rendered correctly and constructively.

Society and Nature

Nature provides resources through which a person can live. Without air, gifts of nature, water, life would be impossible.

Constructive interaction is the influence of nature on society and society on nature.

Nature performs many functions, and one of them is economic. Its resources have economic properties and economic potential. Man began to use this function when he began to make the first tools, build houses, sew clothes. Every year, the needs of mankind are growing, for the satisfaction of which a natural resource is used.

With the development of civilization, nature helps to satisfy human needs in aesthetic, scientific, cultural spheres.

The relationship between man and nature is constant. Without interaction with nature, people simply can not live. Therefore, there should be a constructive interaction between society and nature. In order not to break the connection with nature, a person must constantly support it within a certain optimum.

Interaction with nature

Nature is the source of funds for the life of people. She gives various blessings for life, she also sets tasks for the person, solving which, the society comprehensively develops. For example, the presence of rivers, lakes, seas encourages a person to master the fishing industry, rich soils contribute to the development of agriculture, oil deposits - the development of ways to extract and process it.

At the same time, the absence of any kind of natural wealth in a particular region prompts a person to seek a way out of the current situation, to learn new possibilities of nature.

The constructive interaction of man with nature must be expressed in the sense of a measure of the use of natural resources. With a "shortage" of natural resources, people will slightly reduce the opportunities for their development, and with an overabundance - can remain with nothing. Therefore, the principle of the "golden mean" is important here.

Constructive interaction is important in all spheres of human life. Ability to communicate, interact will help society to develop harmoniously and correctly.

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