
If there was inflammation of the lymph nodes, treatment and prevention

Many people are frightened by the appearance on the body under the skin of some incomprehensible "bumps". Some do not pay attention to them, and those who are slightly familiar with anatomy, turn to the doctor for the necessary advice. It should be noted that if there is an inflammation of the lymph nodes, treatment will be required unequivocally. In this case, it is necessary to identify the cause of this, on the basis of which the therapy is prescribed.

This symptom can appear after the transferred infections caused by bacteria or viruses. From a wound, furuncle, a sick tooth or other sources, the infection enters the lymph node and lymphadenitis occurs. In this case, symptoms such as headaches, weakness, fever, and general malaise may occur simultaneously.

In some cases, the inflammation of one lymph node, which is not accompanied by other painful factors and does not progress, can speak of its active work, in comparison. With the rest. Over time, he can return to his original dimensions on his own. If such inflammation of the lymph nodes occurs , treatment, as a rule, is not appointed.

Lymphadenitis can occur in women, men and children, regardless of age. The decisive role in the development of this disease is played by lifestyle, immunity, concomitant diseases and other factors.

There are several reasons why lymph nodes become inflamed. The main one is the appearance in the body of too many harmful microorganisms (including bacteria or viruses). Most often, inflammation of the nodes occurs in the underarms, groin, neck. This allows you to quickly identify the area of the body where you can find the cause of the disease.

For example, inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes may indicate infectious diseases in the larynx, mucous membrane of the mouth or teeth. Lymphadenitis in the groin speaks of problems associated with sexual intercourse, and of infections such as syphilis or AIDS. Inflammations in the armpits can signal tuberculosis.

In addition, inflammation of the lymph nodes are acute or chronic, purulent or catarrhal. This is important in the appointment of treatment. For noisome disease, physiotherapy treatment is quite suitable, in the presence of pus, it is categorically contraindicated. In this case, the inflamed knot is opened surgically, its contents are removed, antibiotics are prescribed. In the chronic form of the disease, additionally prescribed drugs that enhance immunity.

It should be noted that if there is inflammation of the lymph nodes, the treatment must necessarily be prescribed by the doctor, and, more often than not, in addition to the inflammatory process, the disease that caused it is treated at the same time. However, in some cases can help and herbal preparations, which are recommended by folk medicine. For example, flowers of marigold, lavender, elder, wormwood and currant leaves are taken in the same proportions. Grasses are crushed in a meat grinder. One tablespoon of a dry mixture is poured with a liter of boiling water, left to persist for the night, the drink should be drunk within 24 hours. This infusion has an anti-inflammatory effect and raises the immune system. The course of admission can last from a month to three.

This collection can also be used to prevent disease. Since inflammation of the lymph nodes treatment, most often, has a long, the best option is to prevent the disease. In prophylactic purposes, it is important to strengthen the body's immune system so that it can independently fight harmful microorganisms, try to avoid infectious diseases, especially during epidemics. If the disease could not be avoided, then it is necessary to treat it in time and completely.

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