
Flowers of marigold: decoration of the garden and not only ...

Well-known to all of us calendula (marigold) - a plant with large yellow, sometimes orange flowers, has long been used in ornamental horticulture. The plant is widely distributed in Russia (in the European part), in Belarus, Ukraine, the North Caucasus. The homeland of the flower is considered the Mediterranean, but the natural distribution area covers Asia Minor, Southern Europe, and eastern Iran.

Calendula is a relative of chrysanthemums and asters, but unlike them is much more unpretentious. There are up to 20 species of plants, flowers of which are simple, semi-double and double. They are single-year plants, from 30 cm to 60 cm high, with a thick stalk and tender, densely pubescent short hairs, leaves. The flowers of marigold are rather large (up to 5-8 cm), the fruits are convex, also large (up to 3 cm), with thorns in the form of sickles, seeds reaching sizes up to 1 cm are similar to hooks. Blossoms calendula from June and until late autumn.

In many countries, the plant is bred not only as decorative, but also as a medicinal plant. Curative properties have leaves and flowers of calendula. They contain many valuable biologically active substances for the human body. Even in ancient Rome, they knew about the unique medicinal properties of calendula and used it for medicinal purposes. In the flower baskets of the plant contain tar, essential oil, carotene, ascorbic acid, mineral and organic acids.

Preparations from calendula are used as anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antiviral and antifungal agents. When taken orally, it calms the nervous system, has a choleretic effect, improves sleep, lowers blood pressure, has blood-purifying properties. Tincture of calendula is used to treat bruises, small wounds, burns, with furunculosis, frostbite, in gynecological practice. Infusion of flowers is recommended for inflammation of the gums, stomatitis, thrush in children.

In folk medicine, calendula flowers are used in the form of infusion with:

  • Pain in the liver;
  • Diseases of the stomach;
  • Sand and stones in the bladder;
  • Diathesis;
  • Rachitis in children;
  • Skin diseases (corns, cracks, acne, warts);
  • Female diseases (with erosion of the cervix);
  • Diseases of the oral cavity.

Marigold extract is a part of numerous cosmetic products: tonics, lotions, cosmetic milk, creams, ointments. In the inflorescence, the inflorescences and leaves of the plant can be eaten fresh, as well as dried, for flavoring meat dishes, and for preparing soups. They are added to sauces, salads, petals, used for coloring different dishes instead of saffron.

The calendula is the most decorative and more useful plant. It is a light-loving and cold-resistant medicinal annual. He likes sunny places or partial shade, he prefers moderate watering. To plant well bush, you should pinch the tops of young shoots. Calendula is able to repel insects, so if you plant it near the beds, where vegetables grow, and berry bushes, it protects them from insect pests.

The plant multiplies easily by self-seeding. To accelerate flowering, seedlings are grown in greenhouses, boxes, insulated rooms. On a permanent place planted, when the plant appears 5-6 leaves. Care consists in loosening, weeding, watering, feeding. They feed calendula in the spring, during the growing season and the second time - at the beginning of flowering.

For medicinal purposes, calendula flowers are collected at intervals of 3 to 7 days (depending on the weather conditions and the cultivation zone). Flower baskets are torn off in a stage when at least half of the tongues of flowers are open. Dry in the shade, under a canopy or in an attic (well ventilated), spreading raw materials in a thin layer.

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