
Tincture of calendula is an elixir for the hair.

We all want to have healthy hair, but not always enough time to go to beauty salons and funds for the purchase of expensive drugs. It is in this case that we use grandmother's recipes. They are effective, natural and, importantly, accessible to everyone.

One such means of traditional medicine is tincture of calendula. This drug is an attribute of any home medicine chest, as it has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and antiseptic properties, due to the content of carotenoids, resins, organic acids, flavonoids. It is widely used for cuts, stomatitis, inflammation, bruising, in gynecological practice and as a cosmetology tool.

It is very useful tincture of calendula for hair. With long-term use, it restores the health of the hair and eliminates dandruff. You can buy a ready tincture in a pharmacy, or you can cook at home. It is done this way: we take the flowers of marigold, crush it and add 2 tablespoons of 250 ml of alcohol. We let it brew for 1 week, filter, and the tincture is ready for use. Keep the same tincture you need in a dark, cool place, carefully corking.

Calendula lotion for oily hair.

To prepare the lotion at home, we need: 2 large spoons of dried calendula flowers, which we pour a couple cups of boiling water, we insist for 2 hours and filter. This solution is applied to the hair, leave for 20 minutes and rinse with plain water. Also before washing, it is recommended to rub a mixture of tincture of marigold and corn oil into fatty hair , taken in the proportions of 1:10. You can try this option lotion: inflorescence of calendula, about 2 tablespoons, pour 1 glass of water, boil for 3 minutes, filter, cool and add lemon juice, this solution rinses hair.

If the hair quickly shines, the mixture of castor oil and marigold tinctures in the proportions of 1:10 is excellent - rubbing into your hair 3 times a week.

Tincture of calendula against dandruff.

Mix the castor oil and tincture of calendula - and for about 5 minutes rub it into the scalp with massaging movements.

As a preventive measure for any type of hair, take an alcoholic solution of calendula 3 tablespoons and dilute to 1 liter with water. With this compound, rinse your hair after each wash. With constant use after 3 weeks, the hair acquires a healthy shine and reduces brittleness.

Also effective tincture of calendula with hair loss. Inflorescence of calendula should be poured with alcohol 40% in the ratio of 1:10, apply externally, spreading a tablespoon of tincture in 125 ml of boiling water. Still it is possible to make so: one glass of vodka we fill in a table spoon of the crushed flowers of a calendula. We insist this mixture for 10 days. Then the finished tincture is applied to the scalp for up to 3 times a week.

You can prepare the most natural shampoo from marigold. To do this, inflorescences are filled with boiling water, so that the water slightly covers the grass, we insist 30 minutes, filter, mix in equal proportions with the usual shampoo - we get vegetable shampoo, which is very good especially for owners of red hair that fill with additional shine.

People have known for a long time that the calendula has miraculous properties. Therefore tincture of calendula is widely distributed in folk medicine as a means for hair care. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it can be used for both dry and oily hair. It is enough just to change the proportions of the oils. Tincture of marigold will help you achieve amazing beauty of hair, without special efforts. You do not have to leave the house and spend a lot of money to visit the salon. And your gorgeous hair will shine in a healthy glow and attract glances!

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