Health, Preparations
Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM how to take? Treatment of joints with drugs with glucosamine and chondroitin
Not only the elderly have to face joint pain, many athletes are familiar with this ailment not by hearsay. Naturally, all sorts of ointments and traditional medicine are used to eliminate pain in joints and joints. However, few people know that a problem can not be solved from the outside, special medical preparations are required, which are taken orally. In this article, the reader will get to know one of the world's best complexes for the treatment of joints and ligaments under the name Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM. How to take, in what dosages, what are the prices and reviews? Read the small instructions for the medication in question.
Strange positioning in the Russian market
The drug Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM 90 is very strange positioned in the domestic market. Sports stores offer it in the niche of vitamins and minerals, but in the pharmacy it is sold as a biologically active additive (BAD). However, in the same pharmacy, the buyer can purchase separately all components of the complex (glucosamine, chondroitin and MSM), which the seller is positioned as medicines. Where is the logic? If we compare medicines for the joints with the complex, the buyer will find some oddities:
- The price of Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM is within the total cost of medicines purchased separately. At the same time the dosage of the complex is several times higher than the pharmacy products.
- There are questions to the terms of storage. Medical products have a shelf life of 4 years, and the complex is limited to two years. Again, on the basis of what quality certificate are pharmacy products manufactured?
Structure of the preparation
The building element of connective tissues called glucosamine is capable of being produced by the body from the incoming protein. The lack of substance makes joint tissues less strong, reducing their resistance to stretching. It will be interesting for the reader to know that glucosamine is needed by the body's immune system, since it participates in the synthesis of hormones and enzymes.
Chondroitin is also formed directly in the human body and is part of the building materials to strengthen the joints and ligaments. However, it performs a lubricating function for rubbing joints. Participates in the process of regeneration of damaged cartilage. Chondroitin can also influence the restoration of the skin.
Methylsulfonyl methane (MSM) in the human body plays the role of a catalyst, enhancing the action of building elements (chondroitin and glucosamine). Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM (90 tablets) is credited with other useful properties, but none of them is supported by the official conclusion of scientific research institutes in the world.
Recommended daily allowance
Dosage is an integral part of the correct administration of Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM. How to take the supplement is indicated on the product label. But all potential buyers need to know that there is a world standard that regulates the daily rate of all components of the drug for the human body:
- Glucosamine - 1500 mg;
- Chondroitin - 1200 mg;
- Methylsulfonylmethane - 1200 mg.
If the dosage of the drug is less than the recommended dosage, it is not wise to expect a positive result from taking it at the set time. This conclusion is confirmed by many research centers around the world.
The correct course of taking the drug
Treatment of joints with drugs with glucosamine and chondroitin is recommended for all people suffering from pain in the knee and elbow joints. A crunch in the wrists, isolated pains in the shoulder joint or frequent pain with a crunch in the spine are also an occasion for the purchase of the drug Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM. How to take the product is interpreted by different manufacturers in its own way, however in our country doctors recommend to divide the daily dosage into several methods, if possible.
It's all about the activity of the body, which every person expresses individually. In some people, the morning intake of the drug reaches the maximum anabolic effect, in others, the hormonal system is activated in the second half of the day. Many manufacturers have already considered this feature, breaking the dosage into several capsules per day. The drug should enter the body only at the time of food intake, eating on an empty stomach will cause instant breakdown of the intestine.
A Decent Proposal
The most popular brand in our market, representing a complex for solving joint problems is Ultimate Nutrition Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM. The instruction for the preparation is written outside on the label, which is very convenient for the buyer. The product of the famous American manufacturer of sports nutrition is known in the Russian market for decades, and for all time the brand has not allowed anyone to doubt the quality of its products.
This complex is positioned on the world market not as a medicinal product for the treatment of damaged joints, but as a preventive agent that must be taken in the spring and autumn to support the body during the vitamin deficiency. A pleasant addition to this complex is the presence of an ingredient called magnesium stearate, which can reduce muscle spasms, which is very important among professional athletes.
A serious approach to solving problems with joint pain
But the elimination of pain in joints and joints can take on the best vitamin complex in the world from the company Universal Nutrition called Animal Flex. It contains a lot of vitamins, minerals and special components for restoring the joint structure, including amino acids, gelatin, protein, glucosamine, chondroitin. Reviews on this product among professional athletes are only positive.
However, many newcomers who choose to give their preference to the market leader, will upset the amount of the portion that must be taken daily at a time. A lot of small and large capsules of different colors can cause a negative. Upset the buyer and the price (2500-3000 rubles).
Steps in the right direction
And if the buyer is interested in a good complex, which has the necessary components for the ligaments and joints (glucosamine, chondroitin), the price of which will be attractive enough, then you should pay attention to the brands SAN, Optimum Nutrition and Doctors BEST. The products of the listed manufacturers have the correct dosage of all components and are in no way inferior to market leaders in quality.
If the buyer is interested not in the complex, but in some one component, he will easily find a one-component preparation on the market for the elimination of pain in the joints. However, many doctors do not recommend this. It is believed that all components of the complex are interrelated and ineffective without each other, including glucosamine / chondroitin. The instruction in some complexes has references to scientific works in the field of physiology, proving the effectiveness of taking the drug.
About free cheese
In the market of sports nutrition and in pharmacies you can find cheap drugs, which are positioned as a means for the treatment of joint pains containing glucosamine / chondroitin. Instruction in them as such is absent, and the composition indicated in micromoles, is questionable. In most cases, manufacturers that offer such a product are unknown in the sports world, and there is nothing in the media about them. Nutrition professionals and health professionals recommend that you refuse such purchases, because human health has a higher value than savings.
Alternative to a specialized complex
It is clear that the notorious complex has an alternative. In our country for many decades people with the help of traditional medicine solved problems with joints without complex Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM. How to take gelatin for the treatment of joints, know all the grandparents in the vastness of Russia. After all, it is this inexpensive powder for creating delicious jelly recommended by doctors to eliminate pain in the joints, ligaments and tendons.
A more expensive option in the form of consuming a cold also takes place in folk medicine. It's pretty simple. The chill is boiled on cartilage, which in its composition has ready-made components compatible with the human body: glucosamine, chondroitin. Comments of many athletes recommend paying attention to collagen, which is sold in pharmacies and baby food stores. This type of protein helps with dystrophy, forcing the children's body to build bones and joints faster. Naturally, he is able to solve problems and with aching joints.
The presence of a huge number of drugs on the market creates many problems for a potential buyer in choosing. Do not think that sports nutrition is a placebo, because in fact this market provides many athletes with very good natural products of absolute quality. If this explanation is not enough and you want to buy the drug in the pharmacy, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition of the complex before purchasing, which contains important components - glucosamine, chondroitin. The price of such purchases when choosing should be in the last place, otherwise the whole life can go to treatment.
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