Health, Medicine
Analyzes for IVF: list, expiration date
One way to find the desired baby is IVF. This is a rather complex method of conceiving a child.
Therefore, before you go to it, you need to do a survey. They include the delivery of tests. These studies will be an indicator of the health of women. Since the upcoming event requires a healthy body, the number of studies is quite large.
You should also be aware of the timing during which the IVF tests work.
Since a deep examination of the female body is necessary, then there are mandatory procedures. And also if there are any pathologies, there are recommended tests for IVF. They need to be handed over for more accurate diagnosis of a disease or deviation from the norm. You should know that ECO gives a pretty serious load on the body. Therefore, it is better at the preparatory stage to identify all possible risks and be ready for any complications or to refuse the procedure.
Analyzes for IVF need to take not only a woman, but a man. After getting acquainted with the couple and studying the previously done examination, the doctor prescribes the necessary procedures for both the man and the woman. You should be aware that there is a certain period when the IVF tests are valid. The suitability of each can vary. Therefore, when planning this event, it is worth remembering this.
Research for two
The list of analyzes for IVF for two partners:
- Blood test for AIDS, syphilis, HbsAg, HCV and herpes. These results are valid for 3 months.
- Microscopy of genital organs. Valid for one month.
- Examination for the presence in the body of infections such as chlamydia, herpes, ureaplasma, mycoplasma. The results of this survey are valid for 1 year.
- Also, the doctor will ask you to provide a survey of the pair that they used to go through earlier.
For a man
List of tests for IVF, which the husband must pass:
- First of all, he needs to pass a spermogram with morphology and a MAR-test. There are certain recommendations that must be observed before the study. A man before giving a spermogram should abstain from sexual activity. The minimum period is 2 days, and the maximum - 7. One week before the test, you need to abandon the sauna, sauna and drinking alcoholic beverages.
- If it is necessary according to the testimony, the doctor appoints to undergo an andrologist consultation.
- Karyotype. Also appointed according to the patient's indications.
For the wife
Analyzes for IVF, which the wife must pass:
- Blood test for the determination of the Rh factor and blood group of the patient.
- General blood analysis. This result will be valid for one month.
- Analysis of biochemistry. It is necessary to determine the level of blood protein, urea, creatinine, bilirubin, AST and sugar. This test must be taken on an empty stomach. Its results are valid for one month.
- Coagulogram. Validity period is one month.
- General urine analysis. It is valid for one month.
- Cytological examination of cervical smears of a woman. The results are valid for one month.
- Analyzed before IVF for antibodies to such a disease as rubella. The validity period is one month.
- A blood test for testosterone and prolactin, as well as a number of other indicators that can be determined on the appointed days of the menstrual cycle, namely the second-fifth day.
- If the patient has not done a fluorography for more than a year, then it must be passed.
- It is necessary to visit the therapist in order for him to have an examination and give permission to bear pregnancy.
- You should do an ECG. Validity period is one year.
- Women, whose age is under 35, you need to make an ultrasound of the mammary glands. And those who are older than this age should undergo a mammogram. Its results are valid for one year.
Additional examinations of the female body
There is also a list of tests for IVF, which can assign a woman to her testimony. Their passage is not mandatory. But it is recommended to implement them. Since IVF is a serious burden on the woman's body. This is due to hormonal stimulation of the body. This procedure can cause complications in the female body. Especially if at the time of it there are failures of any systems. Therefore, it is better to be thoroughly screened, and then decide on the conduct of IVF. Below is a list of procedures that a doctor can prescribe in addition:
- Visit to a geneticist, karyotyping.
- Hysteroscopy.
- Laparoscopy.
- Examination of the uterus.
- Examination of the fallopian tubes.
- A study of the female body on the presence of antibodies such as antispermal and antiphospholipid.
- Also, a doctor can give a referral to a narrow specialist if the woman has a testimony. This must be done to confirm or refute a diagnosis.
Now there is a fairly large number of medical centers that deal with IVF. Before contacting an institution, you should look at its rating and read customer reviews. It is better, if someone from friends turned to this clinic and can tell impressions, based on their experience. Also, the results of the survey should compare the risks associated with complications that the procedure may cause.
Since there are cases when a couple really wants to have a child and turns a blind eye to the possible consequences of IVF for a woman's body. Nevertheless, there is a possibility that after the procedure the existing diseases will worsen. Or there will be new ones. Pregnancy in itself is a test for the body. And ECO because of hormonal stimulation is a double threat. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account all the factors of women's health, ranging from age to the results of the survey.
Now you know what tests you need to take for IVF. We also indicated the validity of the results of a particular study. We hope that the information in this article was helpful to you.
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