Health, Medicine
If there are greens on the body, do not self-medicate!
Usually, greens are detected by chance, when they already have noticeable dimensions. It happens precisely because of their peculiarities, because the lipoma usually does not cause any special inconveniences - the body fat on the body appears imperceptibly, it is hidden under the skin, does not hurt or inflames. Of course, there are exceptions when the neoplasm hurts and pulls even at the initial stage of development, but this is only observed when nerve endings are included in the tumor structure itself.
Usually, adipes on the body cause a desire to remove them in some quick way, and without going to the doctor, but attempts to pierce and squeeze out the lipoma can only lead to infection of the tissues. Compresses, rubs, attempts to steam out and some other way to eliminate the problem do not bring results, and that's why. In fact, lipoma is a mild formation, often enclosed in a cystic capsule. If you try to move the lipoma under the skin, you can understand that it moves with a small amplitude. Body fat does not cause a fever, is not accompanied by redness or some extreme symptoms that would make you immediately seek medical advice, which is what constitutes their danger.
If the lipoma is located on a small spot, on the scalp or where it can be covered with clothing, then it can be worn for years. It is not known exactly why the adipose appears, it is customary to blame the notorious "slagging of the body", blockage of sebaceous ducts, solar radiation, ecology and malnutrition. However, in fact, lipoma can appear almost anywhere, this is a benign education, much less problematic than moles. However, adipes on the body can suddenly start to increase, and eventually cause some inconvenience. In addition to unaesthetic appearance, a large lipoma tightens the skin and in rare cases can be transformed into a malignant tumor.
If someone tells you that the lipoma was cured by a poultice from certain medicinal plants, then there are only two versions of the truth: either it was not a lipoma or a traditional medicine just temporarily softened the neoplasm, and it seemed to the person that the wen became lost. Remove body fat on the body can only be a surgical method, for this it is absolutely not necessary to make a large incision. Usually, a small incision is sufficient, through which all the tissues of the lipoma are removed and the inner surface of the capsule of the former lipoma is scraped clean. After such a procedure, there remains a scar on the spot of the cosmetic suture.
Elimination of a normal medium-sized lipoma takes only about an hour, taking into account a small observation after the procedure, such an operation is performed under local anesthesia, and soon the patient can go home. However, do not be frightened when you are sent to the oncology department: according to the rules adopted in our healthcare system, it is better to remove any neoplasms in oncology units, and the removed tissues must be sent for biopsy. This makes it possible to exclude the possibility of malignancy of the removed tumor.
Despite the simplicity of the described procedure, after removing the lipoma, it is better to follow certain rules: to exclude alcoholic beverages, not to go under the direct rays of the sun, just to spend a quiet evening. Wen under the skin - this is just an unpleasant phenomenon, from which a qualified doctor will save you in just a few minutes, especially if you do not wait until the lipoma grows to a critical size. Be healthy and beautiful, it is not difficult to remove weners, the main thing is to call a doctor in time!
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