
The main signs of drug substance use

Drug dependence is an urgent problem of modern society. Chemical addiction develops very quickly, especially in children, and even the most effective propaganda directed against the use of narcotic drugs can not have 100% effectiveness. In order to protect their loved ones from this problem and be able to help them in time, it is important to know the signs of using narcotic substances.


Even someone who does not have enough information about how a person who uses drugs looks and behaves can notice changes in the behavior of a person who is under the influence of drugs.

External signs of drug use differ little from the symptoms of alcohol intoxication: a person can not control the coordination of movements, experiencing hyperactivity or, on the contrary, stupor.

But unlike the consequences of drinking alcohol-containing drinks, a person who has taken drugs will not have such a characteristic sign of intoxication as a specific smell.


In the external signs of the use of narcotic substances is mainly the emotional aspect of behavior. The severity of this sign depends on which particular drug was taken, but the fact that the behavior of the person who took the drug is different from his usual behavior is important.

From the usual emotionality of a person who is under the influence of narcotic drugs, distinguishes illogical actions. That is, his reaction to these or other events can be objectively abnormal, do not correspond to specific circumstances.

For example, signs of the use of narcotic substances can include strong laughter in inappropriate circumstances, a violent reaction and so on. It is noteworthy that a change in moods and states occurs very quickly, laughter can change tears, then without indefinite reasons, indifference arises.

Physical activity

Drug use changes the daily routine and the level of motor activity of a person. Different substances and preparations have different effects on the body, but, as a rule, most of the drugs cause hyperactivity.

This can be expressed in a person's desire to remain in motion all the time. The violation of coordination leads to the fact that the movements become fussy. He can move continuously without feeling any fatigue, but the waste of energy will cause him hunger and thirst. A drug addict can repeat the same actions until the effect of the narcotic substance stops: he can walk in a circle, run, dance and so on. It is important that any of his actions will be objectively aimless, although the addict may seem that his actions are logical and consistent.


Signs of drinking alcohol and drugs always include changing the attitude of a person to his external appearance and, as a consequence, appearance. Drug addicts rarely follow themselves, so they can be distinguished by untidy clothes.

The negative impact of the chemical composition of drugs affects not only health, but also the appearance of a person. The skin of addicts is usually pale, and with a long period of use of drugs, it becomes waxy yellow. The addicts violate the regenerative capacity of tissues, so even the slightest scratch on the skin leads to inflammation.

In addition to the skin, drug addicts have bad hair and teeth. Of course, these symptoms are not specific and with equal probabilities may be signs of using narcotic substances or various serious diseases. Nevertheless, together with the remaining signs, one can recognize the pathological condition.

Symptoms of drug addiction in adolescents

The most vulnerable in the issue of drug confrontation are teenagers. The child organism quickly undergoes addiction, so it is important for parents to know how to recognize the alarm signals that the child is taking drugs.

There is an opinion that the main sign of danger is the connection of a teenager with bad companies. But the circle of his communication a teenager can easily hide, but there is no interest in using substances. Therefore, the signs of drug use among adolescents, first of all, consist in the increased interest of the child to medicines, pharmacology, home medicine chest. A child may seek to take drugs for any reason, experimenting with them, trying to use a higher dosage or combining two different medications.

The second sign is a sudden and abrupt change in the child's behavior. In children, hyperactivity against drug use is more pronounced than in adults, so if a child becomes irritable, restless, receives numerous complaints from teachers and others, it is necessary to check whether the juvenile keeps the medicines, syringes and other items.

Also, the following signs of drug use in adolescents should be considered:

  • Loss of interest in previous hobbies;
  • irresponsibility;
  • Stealing money or valuables.

Substances and reaction

Each narcotic substance is different in its effect, therefore, the symptoms of drug use will differ.

  1. The use of cannabis can be recognized by strong thirst and hunger. Human movements become sharp, impetuous, he feels the desire to constantly remain in motion. At the same time his speech is stretched, unhurried.
  2. Opiates for the first two uses cause a feeling of relaxation and euphoria, a person looks peaceful, it is possible to determine that he used opiate, only by the narrowed pupil, even in a dark room. But with the subsequent administration of the substance, dependence develops very quickly, so it is difficult for a person to achieve the feeling of bliss that he experienced during the first use of opiates. He becomes drowsy and sluggish, while he himself can not reflect this state: for example, he can fall asleep in the middle of the conversation, then wake up and continue the conversation as if nothing had happened.
    External signs of the use of narcotic substances of the opiate group: pale skin and red swollen lips.
  3. Cocaine is a substance that stimulates the activity of the central nervous system, so the person who used the drug looks very active, he does not feel tired, at the time of the drug's performance, it can be colossal. But stimulation of the central nervous system leads to anxiety, nervousness, sweating. Shortness of breath and increased blood pressure are observed after a cocaine use.
  4. Reception of hallucinogens is easier to recognize, since a person completely loses control after taking medications that cause hallucinations. Hallucinations can be visual, auditory or even olfactory, but in any case a violation of coordination of movements and constriction of the pupils is observed in a person.
  5. Psychostimulants - the most dangerous type of drugs, because under their influence, a person tends to suicide. At the same time the addict is aggressive and wary, sometimes under the influence of some types of drugs can experience a strong sexual arousal. Under the influence of psychostimulants, a drug addict is never sluggish, on the contrary, he is active, active, talkative.

Symptoms of "breaking"

"Break" - the state of the drug addict in the interval between the doses of the next dose. If a person first uses a drug in order to experience pleasure, then the dose of the substance is necessary to him in order not to experience strong physical discomfort. The drug received does not cause pleasure for the addict, but the sense of relief from removing signs of withdrawal causes him to seek a dose and use the drug again and again.

Signs of the use of narcotic substances in an adult experiencing a breakdown begin with a feeling of anxiety, insomnia, anxiety. A few hours after this, there are severe pain, stiffness of the muscles, a semi-unconscious condition.

This condition is really very painful for a person, the brain requires a new dosage of the substance, and the only way to quickly relieve this condition is to take the drug.

What to do when breaking a drug addict?

First of all, you need to understand that breaking the addict is not fatal. And even though the addict really experiences very painful feelings, he often exaggerates the strength of his bodily suffering in order to get the dose he needs.

Treatment of addiction

Regardless of what signs of drug use have been found, it is necessary to make efforts to get a person to see a narcologist. To influence an adult is incomparably more difficult than for a child, but a person close to a drug addict can help him motivate himself to return to normal normal life without dependence on drugs. It is also important to limit the access of a drug addict to any drugs that can replace a drug, and to contacts with people who are able to give a drug addict a new dose of a drug.

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