
Than to treat dying wounds at the child?

A dying wound in itself does not pose a danger to the body. If you provide the correct treatment, the ailment will soon pass. But lack of proper attention can lead to a serious infection. Before treating wetting wounds, it's worth to find out why they formed. If it is a trauma or a burn, unnecessary questions do not arise. But dermatitis requires a more serious approach.

Treatment of a wet wound at the initial stage

At the stage of inflammation, it is important not only to properly treat the wound, but also to ensure the outflow of fluid. If the wound is deep enough, you will have to take antibiotics to avoid bacterial contamination. For the treatment of trauma water-soluble ointments are used. Excellent indicators have such drugs as "Levomekol", "Levosin". They quickly relieve inflammation, have analgesic effect.

You can not use any medication without a doctor's recommendation. Very often, in all traumas, Vishnevsky's ointment is used . But with soaking wounds, such a remedy will only exacerbate the situation. There will be no outflow of liquid, it will accumulate, bacteria will multiply. An ointment of this kind is suitable only for purulent wounds. In any case, than to treat the sinking wounds, should prompt a qualified specialist.

How correctly to do a dressing?

When working with socking wounds, full sterility should be observed. Initially, you should wash your hands and treat them with an antiseptic. Change the bandage is recommended at least once a day. At the initial stages, the bandaging is done as the bandage gets wet. Treat the wound with any disinfectant. Excellent solution of potassium permanganate. In addition, any means that enhances blood circulation can be used.

After treatment, a water-soluble anti-inflammatory ointment is applied to the wound. Do this with extreme caution, without giving pain to the patient. With heavy soaking wounds, you can use a special "Biaten" sponge containing silver ions. Its material helps to heal any wound. In addition, the sponge does not have a sticky edge, so it does not cause unpleasant sensations.

How to treat a wetting burn?

To ensure that after a thermal injury the skin is restored faster, it is necessary to organize the care of the patient correctly. How to treat wet wounds after a burn in a child and an adult? First of all, you need to buy a sterile bandage. A loose dressing will allow the wound to breathe, which means that the outflow of fluid will soon cease. With second and third degree burns, special ointments with antibacterial effect are used. If the wound is large enough, the therapy is performed in a hospital.

Before treating wet wounds on the legs, it is worth completely getting rid of shoes and clothes. Therapy at home can be done in an open way, without imposing a sterile bandage. But for this, the patient needs to provide bed rest, regularly air the room, and limit physical activity. It is worth noting that with the open method, burn wounds are dried much faster. But to ensure complete sterility in the room can not all.

If the correct approach to treatment is ensured, the wetting burn heals in just a week. Therapy of deep lesions is performed exclusively in a hospital.

Wounding wound in a baby

Malnutrition of the mother or poor hygiene often leads to the development of dermatitis in the infant. In most cases, this is a simple rash on the buttocks or the face of the baby. However, untimely medical care leads to the appearance of wet wounds. If such trouble is observed on the buttocks, in the first place it is necessary to rid the child of the diaper and ensure a thorough hygiene. Do not allow urine or feces to enter the affected area.

Very quickly, a baby's weeping wound can be cured. Than to treat, the qualified pediatrician will prompt. Such ointments as "Bepanten" and "Disetin" are popular. They only dry up any wound for a few days. The child's body has excellent regenerative abilities. If positive results of treatment are not observed for several days, it is worth asking for additional advice to a specialist.

Wounding wounds in a pet

Street animals often return home with various injuries. A good owner will certainly pay attention to this trouble and turn to a good veterinary clinic. What if a wetting wound in a cat showed up? Than to treat a disease? First of all, it is necessary to find out the cause of the ailment. If this is a common injury, it is worth treating the wound with an antiseptic and applying a bandage to ensure sterility. It is advisable to leave the animal on the street for several days .

Often wetting wounds in animals are the cause of malnutrition. The pet has allergic rashes and itching. A dog or cat combs the skin until a wet wound occurs. All you need to do to the master is to revise the diet of the pet, do not feed it with "human" dishes, and cure the wound already formed by the previous method.

Let's turn to folk medicine

Before treating wetting wounds at home, it is worth to consult a doctor. It is possible that the expert himself will propose in combination with medicines to use medicinal herbs. With burns and deep injuries, such gifts of nature as fresh potatoes, onions, carrots have a positive effect. These products are rubbed on a fine grater and in a raw form applied to the wound.

Than to treat dying wounds still? Many useful properties have olive oil. This natural substance is treated not only by wetting wounds, but also by dry eczema. The gifts of the olive tree promote rapid healing, provide an antibacterial effect. Acquire oil preferably in the pharmacy.

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