
When you bite a snake what to do? First aid with a snake bite

Snakes are the most peculiar creatures on the planet. They impress the imagination of a person with their appearance, the original mode of movement. This causes a person's increased interest in this species. Studying snakes, we must not forget that many of their species are poisonous. What to do with a snake bite and how to provide first aid, read in the article.

Venom snake

Some reptiles of this species have parotid glands secreting poison. With the help of ducts, they connect through the canals to the two upper teeth. When a snake bites a person, the poison enters the bloodstream and causes severe poisoning, often leading to death. The question arises, when you bite a snake what to do? Immediately provide first aid. But killing snakes is not necessary, because they are the source of the poison necessary for the manufacture of medicines.

The degree of venom poisoning primarily depends on its dose, concentration and location of penetration. Therefore, the consequences are different. Of great importance is the age of a person and the state of his health. The most dangerous are bites in the head and trunk areas. If the poison comes into the blood vessel when it bites, a person can die in five to ten minutes. Venom adder, for example, is twice as dangerous for intramuscular exposure than for subcutaneous. What should you do with a snake bite? Urgent, without losing a minute, to provide first aid. How to do this, read the article.

When can a snake bite?

For example, an adder. The snake does not take any active steps to attack. This happens when a person steps on it, tries to touch it or accidentally gets into its nest. In this case, her attack has an excuse: it defends its territory. To avoid the bite of a viper, one must be extremely careful in its habitats.

The snake is deaf, but it perfectly feels the slightest vibration of the earth, over which man walks. She will not come near, but just crawl away. The greatest chance to meet a viper in a mushroom time. That this does not happen, you need to take any stick and tap it on the ground in front of you.

Symptoms of poisoning with poison

  • Traces of a bite are noticeable - two wounds, having a triangular shape.
  • There is pain and a burning sensation.
  • Redness of the tissues around the bite.
  • Swelling that spreads quickly.

  • Hemorrhages.
  • Weakness in the whole body.
  • My head is spinning.
  • There is pallor of the skin, nausea and vomiting with blood.
  • Body temperature rises to forty degrees.

Signs of severe poisoning

When poisoning in severe form, bleeding spots spread out beyond the site of the bite. The affected area of the body acquires a purplish-cyanotic color, and the skin is covered with blisters filled with bloody, turbid liquid. Often, the condition of the victim is complicated by the occurrence of vein thrombosis, lymphadenitis. This may occur 8-36 hours after the snake bite, when the poison is introduced into the human body. In this case, there is a strong increase in the volume of the affected area. Rankes bleed for a long time, later ulcers and necrosis are formed. What to do when you bite a poisonous snake to avoid negative consequences? First of all, it's right to help and urgently take the victim to the hospital.

What to do with a snake bite?

  • The first aid to the victim must be provided by a person who knows how to do this. Wrong actions can be hurt.
  • It is extremely rare, but it happens that a snake, for example a viper, will grasp tightly and does not want to let go. It must be torn from the skin by force.
  • When the snake bites what to do? As long as the wound has not begun to tighten, you can suck the poison. Only a person in the mouth should not have any sores, otherwise he will poison himself.
  • What to do with a snake bite? First aid is provided to prevent the spread of poison throughout the body, so the victim needs to ensure peace, and not move it from place to place.
  • Apply a compressive bandage to the site of the bite, but do not burn above or below it.

  • What to do with a snake bite, If he fell on the arm or leg? First of all, you need to remove everything that is worn on the limbs. The poison always causes significant swelling, all ornaments and hygiene supplies will interfere with blood circulation, which can lead to gangrene.
  • When you bite a snake what to do? If there is at hand, then drink a pill from an allergy.
  • To quickly remove the poison from the body, the victim needs to provide a copious drink. You should use at least three liters of water or a little sweetened tea. Drink liquid in small sips.

What can not be done?

  • The most dangerous and common mistake in providing first aid to the injured person is the use of a tourniquet, which is placed on the arm or leg. This will not help spread the poison, as it is more aggressive and will still penetrate the body. But the bitten place will suffer. The fact is that the poison provokes such a process as tissue necrosis. If a snake bites a leg or arm, a tourniquet can lead to gangrene.
  • It is inadmissible to incise a wound, it is possible to bring an infection.
  • Do not bite the place of bite. This will not help, since the viper injects its poison deep. Cauterization only once again injures the bite site.
  • Do not take alcohol, it speeds up the action of the poison.
  • Do not waste time chasing the snake.

When you bite a snake what to do? The main thing is to remain calm. Panic does not lead to anything good. If a person gets lost and fear settles in him, you can miss the time. You should know that a viper bite very rarely leads to death, even if the victim did not seek medical help.

It is interesting

  • In nature, there are two thousand six hundred species of various snakes. In most cases, they hunt a moving object. The exception is those snakes that feed on carrion. For example, the snake is egg-eating.
  • Spitting species on detection of danger fall on their backs with their mouths open, pretending to be dead. At the same time from them there is a fetid smell. This is a kind of protection from the attack of predators. They do not like carrion with a bad smell.
  • On the head of a viper, boa constrictor and python there is an organ that instantly reacts to any temperature changes, due to which snakes perfectly hunt at night.

  • The black mamba is considered the fastest snake, the speed of its movement is sixteen kilometers per hour. Color does not match the first word of the name. This snake is gray, green or brown. Black it does not happen.
  • The longest snake on the planet is the python Fuzzy - a resident of the zoo in Ohio. Its length is seven meters thirty-one centimeter. This is the representative of the Guinness Book of Records.
  • In nature there is a herbivorous snake, whose body is covered with thick wool. She lives in Mexico and has long been a pet. Children love to play with it.

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