
Preparation "Estroel": reviews

The drug "Estrovel" is a combined non-medicinal product based on extracts from various herbs, vitamins necessary for the female body, as well as amino acids. The balanced composition of this medication greatly facilitates the symptoms characteristic of climacteric changes. The drug "Estrovel", whose reviews will be discussed in this article, has proved itself well with PMS.

Any deviation in menstrual function, as a rule, is a consequence of changes in the hormonal balance of the female body. The agent "Estroel" thanks to its natural composition naturally helps to normalize the hormonal state of a woman, which largely smoothes the symptomatology of menopause.

The drug "Estrovel", reviews about which women are exceptionally positive, helps to cope not only with unpleasant physical sensations, but also has a beneficial effect on the psychoemotional state. And it is known to be very unstable during the menopause.

Means for Estroel: instructions for use

The drug is most often prescribed when menopausal manifestations have a very serious negative impact on the health of women. It helps to reduce the severity of negative symptoms characteristic of this condition, the drug Estroel. The responses of women who have taken or are currently taking this remedy fully confirm this fact. Also, this drug can be prescribed to women who have undergone gynecological surgery.

Before you start taking Estorel, you should always consult your doctor. Only a specialist will be able to select an individual dosage, depending on the specific case.

Preparation "Estrovel": reviews of doctors

Specialists assign this medication to their patients with the following facts:

  • The drug "Estrovel" perfectly copes with such a vivid symptom of menopause, as hot flashes, reducing the frequency of its appearance and intensity;
  • The drug helps to normalize blood pressure, which is quite unstable during menopause;
  • Active components of the drug help reduce dizziness and intensity of headaches, increase efficiency and normalize the nervous state;
  • It increases the overall tone and sexual activity of a woman.

In addition, the drug "Estrovel" can be prescribed as part of a complex therapy for the treatment of chronic cystitis. This significantly reduces the number of relapses of this unpleasant disease.

Contraindications to admission

The use of the drug "Estrovel" is contraindicated in case of allergy to any component of this drug. Completely prohibited from taking it with phenylketonuria, during pregnancy and lactation. Do not apply the drug "Estroel" in the treatment of children or adolescents.

Side effects of the drug "Estroel"

Reviews of the drug in question do not mention any serious violations on the part of women's health. In fairly rare cases, an allergic reaction is possible, due to individual intolerance to one of the components of the medication. In this case, taking Estrotal should be stopped.

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