
Papillomas. Treatment with folk remedies

Often on the human body, benign tumors are formed in the form of small focal processes. They are papillomas. Treatment of folk remedies of this disease is quite common. It allows you to get rid of such unaesthetic cosmetic defects, the place of localization of which are intimate places, eyelids, chest, neck and armpits.

Papillomas are congenital, sometimes they appear after chronic inflammatory diseases, but most often their origin is viral. It is possible and sexually transmitted infection. The best means of protection here is the proximity to a constant, proven partner, the use of contraception and personal hygiene. Do not get upset if you have a papilloma. Traditional medicine includes a lot of recipes, which help to get rid of it quickly.

One of the effective means of eliminating the papillomavirus infection is the walnut, necessarily green. Collect them before the ripeness begins. Pass the nuts through the meat grinder and fill with the resulting mass of a half-liter jar to the middle. Pour it to the top with purified kerosene and place in a dark place for a period of three weeks. After the required time, the infusion together with the walnut mass strain through cheesecloth, squeeze well and store in a tightly clogged glass container. Apply it point-wise twice a day until all the papillomas completely disappear.

Treatment with folk remedies is particularly effective in the early stages of the appearance of a benign tumor. To prevent it from growing, use a fresh chicken egg. We break it into a cup, and in the remaining protein on the walls we dip the cotton swab and apply it to the affected places.

To completely disappear the papilloma, folk medicine suggests using celandine. It will need its fresh stems, from which it is necessary to squeeze out a little juice. Apply it on the growths with a fleece, and from above attach a patch. Within two days the growth will noticeably decrease in size, and after repeating the procedure it will disappear forever.

Treatment of papillomas with folk remedies can be performed with the help of a healing ointment. Thoroughly grind a large clove of garlic and mix it with a teaspoon of baby cream or Vaseline. Lubricate with ointment all the damaged areas, and for convenience, attach a patch over the top. At the same time, you should take infusion of the following herbs. It will take the root of a dandelion, lemon balm, horsetail, plantain and nettle. A glass of water requires a tablespoon of this mixture. Boil the broth and simmer for ten minutes. Well wrap it and let it cool. Take in the amount of one quarter cup for half an hour before meals for seven days.

If there are papillomas, treatment with folk remedies will help quickly and easily get rid of them. Take the wood mushroom chaga, the turn and grass celandine. Brew this mixture as a tea and let it brew well. The resulting infusion should be frozen and applied daily to problem areas for several minutes. Therapy can also be carried out with the help of fresh potato juice. It has antibacterial properties, treats infectious diseases and stops their development. It is best to use red tubers, wring out juice from them and drink it in the morning and evening before going to bed.

If papillomas form on the head of the penis, the treatment with folk remedies is carried out with the help of pharmacy ammonia. In intimate places, the skin is especially tender, so use a cotton swab and apply the medicine pointwise to prevent a burn. To avoid new formations, daily lubricate all problem areas with castor oil.

It should be noted that treating papillomas with folk remedies will help you get rid of them, but not from a virus that does not heal. At the first opportunity, he will get out in the form of new entities. Therefore, try to maintain immunity in the norm, take vitamins and watch your health.

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