
Treatment of seborrhea of the scalp - modern solutions and folk remedies.

Seborrhea - a disease that is the result of a violation of the sebaceous glands. This infection affects the scalp, face and body, being not only an unpleasant cosmetic defect, but also a cause of serious medical problems such as baldness. Seborrhea can have a depressing or, on the contrary, stimulating effect on the sebaceous glands . The consequence of the infection is dandruff, acne, comedones. Treatment of seborrhea of the scalp should not be performed by a cosmetologist, but by a trichologist.

Oily and dry seborrhea have different symptoms. For the first type is characterized by active secretion of secretion by sebaceous glands, so the hair after a couple of days after washing look fat and stuck together. On the skin are formed large flakes of dandruff, there are pustular inflammations. It should be noted that fat hair in itself is not necessarily a symptom of seborrhea. The habit of washing your head often provokes sebum secretion, but it is quite normal.

With dry seborrhea, thinning and brittle hair, small dandruff are noted. Any kind of this disease is accompanied by severe itching.

To provoke the development of seborrhea can be malnutrition, including the abundance of fatty foods, as well as smoking and drinking alcohol. However, the causes of the onset of the disease do not always lie on the surface. After all, seborrhea can occur against the background of stress, problems with the gastrointestinal tract (including constipation), all sorts of genetic disorders, as well as exposure to unfavorable environmental conditions.

Treatment of seborrhea of the scalp is similar in many ways to the treatment of dandruff. Seborrheic dermatitis is also susceptible to shampoos with salicylic acid, zinc pyrithione or ketokinazole. The first are recommended for oily seborrhea, since they effectively reduce sebum production and have a bactericidal effect. The composition of the popular product in Russia "Head & Shoulders" includes, as you know, zinc pyrithione. But in the fight against seborrhea it is not always effective, besides, if you want to get rid of dandruff, then you have to use this shampoo all the time. Another, no less famous, product - "Nizoral" - contains ketoconazole and has an antifungal effect. Unlike "Head & Shoulders", it has a prolonged effect.

According to experts, treatment of seborrhea of the scalp should be carried out in a complex. Means of care (shampoos, balms, sprays) should be combined with a balanced diet, outdoor exercise and sports. This will help to improve the body as a whole, to regulate metabolism, to get rid of stress.

Seborrhea head - herbal treatment

Broths and all sorts of infusions of herbs are used in the treatment of all types of seborrheic dermatitis quite successfully. They relieve itching and irritation, have an anti-inflammatory effect, strengthen the hair.

Tincture of St. John's wort is prepared from vodka and dry grass in a ratio of one to five. The mixture is kept in a dark place and after it acquires a brown shade, it is used for rubbing the scalp and face.

Infusions of sage and chamomile, celandine, nettles, oak bark, used for lotions and rinsing hair.

In the treatment of dry seborrhea, a mask of egg yolk, castor oil, onion juice and honey is very effective. The mixture should be left on the scalp for at least an hour.

Cope with the symptoms of oily seborrhea will help alcoholic infusion of calendula or burdock root. Now both of these funds can be purchased at the pharmacy.

To relieve the itch will help rinsing the hair with a decoction of chamomile or onion husks.

In the Internet you can find a lot of recommendations on how to treat seborrhea of the head and body. But treat them with great caution, as many may well have the opposite effect. For example, products such as burdock oil or castor oil will only enhance the secretion of the sebaceous secret, although they are listed as components of a hair mask for oily seborrhea. Honey, with its individual intolerance, is quite capable of intensifying the itchy skin.

No matter how seductive an independent treatment for seborrhea of the scalp is, it alone will not yield meaningful results. Cope with the problem can only be integrated.

Products based on birch tar are used in the treatment of seborrhea for more than a dozen years. Now the Russian market has a series of "Psorilom", designed to treat all types of seborrheic dermatitis. The line includes shampoo, balm, caring spray, tablets and ointment. Shampoo "Psorilom" contains a whole range of medicinal herbs and has a healing effect on the scalp.

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