
Cholesterol is bad and good - what is it?

Not every person watches the level of cholesterol in his blood. Some do not even know that cholesterol is bad and good. Track the level of this substance begins only one who has already encountered the unpleasant consequences of his rise in blood.

What is cholesterol?

Cholestrin is a fatty substance. It can not be unequivocally said that for an organism this is a poison, because it is a part of cell membranes in the human body. Moreover, the body itself produces most of it, and the rest goes to the blood through food.

For a long time, all the fighters for a healthy lifestyle were on low-cholesterol diets, and then their health deteriorated sharply. So low cholesterol - is it good or bad it? Physicians respond unequivocally that cholesterol is important and necessary for a person. Harmful to the body only its surplus. A large amount of substance contributes to the onset of atherosclerosis and forms dangerous plaques for health. They can cause strokes, heart attacks and brain diseases.

What is cholesterol?

First of all, it should be noted that there is bad and good cholesterol. Bad blood cholesterol forms plaques, the negative effect of which has already been disassembled above. A good one is a very dense substance. It has a positive effect on human health and clears the body of bad cholesterol.

When taking blood for an appropriate check, the doctor in the laboratory first looks at the indicator of atherogenicity. This is when a good, bad cholesterol in the blood is present, and their ratio is revealed. If it is established that anterogennost was violated and falls short of the norm, then the doctor puts the patient predisposed to the development of atherosclerosis.

Ideally, if the patient monitors his health and tracks the correct ratio of bad and good cholesterol in the blood. But, unfortunately, not everyone does it.

Who is affected by problems with cholesterol?

It's no secret that there is a certain group of people who are more likely than others to develop atherosclerosis. Cholesterol is bad and good, more accurately its abnormal ratio, negatively affects human health. Especially it concerns people with a lot of weight.

People with a predisposition to this ailment can also suffer from elevated cholesterol . These are men, whose age is more than 40 years, and women who have already had menopause. Also, the appearance of cholesterol plaques mainly worries those people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, smoke or often consume large quantities of alcoholic beverages.

Doctors strongly recommend that all people who fall into this risk group undergo an annual blood test for anterogenicity. Also, it is worthwhile especially to monitor the level of cholesterol and those men and women who have already transferred the diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The Benefits of Cholesterol

In addition to the fact that cholesterol is the building material of the cells of the body, it can produce bile acids in humans . Only thanks to the bile acids the digestive process is proceeding correctly and without failures.

In addition, cholesterol, when its amount is normal, contributes to the production of female and male sex hormones. Moreover, without it the normal amount of hormones would be in question.

Also with the help of cholesterol in the body, an energy reserve is produced. This reserve has a positive effect on many biological mechanisms within a person.

Therefore, cholesterol, bad and good, is a necessary substance that must be present in the body. Ignore it in no case it is impossible, as it is not recommended to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Cholesterol in the blood

So, above was disassembled what cholesterol is, and a risk group is defined. Now you need to understand when the right ratio is good and bad cholesterol. Norm, according to generally accepted concepts, is set at the level:

  • Total cholesterol - 5 mmol / l;
  • The bad at the same time should not exceed the mark of 3 mmol / l;
  • Good should be not less than 1.5 mmol / l.

By the way, bad cholesterol is also important for the human body, and it is not necessary to exclude foods with its content from the diet. This substance positively affects the state of the immune system of the human body. Without it, a person will often get sick, and immunity can not cope even with the simplest bacteria.

Which foods contain bad and good cholesterol

A person who decided to take care of his health immediately raises the question of how to raise good cholesterol and lower the bad?

In fact, the level of this substance is easier to lower than increase. In order for good cholesterol to be normal, and its concentration in the blood does not decrease, it is necessary to regularly eat sea fish, nuts, fruits (especially apples). Also excellent raise good cholesterol and olives, as well as soy. You can supplement your diet with other foods, for example, containing fiber and pectin. They cleanse the body of excess bad cholesterol.

To lower bad cholesterol, nutritionists recommend to exclude from their diet or use with caution the following foods:

  • brain;
  • Yolk of eggs;
  • Eggs of chicken;
  • Kidney;
  • liver;
  • Fatty fish;
  • Fatty dairy products.

Of course, they are all useful for the body, however, when they are abused, cholesterol will rise and, above all, bad.

Unsaturated fatty acids against cholesterol plaques

Nutritionists strongly recommend the use of unsaturated fatty acids for people who have found themselves deviant good and bad cholesterol. What it is? These are acids that are found in high amounts in products with high caloric value, but of vegetable origin.

A huge amount of unsaturated fatty acids are found in almonds, peanuts, oranges and mustard oil. These products are excellent in reducing cholesterol levels, as well as dispersing already formed plaques.

However, it must be remembered that everywhere a measure is needed. Almost all of these products have a huge calorie content. With increased use, you can earn obesity.

How to lower cholesterol

People, the analysis of which showed a very high level of cholesterol, you need to know how to lower it. Of course, adjustments to nutrition will be made by a doctor, but in addition you can help yourself.

In order to sharply reduce cholesterol, it is important to reduce the amount of animal food consumed, as well as increase the proportion of plant products in your diet. It is necessary to eat more fruits that contain fiber (citrus and apples).

It is also necessary to introduce into your life and play sports. It does not have to be an active workout. Enough light walking or jogging. By the way, cardio helps also to strengthen the vessels and the heart muscle.

If after three months the level of cholesterol remains high, then a person should consult a doctor and ask to understand the cause. Most likely, the doctor will prescribe medication to the patient.

After that, you need to monitor cholesterol once a year. To do this, it is enough to take a blood test for atherogenicity.

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