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What is the fruit of peas? Where is the fruit of peas used?
What is the fruit of peas? Pod. This is the answer you can hear often enough. However, this judgment is erroneous. Why? Let's figure it out.
Dry fruits
Fruits are a modification of flowers. On the basis of the features of the structure of the pericarp, they are dry and juicy. Each of these groups is distinguished by a wide type diversity. What fruit does pea have: a pod, a string, a bean, a box, a seed? It is easy to find out by studying the features of the internal structure.
What a fruit in peas: the answer is simple
All layers of the pericarp of this type are dry, sometimes fused together or lignified. At the grain of rye and wheat, the leather cover fuses with the inner contents, in contrast to the achene, in which it is quite freely attached, as in sunflower. Capsule is a multi-seed fetus that opens with a lid, denticles or longitudinal slits.
Beans consist of two leaves. And when they open, the seeds are evenly distributed and remain on them. And they keep the pod on the longitudinal partition.
What is the fruit of peas? Of course, Bob. Now the answer is absolutely correct.
Bob is often confused with a pod, because outwardly these two types of fruits are practically the same. But with the opening of the flaps, which are fastened at the edges, the seeds are distributed differently. For legumes they remain in the nests and are located along a single line. The fruit itself is usually oblong or curved. When drying, their leaves themselves open and the seeds fall out. They can be observed in beans, soybeans or a cocoa tree.
A non-standard bean from peanuts. They are not closing and are formed under the ground. In each of them there are four seeds.
The name of the fetus determines the name of one of the family of angiosperms, dicotyledons - legumes. Therefore, what kind of fruit in peas, clover is easy to determine. Representatives of this systematic unit are found everywhere: from deserts to damp equatorial forests.
This family has one more name - butterflies. The fact is that the flower of a wiki, ranks or other representatives really resembles a small butterfly with folded wings.
What fruit in peas and beans, can also be determined by their seeds, through which these crops are called leguminous.
Beneficial features
Pea seeds are a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. The protein content is often compared to meat, which contains several essential amino acids. This means that they are not synthesized in the human body, but enter it only together with food products. Therefore, we often recall the fruit of peas and other legumes during the preparation of salads, snacks and seasonings.
And such dishes will not only be tasty, but also useful. After all, the content of ascorbic acid, fiber, vitamins, it is not inferior to other foods. With its help, you can also enrich the body with phosphorus, potassium and iron.
A raw fresh product is especially useful. It is recommended as a diuretic with a deficiency of vitamin A, when it is necessary to lower cholesterol in the blood. Peas are used for peptic ulcer in the form of mashed potatoes. Since it does not contain harmful cholesterol, it is useful for strengthening the muscle fibers of the heart. This is the first product to prevent the development of cancerous tumors.
Cosmetology is another unexpected area of use of pea beans. Flour from such a product is a wonderful inexpensive scrub for the face and body. Moreover, it can be manufactured independently at home.
But always it is worth remembering: everything is good in moderation. To avoid bloating or excessive intestinal peristalsis, nutritionists recommend to thoroughly rinse peas in cold water before boiling or add a little fresh dill to the pan. The listed symptoms will not appear if after drinking dishes from peas to limit water. Scientists also came to a common opinion regarding the fact that canned peas are not as useful as heat-treated peas.
Growth conditions
Growing peas is not only simple, but also profitable. This one-year culture is unpretentious to the type of soil, temperature regime and climate. The best time for sowing is early spring, when the land is still wet. Way of planting - uncut. Seeds are soaked in a moist environment until germination, and then planted in prepared wells.
In addition, on the roots of legumes are very useful organisms - nodule bacteria. Fixing atmospheric nitrogen, they convert it into chemical compounds available to plants. This is the process of enriching the soil. This valuable property has long been used by agronomists in the formation of crop rotation before planting many grain and vegetable crops.
Sometimes legumes are called green fertilizer. Digging their shoots, a man enriches the soil with valuable organic substances. Fodder crops are important , from which silage and hay are harvested.
Every botanist knows what kind of a pea seed is. It affects this plant and a variety of varieties, each of which has its own purpose. So, shelling species go for the preparation of all known canned peas. On the inside, its valves are covered with a special parchment layer, so they are inedible. But sugar peas have no such substance. Therefore, in food you can consume whole beans with seeds and pericarp.
Of course, this plant is so diverse that it is simply impossible to list all its varieties. Here are just the most popular examples. Of the table varieties suitable for addition to soups and the basis for garnishes, the ripening pea of Alexander and the late Middle Rising are most often cultivated. The shortest period of maturation is 50 days from the moment of seed sowing. These species are low, the beans mature almost simultaneously and are resistant to diseases. If you want to get canned peas of your own production, it is better to take seeds of the variety Viola and Premium. They are high-yielding, medium and early maturing. There is another option - universal varieties, which are suitable for eating in any convenient way. Resistant to lodging shelling peas Vega will be for this quite a suitable option.
The height of the plant varies from 60 to 80 cm, and the length of the bean can reach at times 8 cm. Buying seeds of peas, pay attention to the maturity. Late cultivars may be suitable for use 90 days after emergence. Since the crop of this plant is always friendly, the most beneficial is planting several varieties of peas with different characteristics at once. So you will be provided with a fresh harvest for a long time.
A bit of history
What a fruit in peas, in ancient times, most likely, no one thought. And the story of his popularity and recognition among people is not as tragic as that of potatoes. However, this did not prevent him from taking the leading place on every table and in folklore. "With the king of peas" - and now they are talking about immemorial years. In Russia and Europe, it was imported from the Mediterranean and India. And in the culinary books of our fellow countrymen, mention of peas appeared in the 16th century. Especially popular dishes from it were during the fast.
Their demand for the fruits of peas, beans, preserved to this day. Puree, soups, patties, cutlets, garnishes ... These daily delicious and healthy dishes and now we cook with great pleasure. If you consider them not quite original, you can try Greek pea bread or tortillas with garlic-pea filling. And even without a favorite salad "Olivier" can not do any meeting of the New Year. Here he is - a wonderful and useful miracle-Bob!
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