EducationSecondary education and schools

Extra-curricular event on literature. Scenario extra-curricular activities on literature

Extra-curricular event on literature is a powerful tool in the teacher's hands. The joint activity of teachers and children contributes to the personal development of students. Extracurricular event in Russian literature not only reveals the basic knowledge of the student on the subject, but also helps him develop, socialize, instills a sense of upbringing. The teacher of literature, leading an extra-curricular educational process, improves the students' natural ability to see in the world of books something more than just text. Extra-curricular activities in literature instill in students aesthetic taste, educates their humanity and shows a model of moral ideals.

What you should pay attention to?

Development of extracurricular activities in literature begins with the selection of methods and forms of its conduct. The teacher should always remember that most modern children are reluctant to sit on the main lessons. To conduct the lesson, it is worth choosing the material that will be of great interest to the children. Conduct an extra-curricular event on Russian literature is better in the form of a conversation. Excellent quizzes are also suitable, in which students can show their knowledge.

It is better to warn the children about the event in advance. You can pre-distribute assignments and report that the most active students are waiting for rewards.

Scenario extra-curricular activities on literature. The work "In Bad Society"

Target orientation of the event:

  1. A review of the images of all the characters, the principles of their formation.
  2. Teaching children expressive reading, the ability to analyze the text read, highlight the main content, distinguish between morality and values, instilling a sense of beauty.
  3. Formation of positive orientations in the knowledge of the significance of Russian literature.

Expected results:

  • Knowledge of the text and its content;
  • Perception and analysis of the reading;
  • The ability to highlight the topic, the idea of the text;
  • The definition of problematic and culminating aspects of the work;
  • The ability to assess the actions of the hero.

The first stage of the lesson

The teacher welcomes students, talks about goals, objectives, and topics of the event. The teacher's speech can be as follows:

"Hello guys. Many know that the world of literature is an ocean into which you can dive, you can find something valuable. So every writer tries to make something unique in the history of literature, but very important. Today we will talk about such a great writer as Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko, and his work "In Bad Society."

The goal of the lesson is to be able to recognize the greatest gift in a person's life-a sensitive heart capable of compassion. The main task is to understand the changes in the heart of the main character and extract moral lessons from the story.

Conducted extra-curricular event on literature will not only be cognitive, but will teach everyone to show mercy and kindness.

The theme of the event is "Communion of the son of the city judge Vasya with the common children Marusya and Valak". It will be possible to study the nuances of children's behavior in different life conditions.

The second stage of the lesson

The teacher checks the knowledge of the text given for reading at home. For this, all children should be divided into two teams. The teacher asks two simple questions.

For the first team:

  1. How did Valek appear before Vasya at the first meeting? (He was thin, in dirty clothes with curly hair).
  2. What are the similarities between Marousi and Sonya? (They are both of the same age, small and beautiful, and their laughter was like the ringing of a bell).

For the second command:

  1. How does the author describe Marusia? (Four-year-old girl, with blond long hair, dirty face and in an old dress, with kind, but frightened eyes).
  2. What did Vasya look like? (A boy with a provocative temper, affable, friendly, kind, well-dressed, sympathetic).

The guys choose the participants who will answer the questions.

Next teacher: "The events that are displayed in the story occurred many years ago. But the author seemed to have looked to us, to the future. Korolenko revealed such problems of the twenty-first century as his ability to be friends, honesty, responsiveness, trust, family relations, compassion, devotion. " The teacher must present the real events that took place at the time when the author wrote the work, based on facts.

The third stage of the lesson

The main problems of the story are discussed.

The teacher asks the first student the question: "How did Vasya react to the fact that his new friend Valek is engaged in stealing?"

Disciple first: "The news that Valek steals food, did not make the best impression on Washuu. He had a heavy sludge on his heart, but he did not condemn his friend. Vasya, after all, later learned that food is needed for the hungry Marousi. "

Teacher: "Did the news about theft affect the relationship between friends?"

The second student: "The news did not bring any negative consequences in the friendship between the guys. Vasya, on the contrary, began to be sensitive to his friends, he had a feeling of compassion. "

Teacher: "What gave Vasya Marusya, that the girl at least a little cheered up during the illness?"

Student three: "Vasya gave the girl a doll of her sister, to whom she was very happy."

Question from the teacher to the whole class: "Children, is it bad that Valek was engaged in stealing food?"

Everyone who wants a child can express his point of view.

The fourth stage of the lesson

Students on the board draw a tablet with two columns. In the first column under the heading "Gray stone" you need to write down all the feelings associated with the stone. In the second column, entitled "The Sensual Heart," you need to write as many qualities as possible of a good person.

Children in the first column can write such feelings as cruelty, hatred, anger, callousness, deception. This includes theft, betrayal, treachery and indifference.

The teacher praises the students for the correct answers and suggests filling out the second column of the table.

Children can come to the conclusion that in the column "Sensual Heart" you need to write such qualities of a person: modesty, honesty, tolerance, truthfulness, real friendship. Here you can add compassion, mercy, love, tenderness.

Filling the table shows that the "Gray Stone" is the personification of the injustice and cruelty of the world of people. A "Sensual Heart" speaks about the deep moral feelings of mankind.

When the extracurricular event on literature is coming to an end, the teacher clarifies what each student has learned from the lesson.

Analysis of extracurricular activities in literature

Teacher: "Today the story of the great Russian writer Vladimir Korolenko" In Bad Society "was considered. At the lesson, an analysis of the characters' images and their behavior was carried out. Is it possible to say that the story is instructive and highly moral? "

Disciple: "The story is really instructive, as it gives a clear understanding that the social situation should not in any way influence the inner core of a person."

Another student: "The work has learned to appreciate friendship and to recognize real friends."

Teacher: "Indeed, this work is worth reading to every child and adult to understand the true values of life. Thank you all for your attention. Literature lesson is over. "


The proposed scenario of extracurricular activities in literature is indicative. Each teacher on the basis of it can make their own unique plan. A lot of knowledge is given by literature. Grade 5 is the time when children learn to express their opinions, defend their position. A non-standard lesson is the best way to reveal students' knowledge.

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