Education, Secondary education and schools
Korolenko, "In Bad Society": essay-reasoning
Reading is not always fun. The book sometimes grieves, makes you think, change your views on life. Therefore, the choice of fiction plays a significant role in the formation of the personality of the adolescent. It is extremely important to instill in the child the ability to sympathize, empathize with others. This extremely important topic was dedicated by Vladimir Korolenko "In Bad Society." The writing on this story will reveal the true meaning of such words as compassion and mercy.
about the author
Before you begin to analyze the work, it is worth saying a few words about the writer Vladimir Korolenko. He was born in the middle of the XIX century, and since he lost his father rather early, he experienced, from personal experience, need and severe deprivation. Complex childhood formed a special worldview. Korolenko reacted with pain to the injustice, which is monstrous in this world. He reflected his experiences in works of art, most of which are devoted to children. One of them called Korolenko "In Bad Society." This writing, however, has another name - "Children of the Underground".
Children of outcasts
This story is devoted to children's friendship, the impoverished life of the poor. Social inequality is a problem that was considered by great writers and thinkers. This topic is rather complicated and ambiguous. But from the unequal rights that adults have established, innocent children suffer. So it was, is and probably will be many more centuries. To soften cruelty can only compassion - a feeling, which Korolenko dedicated "In a bad society." The writing on this topic should begin with the definition of this important moral and moral category.
What is compassion?
What is the idea of Korolenko's work "In Bad Society"? Composition on the story of the children of the dungeon can begin with the interpretation of the polysemantic word "compassion". As already mentioned, this topic was considered by the classics of Russian and foreign literature. It is worth recalling the words of Stefan Zweig. The Austrian writer believed that there are two kinds of compassion. One is a sentimental and faint-hearted feeling. The other is true. The first is nothing but a desire to protect oneself from the sight of someone else's misfortune. The second prompts for action. A person who knows how to truly compassion, is able to do everything in human power, and even above them.
The hero of the novel Korolenko "In a bad society", despite a very young age, shows pure selfless feelings. Vasilissa can really compassion. Extraordinarily mature and noble deeds are performed by the boy from the sentimental story of Korolenko "In Bad Society."
The composition "Marusya and Sonia are two childhoods"
In the story there are two little heroines. They never meet. What do they have in common? Age and absence of mother. Comparison of these two girls plays an important role in the general analysis of this work.
The first one was Sonia, Vasya's sister. She lives in a well-appointed house, she has a caring nurse and a loving father. The second - Marusya - a girl who lives in a cold uncomfortable dungeon. She is also not deprived of her father's love. In addition, she has a brother who is ready to do anything (and more often Valek goes to steal) in order to feed his sister. But the city of Marousi is contemptuous. It is destined destiny, similar to the life of those who are destined to be outcasts not only in a decent society, but even among the same poor as they themselves are. However, this fate passes the girl, because she leaves very early.
Sonya's fate is completely different. Her father is a respected person in the city. That's why the surrounding people treat Sone herself with warm sympathy. On the example of these two images, young readers must comprehend an important moral idea. It is that the various social prejudices present in any society generate cruelty. And especially scary when children suffer from it.
About friendship
After reading the story Korolenko "In Bad Society" the work "My Friend Vasya" is a standard creative task. Children write about what they see as real friendship, and cite as an example of a good boy Vasya. But in the image of this little hero, his warm feelings towards Valya and Marousa, as his desire to help and support representatives of outcasts, are important. After all, before acquaintance with the children from the dungeon Vasu "host" of the abandoned castle favorably invites to visit, but he refuses. He is more attracted to those who were rejected, to those whose existence causes pity and compassion. In this, perhaps, is the main idea of the story of Korolenko "In Bad Society." Writings about Vasya are very often written by children after reading the work.
Writings about Washuu
But if you really dedicate a creative task to such a high topic as friendship, you must first outline the content of the chapter, which shows a significant acquaintance.
Vasya, the son of a city judge, together with his neighbors, decided to take a short excursion one day. The purpose of the trip was an abandoned chapel. All the other facilities in the city have long been and repeatedly examined. And she alone remained an unknown structure. This old, gloomy structure aroused even more horror than curiosity. But what was Vasya's surprise when it turned out that someone was living in this half-ruined building! The boy was the only one who knew about it. He did not say anything to his friends.
Valek and Marousia
In the chapel lived the children of Tyburcy, the leader of the lower strata of the urban population. Vasya almost immediately became friends with Val'k and Marusya. He helped these children, did everything in his power. And most of all brother and sister needed the most necessary for human existence - food. Later Vasya realized that Valek was engaged in theft, and although this discovery was extremely unpleasant for the judge's son, he tried to treat his new friend's way of life with understanding. And after the boy realized that theft for these people is the only way to survive, he even realized that he can not condemn them. This depicts the relationship of children from different social worlds in the work of Korolenko "In Bad Society."
The composition "My Favorite Hero"
One of the most touching and sad chapters in this story is the one in which we are talking about the last days of Marousi's life. Perhaps the events that preceded the death of the girl should be described in detail and analyzed when writing a work about the character of the work of Korolenko - a young hero, but able to compassion in a way that not every adult.
When warm days passed, Marusya began to feel worse and worse. And Vasya thought that the only saving tool for her could be a big bright doll. This expensive toy belonged to Sonia and was a gift to the late mother. After asking the doll for a while with his sister, Vasya took her to a dying girl. And even when the father found out about the loss, the boy did not disclose the secrets about where his friends live. He was unjustly punished, but he kept his word, once given Tyburcy.
Marusya died. Tyburcy came to the judge's house, returned the doll and told about Vasya's kindness and mercy. The judge for many years was ashamed of his son for the cold attitude that he showed in relation to him. My father also felt guilty that Vasya did not meet understanding and love in his home, among close relatives, but found them in the shelter of strangers and distant people from the "bad society".
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