HealthHealthy Eating

Kiwi fruit: useful properties and contraindications

Kiwi, or "Chinese gooseberry", is now known all over the world. But it was widely spread not because of the efforts of the Chinese. James McCloughlin from New Zealand - a port clerk who was left without work during the crisis - decided to learn a new direction for himself - farming. First, his choice fell on the cultivation of lemons, but he realized on time that this culture is not in demand and you need to try something else. At this time in the nearby plantation, Alexander Ellison was engaged in the cultivation of a funny "Chinese gooseberry" for those places. And James McClocklin decided to take a chance and started growing a new fruit. It is to these two farmers that we are obliged to have the opportunity to eat kiwi. Its modern name "Chinese gooseberries" received from a beautiful bird of kiwi, which is very fond in New Zealand.

A real anti-crisis kiwi product. A fruit whose useful properties amaze with its scale. Kiwi is a storehouse of energy and vitality, which are so necessary at the moment of weakening the body. This is due to the fact that it contains a large amount of vitamin C. Kiwi saves us at any time of the year. And, if in the summer and in the autumn we can get energy from any other vegetables and fruits, then in winter and in the spring vitamin deficiency is aggravated, it is during these six months that kiwi rescues us. Thus, this fruit helps to increase immunity and cope with blues and colds. But not only this vitamin contains kiwi fruit. Its useful properties are also due to the content of vitamins of group B (B1, B6, B2), A, K, E, PP.

Kiwi performs not only immunostimulating function, but also a number of others. For example, vitamin K helps in the prevention of diabetes. It also contributes to the fact that calcium is better absorbed, and this positively affects the bone system, the entire connective tissue, as well as the work of the kidneys. Improves metabolism, which helps a person to keep himself in good shape.

Kiwi fruit is a guard of beauty. Its useful properties are such that vitamin A and E contribute to the rejuvenation of the body as a whole. Folic acid renews the blood cells. Excellent properties have vitamin B6. It helps the food to be better absorbed, saturates the body with the necessary enzymes, which contribute to the breakdown of proteins and reduce the level of blood coagulability, which helps a lot if it is initially high. Also, this vitamin reduces the risk of thrombosis in the cardiovascular system and atherosclerosis.

Women are particularly recommended kiwi fruit. Useful properties of it help to fight excess weight. Kiwi contains a small amount of calories and is often used in diets.

Folic acid is necessary for children. A growing organism requires it in the right amount, since a lack of folic acid will cause a delay in physical and mental development.

Nature has given kiwi good properties for pregnant women. A woman in the position is necessary for the proper development of the fetus folic acid. An additional positive property for a pregnant woman is the laxative effect of kiwi, since it is often constipation that causes pain in the abdomen. In addition, kiwi contains fiber, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the intestine. Fiber also prevents the occurrence of heartburn in late pregnancy.

Like any other food product, kiwi has beneficial properties and contraindications. Since this fruit contains vitamin C, it is very carefully recommended to eat allergic people. Contraindicated kiwi people who have increased the acidity level of juice in the stomach. It is also not recommended for people prone to intestinal disorders.

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