HealthHealthy Eating

Attention! Products that cause gas formation

The human body is organized as a well-organized cooperation of many organs. When something in the work of one of them does not happen, there are failures in the work of the whole organism. There are some "malfunctions," which for the time being are not noticeable, although this does not diminish the significance and consequences of the problem that has arisen. But there are also malfunctions, symptoms and consequences that become obvious and bring not only physical ailments, but also cause psychologically uncomfortable conditions.

One of these phenomena is flatulence, or increased gas formation. Inadvertently the release of gases is the cause of many funny situations, jokes surrounding and depressed mood, and this is only one side of the "gas" medal. Of course, this attitude is the result of the prevailing public opinion about decencies and norms of behavior in society. We all know this (unlike small children who not only do not intend to, but also do not know how to restrain natural urges), but how can you tell when you are ready to burst, making loud fire and emitting odorous odors?

It turns out that this is possible. As already mentioned, the work of the body is an interrelated process. If there is a deviation, it is necessary to understand what caused it, and to eliminate it. In our case, it is important to understand why there is a congestion of gases in the intestine. There are several reasons for this: rapid ingestion of food without thorough chewing, absorption of food in an excited or overtired state, without a feeling of hunger, the manifestation of an allergic reaction to certain foods, the products themselves causing gas formation, etc.

The process of gas generation occurs with all people, but not always it is palpable and undesirable, since not always the outflow of gases is accompanied by a sharp odor. It is a consequence of the processes of fermentation in the intestine of individual products.

Want to know what products cause gas formation? These products are well known: cabbage, onions, garlic, containing a large number of brewer's yeast products and, of course, legumes.

The people are well aware of the gas-forming properties of the above products, they often become the basis of jokes and anecdotes (for example, the story of the "musical" pea soup).

In addition, increased gassing can not provoke a specific product, but its use in combination with another. For example, combinations of vegetables and fruits, sour fruits and cereals, dairy products and cherries are considered dangerous. Therefore, you need to take breaks between the absorption of each of these products.

Products that cause excessive gas production, in fact, constitute a significant part of our diet. But some habits acquired through advertising are also harmful. In order not to provoke increased gas production, you should not get involved in chewing gum and caramel. Such products force a person to swallow air, which safely penetrates into the digestive system and causes the known consequences.

Recognized gas-producing products are dairy products. Especially this applies to those whose body can not cope with the digestion of lactose. Therefore, should be closely related to dairy products, especially important for the elderly, because the work of the intestine of an elderly person is already weakened.

Sadly, bread products saturated with complex carbohydrates are also products that cause gas production. Therefore, whatever one may say, you will have to limit yourself.

This category also includes carbonated drinks, especially if you drink them through straw.

In the list of gas-forming products are also artichokes, asparagus, pepper, potatoes, barley, corn. In the category of "products that cause gas formation," its place is assigned to fruits: potentially dangerous pears, apples, cherries, peaches, figs, citrus fruits.

To avoid increased gas formation, you should not rely on nuts, seeds, honey, cheese and even ice cream.

Of course, what has been said above does not at all mean that the products that cause gas formation must be erased once and for all from your family's diet. The influence of products on the human body is purely individual, so you need to carefully treat your body, follow the rules of hygiene at meals and, if necessary, limit the amount of certain foods in your diet.

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