Health, Healthy Eating
Protein and protein diet. Reviews and the real truth
Lately, a lot has been said about diets with a high content and with a complete lack of protein in the person's diet . These and other diets have their own fans, who share their impressions on various forums and sites. Are they really good? Let's try to understand.
By itself, the word diet means limiting yourself to something, observing certain rules and principles. Consider both types of diets.
What is a protein diet?
The protein diet has become very popular lately. According to her, the use of foods rich in protein is permitted in any number and even encouraged. She was especially fond of those who can not do without meat for a long time.
The list of foodstuffs is wide enough: fish, low-fat cottage cheese, eggs, lean meat.
Food products containing a large amount of carbohydrates are excluded from the diet. You can eat vegetables and fruits, but in a small amount, to minimize the intake of carbohydrates contained in them.
It should be completely abandoned pasta, potatoes, butter, flour products and beans. About sweets you will also need to forget, since they are completely excluded from the diet.
It is recommended to drink warm boiled or mineral water.
How does the protein diet work? Reviews explain that the essence lies in the way the body receives fuel, namely glucose, the source of which is carbohydrates. Not getting glucose through food, the body is forced to take it from their fat stores. As a result, a person begins to lose weight, artificially creating a deficiency of carbohydrates and an excess of proteins in the body. Proteins are digested by the body very slowly, spending a lot of calories on this process, so the feeling of hunger is not felt for a long time. Reviews of the protein diet claim that in two weeks this way you can get rid of eight kilograms without eating a sensation of hunger, while eating quite varied. If you continue to be able to maintain a measure of eating, you will not be able to lose weight.
Many people have already tried on themselves what a protein diet is. Reviews about her are mostly enthusiastic, many are satisfied with the result.
It sounds promising. Does it have a protein diet? The testimonials still suggest that the diet is suitable for healthy, young and energetic people. Nutrition according to the diet does not provide the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals, and as a result, the appearance worsens, nails, hair suffer, the state of health leaves much to be desired. Nothing is compensated for lost calcium and cholesterol rises. In the process of losing weight, muscle protein burns first, and only then fat breaks down. Another unpleasant moment: prolonged compliance with the protein diet can lead to kidney dysfunction.
What other feature has a protein diet? The reviews state that it is also necessary to keep in mind that it is necessary to strictly follow the diet schedule by days. Change the menu for the day from the menu of another day is prohibited.
A protein-free diet is suitable for people who have chronic and acute kidney diseases.
How does the protein-free diet work? The principle of the diet is based on the ability to remove excess moisture from the body. The diet is rather poor, aimed at helping the body in the fight against the metabolism of proteins. Treatment is carried out under the condition of accompanying it by the attending physician, with the obligatory delivery of the necessary tests. During this period of time it is desirable to comply with bed rest or significantly reduce motor activity. Duration of the diet is from five to ten days, not more.
The protein-free diet allows the use of the following products: cereals, vegetables, vegetable oil, vegetable and fruit gravies, honey, jam, fruits and compotes, unsalted bread.
Significantly limited intake of salt (up to 5g) and liquid (up to 500ml) per day. It is forbidden to eat meat and fish, eggs, confectionery, dairy products, canned food and pickles, smoked products, all berries and vegetables that contain a lot of moisture.
The conclusion is obvious that the protein-free diet should be prescribed by the attending physician and applied only for medical reasons. There is also the view that prolonged absence of protein in the body is the cause of premature graying of the hair.
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