Spiritual developmentReligion

Albania: religion. Features of the Albanian religion

European Albania, whose religion most improbably intertwined Muslims, Catholics and Orthodox, today, perhaps, the most mysterious and not spoiled by tourists country.

Albania - the pearl in the bunker

The warm, kind and hospitable Country of the Eagles, or "Shchiptara", as the Albanians call their homeland, stayed away from the crowded resort routes. And the fault is not lack of climate attractions. This is just the opposite: the gentle and warm waters of the Ionian and Adriatic seas, the mild climate, the neighborhood with the popular resorts of Greece, Montenegro, Serbia, Macedonia ... The fault is the communist past, which took root in this country most deeply.

The loyalty of the former government to the cause of Lenin and Stalin reached such fanaticism that, when the process of de-Stalinism began in the USSR, Albania broke off all ties with the former "friend." Complete isolation from the outside world, total destruction of religiosity led to the fact that even today the population of Albania is the most atheistic in the world.

Orthodox churches and Moslem mosques were destroyed or turned into buildings for social and domestic purposes. Instead, bunkers - shelters from the attack of "evil imperialists" - were massively erected. After the change of government, believers, irrespective of their faith, joyfully restore the forgotten traditions of their ancestors.

Brotherhood of confessions

The period of domination of atheistic communism was brought up by a whole generation of Albanians who, on the question of their religion, can not give a firm answer. Albania, whose religion is now undergoing a stage of revival, can serve the modern world as a model for the peaceful coexistence of people of different religious beliefs.

Mosques and temples are revived on an equal basis. Christians and Muslims not only peacefully live and work hand in hand, but also create families. This interesting country is Albania. Religion in life is vividly illustrated by the example of the Albanian Prime Minister's family. The grandfather of the chief minister of the country, Eddie Rama, was Orthodox, and his grandmother was a Catholic. In this faith, she raised her sons. The current wife of the head of the Cabinet of Ministers is a Muslim, two sons from different marriages are adherents of Orthodoxy and Catholicism. And such a multi-confessional family in Albania is not alone.

Islam in Albania

In many sources, Albania is called the only Muslim country in Europe. This is not an exact definition. First, do not forget Turkey; Secondly, Islam was the dominant religion only at the stage of religious revival. The results of the last census show that the percentage of Muslims is now represented by the figure of 60%.

So, the Muslim Albania. Religion Islam came to this country with adherents Haji Bektash-led at the turn of the 12-13 centuries. Later, from the 14th century, Sunni Muslims entered the territory of the country with the Ottomans. The traditions of Albanian Bektash Muslims differ from traditionally Islamic ones and contain some elements similar to Christianity.

If distributed according to territoriality, the Sunnis occupy mainly the north-east and the center of the country, the Bektash predominantly settle in cities.

Orthodoxy in Albania

The origin of Orthodoxy in Albania is associated with the name of Saint Caesar, who is considered the apostle of this land. The names of many holy martyrs are connected with Albanian land. Albania, whose religion was for a long time under strict prohibition (sentenced to imprisonment for the icon found in the house), is the birthplace of the saints Donat, Ferin, Danaks, Nifont and others. The martyrdom for Christ was accepted on this earth by Cosmas Aetolian and Nikita Alban. In times of repression, Orthodox priests suffered more than others.

After the change of regime in the territory of the country, there was not a single Christian monastery, not a single whole church. For comparison: before the First World War, Orthodoxy had 354 churches, 300 small chapels, 28 monasteries and two theological seminaries.

Restoration of the destroyed Orthodoxy the church commissioned Vladyka Anastasia. The first church services had to be conducted in the open air, since there was not a single surviving church. The result of the activity of the archbishop was the restoration and repair of destroyed churches, the construction of new ones, the opening of monasteries, the training of priests.

Albanian Catholics

Greek Catholics of the Byzantine rite appeared in Albania from among the Greeks and Albanians, who fled from the Turkish conquerors. The population of Albania, professing Catholicism, today is about 10% of all believers.

Albanian feature

What you will not see anywhere else is an amazing tolerance for the rites and customs of representatives of different faiths. It will not surprise anyone here, for example, that a deceased Muslim will be led into the world by another Orthodox priest. Here, as nowhere, the truth is confirmed: God is one, only creeds are different. The largest in this country and the number of mixed marriages.

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