Spiritual development, Religion
Iceland: the religion of the state. What is the religion in Iceland?
What can I say briefly about Iceland? This most northern country was recognized as the most convenient for living in the whole world. It's on glaciers and permafrost! Here the lowest gap between rich and poor, the highest average life expectancy, the most environmentally friendly environment, the highest level of the reading population. Add to all this fantastically unreal landscapes, the neighborhood with active volcanoes and geysers, and it becomes clear that people here should be special. What is religion and culture in Iceland ? What do the Icelanders believe and fear?
Who are the Icelanders
The island of Iceland became a settlement of hermit monks from Ireland. The religion they professed, Christianity, became the original belief on the island. Settled subsequently by the country of the descendants of the Vikings: Swedes, Norwegians, Danes - worshiped their god and brought their faith - asatru. The indigenous people of Iceland consider themselves descended from the Vikings and the Celts. Political and trade relations with other powers forced the Irish to officially adopt the European faith - Christianity.
The date of its revival in Iceland is considered to be 1000 years. It was from this period that the church began to control the state and banned pagan rituals and sacrifices.
Religion of the Present
At this time, the main religion of Iceland is evangelical Lutheranism. Adherents of the Lutheran church make up about 85% of the population. The Catholic part of the population is made up of Polish specialists (about 3%). You can meet in Iceland Baptists, Buddhists, Muslims, Orthodox - this is a small community of families, the will of fate abandoned to this land.
Lutheran cathedral Hatlgrimskirka, which is located in the capital of Iceland Reykjavik, is among the ten most expensive religious buildings in the world. The monumental building with a bell tower 75 meters in height was built 38 years, and the cost of its erection amounted to 25 million dollars.
Religion and politics
In the country of Iceland, the religion of the Evangelical Lutheran Church is state, which is enshrined in the relevant article of the Constitution. According to the Basic Law, all citizens of the country have the full right to freedom of religion. No religious associations of citizens are prosecuted by law, if their activities do not lead to violation of law and order and infringement of other citizens.
Lutheran services are broadcasted daily on television. All citizens of Iceland, regardless of religion, must pay contributions: believers - for the maintenance of their church, non-believers - to the Icelandic university.
Lutheranism as a religion
Who are Protestants? What is Lutheranism? What is the religion in Iceland?
The religious Protestant movement began in the 16th century in Germany and was named after Martin Luther, who headed it. The followers of Luther protested against the injustice and abuse of the Catholic priests. Their principles found support among believers, and as a result, a new Christian trend was formed - the Evangelical Lutheran Church.
Lutherans accept the priest as an equal among all, just as a preacher, recognize only two sacraments (baptism and communion), worship only God and the Bible.
Paganism in Icelandic
If Christianity was established as a necessary link in the political and economic system, then in the hearts and souls of the inhabitants of the island of Iceland, the religion of paganism remained to live as the religion of ancestors. Asatru did not go anywhere and did not go away. Icelanders always celebrated pagan holidays along with memorable dates of Christianity. And the belief in the otherworldly forces among the inhabitants of the icy country is simply amazing. Completely educated modern people faithfully believe in the life-giving power of nature and its phenomena, in the existence of a parallel world of gnomes, elves and other inhabitants.
Asatru is considered the second official religion of Iceland. In 1973, the first pagan community was founded. Confirmation of the undying paganism was that the construction of the first pagan temple was begun in Reykjavik.
It is possible that this remoteness from the continent allowed to preserve in its entirety the veneration of ancient rites that were incinerated on the Great Land. But the younger generation of Icelanders are more and more inclined to the faith of their ancestors, albeit without sacrifice.
Non-believing youth
The survey conducted on the island of Iceland: the religion of which confession is closer to you - showed an unforeseen result. When asked about the origin of life on Earth, most of the young people surveyed replied that they did not believe in the divine origin of all earthly things. The leadership of the state church, however, is not very concerned with this result, referring to the fact that education and faith in science do not interfere with the general religiosity of the younger generation.
New faith
All believers in Iceland are required to register in a single registry. This procedure is necessary for the payment of tax, regardless of belief. Naturally, everyone does not like to pay money "for faith". Exclusive island of Iceland is a religion that is created and exists only here. So-called zuizm gained unprecedented popularity in the country, thanks to the tax situation. The fact is that its founders declare disagreement with the taxation of believers and promise to annul the register and return to parishioners all the funds previously paid.
The new religion is officially authorized by the authorities and registered in the state register. Preachers of Zuizm argue that the basis of their beliefs is the religion of the ancient Sumerians. You can treat differently to the phenomenon, but the number of Zouists has already reached three thousand people. This is a significant number, given the small total population of Iceland. In any case, there are fewer Muslims on the island. Apparently, the tax situation is a serious reason for changing one's membership in a particular confession, because, as already mentioned, non-believers are taxed like that too.
That's it, the religious (or not) country of Iceland. Even in this matter it appears as a mysterious and unique part of Europe.
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