Food and drinkDessert

We prepare the cake "Masha and the Bear" independently

It takes a lot of time and energy to organize a children's morning performance, to serve a delicious sweet table, but what you will not do for your own child will make him feel happy and loved. The symbol of any festive event is a cake, and if this confection is prepared specifically for the child, then, undoubtedly, the delicacy should be fabulous and beautiful, so that the child will remember this day for a long time.

Many will think, and why suffer, if the easiest way is to order a sweet treat through a confectionery company. It may be easier, but it is hardly more useful for a child, because a cake baked with his own hand, is much tastier and more natural. When you cook at home, you use only natural ingredients and exceptionally fresh products that do not contain any artificial colors and preservatives - the good that now in the hypermarkets there is a wide range of products from which you can prepare the delicious baby cake "Masha and the Bear".

That's it, we will try to cook at home. Below, the classic recipe for this confectionery product will be described. The filling for the cake can be used any - at your discretion and taste priorities. You can use fresh fruit, berries, marmalade, marshmallows, soufflé. Do not skimp on the filling - the abundance of cream will make the cake "Masha and the Bear" is even tastier and juicier.

The size and shape of the children's cake are important - non-standard products of round or multi-tier form are perceived by the child, as something festive and unusual. The decoration should serve a variety of cartoon characters - in our case it will be Masha and the Bear, which are so fond of many children. Show more imagination when decorating a cake, it can be different little animals, flowers, bows, inscriptions and even photographs of the birthday boy.

Children's cake "Masha and the Bear"

Ingredients for the dough: two hundred grams of sour cream, butter (at least two hundred grams), sugar 250 grams, flour three glasses, 4 eggs, soda, bite for repayment. Also a little cocoa, raisins and walnuts (grams a hundred).

For a cream it is required: a gram of three hundred butter and a pound of condensed milk.

Mastic for decoration: for its preparation we need to stock up at least three packets of sweets "Marshmellow" (for making figures, we need a gram of 150 and to cover the whole cake about 300 grams), butter 30 grams, a kilogram of powdered sugar and food colors of various color shades .

To cake "Masha and the Bear" Turned out not only tasty, but also attractive, you need to carefully form figures. For a start, you can make sketches on paper, so it will be easier to make the necessary characters (Masha, the bear, the ball and the stump).

We prepare the material for modeling: zephyr candies must first be melt in a microwave oven, adding a little butter. Approximate time of dissolution of "Marshmellow" is 3 minutes, but it is not worthwhile to expose immediately the maximum time, dissolve marshmallows gradually, controlling the process (the marshmallow should increase several times).

Then in the elastic mass, you need to add sugar powder and food color (for each figure its own color of the dye). Sugar powder in this case serves as a fixer, with the help of it you achieve the appropriate consistency.

We knead the dough: butter it is good to grind with sugar, without stopping stirring to add eggs, sour cream, soda and flour. The dough should be homogeneous and elastic. Now you need to divide it into three parts. In the first cake we add chopped walnuts, in the second raisins and in the third tablespoon of cocoa. It remains only to bake the cakes at 180 ° C.

Do not forget to prepare the cream so that your cake "Masha and the Bear" was juicy and tasty. The process of preparing the cream is simple enough: take the butter, condensed milk and beat the products with a mixer until smooth, then put in the cold for a couple of hours.

We collect the cake: lay the cake with cocoa on the bottom of the dish, lay the cream on top of it, the next cake in our walnut is also abundantly greased with a creamy-condensed cream and cover it with a cake with raisins. The top and edges of the cake are covered with creamy mass and must be placed in the refrigerator (not less than six hours).

The final step: to simulate a green glade, we need a green mastic, we cover the whole cake with it. On top of the set figures. The festive cake is ready!

If you find it difficult to do cooking yourself, you can order cakes "Masha and the Bear" in any confectionery store. The approximate cost per 1 kg of cake ranges from 700 rubles and above.

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