HealthDiseases and Conditions

Erosion of the stomach. Treatment and diet.

Surface damage to the mucous membrane of the inner part of the stomach, with successful and proper treatment healing without any scarring, this is erosion of the stomach. Treatment of them must begin when the first occurrence of symptoms. Despite the fact that this disease does not affect the musculature of organs, it is considered very dangerous. The appearance of erosion often indicates that there are oncological diseases of the lungs, liver, vessels, heart or intestines in the body.

Experts argue that it is because of surgical intervention, pain shock, thermal damage or nervous shock that erosion of the stomach occurs. Treatment should be immediate, as often this disease precedes the development of ulcers. Sometimes malaise can be considered a response of a weak body to the effect on him of strong drugs. Exactly for the same reasons, erosion of the duodenum may also occur . In general, the formation of erosions is reduced to the fact that the body is disturbed by the balance between the protective mechanisms of the mucosa and the aggressive influence of various external and internal factors on it. Aggressive factors are, first of all, bile acids, digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid. To protect the good blood supply to the mucosa, the constant renewal of cellular epithelium and mucous secretion.

Erosion of the duodenum and stomach can be accompanied by rather strong and painful pains during eating. If the stomach is empty, there may be vomiting, eructation and even vomiting with a content of gastric juice. Even if a person has never had heartburn before, with this disease, she will necessarily appear. Similar symptoms are typical for erosion, but not always. Quite often, latent erosions of the stomach are detected. Treatment in such cases begins with a mandatory swallowing of the intestine, that is, gastroscopy.

With this disease, people's remedies are very effective. Healers argue that erosion can be quickly eliminated by taking a daily mummy diluted with water. Admission is made every morning, always on an empty stomach. If eruptions of the stomach are revealed, treatment with healing oil will give excellent results. You will need to sweep the swamp and bluish blue. Pour these herbs with olive oil and stand on a steam bath for at least two hours. After cooling the healing oil, strain it and use as often as possible to prepare various salads and other dishes.

Long ago and proven means is the seed of flax. From it make a decoction with the addition of propolis. He very simply prepares. Seeds of flax need to be poured with water and cook until the jelly is formed. Drink it as often as possible, regardless of when you are eating. Half a cup of this decoction, you need seven drops of propolis, which is an alcohol. In three or four days the disease will stop bothering you, the sores will live and disappear. Of course, they will not appear more only if, along with the necessary treatment, proper nutrition is used in the erosion of the stomach. This is the main preventive agent for this disease, which guarantees not only the improvement of the digestive system, but also the whole organism as a whole.

Food should always be fresh and maximally rich in vitamins. Be sure to exclude from your diet all too spicy, spicy, smoked and salty dishes. The food is taken only fractionally and necessarily in a warm form. No large and hard pieces, regret your 12 cecum and stomach. Eating with erosion of the stomach must necessarily include vegetable fats and milk. We exclude canned food and alcohol, restrict consumption of meat and fatty fish. With pleasure we enjoy non-acidic juices, jelly, macaroni, cereals, fruits and vegetables. Remember that the therapeutic effect will not bring about the proper result without careful adherence to the diet.

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