
Weimar in Germany: description of the city

Why is Weimar one of the most interesting and attractive cities in Germany? The fact is that there is a culture and enlightenment here on every corner. Once in Weimar there lived the German poets Goethe and Schiller. Weimar was the cultural center of the GDR. Here also was the infamous concentration camp - Buchenwald.

A bit of history

The city of Weimar in Germany is territorially subordinated to the federal district of Thuringia. Its population is now more than 64 thousand people. For the first time in the annals of the town was mentioned in the X century. Until the beginning of the fourteenth century, on the territory of modern Weimar was a county called Weimar-Orlamünde. In the XVIII-XIX centuries the city received the status of cultural center of all Germany. At this time in Weimar just lived the outstanding German poets Goethe and Schiller.

Gloomy times have come for this city after the Nazis came to power. In the vicinity of Weimar in Germany, the concentration camp Buchenwald was built. Out of 250 thousand of its prisoners 50 thousand were destroyed. The first barracks of the concentration camp Buchenwald were built by the end of 1937. Even then, the camp on Mount Ettersberg became a haven for more than 2,500 prisoners. After "Kristallnacht" on November 9, when there was a Jewish pogrom, the number of prisoners became more than two times.

Architecture of the city

The center of Weimar remains unchanged from the 16th century. There is also the Municipality, Elefant Hotel, Town Hall. Many nesprosta call this city a real museum in the open. In the 18th century, Duke Carl Augustus imposed a ban on the construction of any production facilities and factories in Weimar. Despite the small population of Weimar, it does not resemble most of the German provincial towns. His small two-story houses can not be called village ones. Weimar streets are wide and covered with paving stones, the city has many parks and boulevards. Weimar can not be described either as a medieval city or as a modern city - it always fascinates guests with its uniqueness.

Cultural center of Europe

Since 1949, Weimar was part of the GDR. Now Mr. Weimar in Germany is fully included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. This small town was of great importance for world culture. After all, the names of such outstanding personalities as Schiller, Goethe, Strauss, Bach, List, Wagner and Nietzsche are connected with Weimar. In the time of the Duchess of Amalia, who loved her intellectual elite at the time, Weimar is practically becoming the cultural capital of the whole of Europe. Thanks to Goethe, a theater was founded in Weimar. In 1848, Franz Liszt became its director. 1919 became the year of the declaration of the Weimar Republic. It was at the Goethe Theater that the then parliament held its meeting and the Weimar Constitution was adopted.

Castle in Weimar

Weimar Castle is another famous landmark. It is located in the eastern part of the town. The three-story building with the colonnade is made in the neoclassical style. In its interior stands a large staircase, the famous Goethe Gallery, the Falcon Gallery, and the Main Hall. In the castle there is a collection of the Weimar art collection. It includes works of art of German culture of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, as well as Italian, Danish and Flemish paintings. In addition to the main gallery, you can see a collection of graphics, consisting of 150,000 different sketches.

Goethe is the most famous resident of Weimar

What else is the town of Weimar in Germany known for? First of all, the fact that once there lived one of the greatest German poets - Goethe. His house has now become a museum. This is the most famous architectural structure in the whole of Weimar. Germany has always been proud of its literary figures and philosophers. The Goethe House was built in the old Baroque style. His poet gave Karl August - the famous German duke. It was here that the poet lived almost 50 years and died at a respectable age.

Weimar - Schiller city

Schiller is another great poet who lived in Weimar. Germany always pays special attention to cultural life, therefore in the house of Schiller, even the situation is partially preserved: some clothes, utensils. At any time of the day near the house you can see tourists. They crowd to visit the house of the famous poet as soon as possible. The house-museum is located on the street with the almost same name - Schillerstrasse. It ends with the Theater Square, on which a monument to two great German poets is erected.

Weimar porcelain

Particular popularity brought Germany dishes Weimar. In 1790, Weimar received royal permission for the production of porcelain. Since then, it has produced the highest quality china and porcelain. The coat of arms of the Dukes of Thuringia is regarded throughout the world as a sign of the quality of Weimar pottery. A separate direction in the company "Weimar" is porcelain Passion, in which German artistic traditions are embodied. The products of this line were produced in green, platinum and cobalt colors.

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