
Application and recall: "Esperal"

The main purpose of the drug "Esperal" is the treatment of alcoholism. As confirmed by the recall, "Esperal" with regular admission leads to the formation of a persistent non-acceptance of alcohol. Structural analogues are funds Teturam, Disulfiram, Torpedo, Antabus. Produced in the form of tablets for internal reception, subcutaneous implantation and in the form of a gel.

Pharmacological properties

The active component disulfiram promotes the inhibition of acetaldehyde oxidase, a substance that takes part in the neutralization and cleavage of ethanol in the blood. With partial oxidation of alcohol, acetaldehyde accumulates in the body, resulting in toxic poisoning. General intoxication leads to nausea, general weakness, vomiting, tachycardia, a feeling of lack of air, inhibition, drowsiness or excessive excitement. Such effects contribute to the formation of alcohol rejection.

As the recall indicates, "Esperal" is used at the stage of dependence, in which the patient is no longer able to control the amount of alcohol consumed. The maximum effect is observed 12 hours after ingestion. The drug "Esperal", the action of which continues for another two weeks after the end of the admission, can act lightly at some patients, causing toxic hepatitis.

Indication and method of application

The agent is prescribed to prevent relapses during the treatment of alcohol dependence, for detoxification of nickel poisoning. Tablets are taken in the amount of 0.5 grams once a day, it is recommended to do this during breakfast. After a 10-day application, an alcohol test is performed, after which they decide whether to increase the dosage of the drug. The agent should be used in a daily maintenance volume of 0.2 g for 1-3 years.

The medicine "Esperal" is not given intravenously, implantation tablets are implanted in the muscle tissue. Usually, the remedy is implanted in the upper part of the buttock or iliac region to a depth of 4 cm. Similarly, the gel acts and implants.


It is forbidden to use the medicine for hypersensitivity to the components, renal failure, liver diseases. The agent is not prescribed for severe ailments of the cardiac and vascular system, epilepsy, diabetes. Do not use the medication during pregnancy and lactation.

Side effect, price

As evidenced by the recall, "Esperal" with internal use can cause a metallic taste in the mouth, allergies, polyneuritis of the extremities, psychosis, headache. Sometimes after taking medication, there may be a decrease in memory, confusion, neuritis of the eye nerve, gastritis. In rare situations, asthenia, hepatitis, and thrombosis of the cerebral vessels of the brain develop. With the simultaneous administration of the drug with oral anticoagulants, the probability of bleeding increases. As the review says, Esperal can be purchased at a price of 915 rubles.

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