Health, Preparations
Remedy for the smell of the feet there!
If the smell of your feet has become a nightmare for you, preventing you from living, do not despair. Fortunately, there are no insoluble problems, and we will tell you how to deal with the smell of feet in our article.
The main reason why some people smell worse than others, is the increased sweating of feet. The sweat itself in most cases does not have an independent odor, but it contains protein and amino acids, which feed the skin-living bacteria. Sweat also creates a moist and warm environment, ideal for the growth and reproduction of microorganisms. Another possible cause of strong odor is fungal diseases (fungal infections), in which case the problem should be solved with the help of a dermatologist.
How to eliminate the smell of feet, 12 ways:
- Watch for the hygiene of the shoes. Socks need to be changed daily, it is also desirable to have two pairs of casual shoes that need to be worn in turn: one day - the first couple, the other day - the second. This must be done so that shoes or shoes can dry out. Drying can be made more effective if you place shoes near a heat source or in the fresh air and fill them with newspapers.
- One of the reasons for the multiplication of bacteria is wearing synthetic socks. Non-natural tissues do not have an absorbent capacity, and this is despite the fact that each leg emits up to half a liter of sweat per day! Therefore, simple cotton socks - ideal for sweating feet. For those who have problems gone far, a good remedy for the smell of feet was invented: socks with antibacterial or antifungal effect. They are especially good for those who do not have the opportunity to regularly ventilate their feet, and the whole day is in shoes.
- Before leaving the house in the morning, treat the feet in saline. After you wash the feet with antibacterial soap, immerse them in a warm composition (1 salt spoonful of salt per liter of water), hold for several minutes and do not rinse the feet, but simply pat the towel. Before putting on socks, dry your feet thoroughly.
- Everyone knows the remedy for the smell of feet - a solution of table vinegar. But, unlike salt, vinegar is not suitable for daily use because of an independent strong smell. Do the bath before going to bed after washing your feet once or twice a week. After the procedure, rinse your feet, dry well and go to bed, after putting on clean socks.
- Instead of biting, you can use hard-boiled black or green tea.
- Be sure to clean the feet of dead skin, for this they need to be well poured in hot water and rubbed in pommes with pumice stone. In the future, once or twice a week, use a foot scrub, preferably using home remedies: lemon with sea salt and soda, grated ginger, etc.
- Try to find "breathable" shoes. If you have sweating feet, then you do not want to wear closed shoes, your foot should be ventilated. In autumn and spring, you can wear shoes with perforations, and in the summer - sandals.
- With any shoes, wear socks. The habit of walking without them, especially in sneakers or closed shoes, is completely unacceptable if you do not want to become an outcast of society because of the specific ammonia "ambre". Women can also wear cotton socks over nylon stockings during the off-season, when closed boots and boots are worn.
- A good remedy for the smell of feet - special antibacterial deodorants for the skin of the feet. Quality products are quite expensive, but very effective with regular use. In order to insure yourself in case of a delicate situation, carry a simple atiperspirant. Use it when you are embarrassed by the smell of your feet and want to solve the problem immediately.
- Use powdered deodorants for shoes. You can also use home remedies for this purpose - cornstarch and soda (sodium bicarbonate), every morning, pour two pinches inside the toe and two - on the insole.
- Determine the cause of excessive sweating and try to solve the problem. If it is stress, take care of relaxation, if the heat - wear the appropriate shoes and use a personal fan at work, if physical activities - wear a spare pair of socks.
- If you notice that the smell produces not only the legs, but also other parts of the body, the problem lies in your metabolism. Think, perhaps, you eat wrong and eat a lot of salt, like garlic, onions or alcohol. If you want to solve the problem, change the diet.
In conclusion, we say that we have suggested more than one remedy for the smell of feet, but if you apply them occasionally, they are unlikely to help you. Therefore, our last advice is this: if you want to change your life for the better, be consistent.
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