
We use antipyretic candles for children

The child had a fever, he became sluggish and whiny, refuses to eat, he often vomits. But do not rush to give the baby antipyretics immediately , because the fever is a protective reaction of the body to infection. There is a formation of immunity of your child.

There are temperature parameters, when young children should start to give antipyretic drugs. Children up to 2 months of age and at risk (with heart disease, metabolic disorders, neurological pathology) - when the body temperature exceeds 38.0-38.5 ° C. Potentially healthy babies allowed limit is 39.0 - 39.5 ° C, which corresponds to the maximum temperature for most infections. If these values are exceeded, antipyretic agents should be used. There is a wide range of such drugs, produced in different types, one of which is rectal suppositories.

Antipyretic candles for children is one of the medicinal forms widely used in pediatrics. They are widely used in terms of ease of use. Tablets are difficult to give babies, and the components of antipyretic syrup in many children is an allergic reaction in the form of diathesis. Often a child in this state simply refuses to take medicine, and attempts to "convince and give a drink" often end up with a high vomiting reaction of the sick organism.

Modern antipyretic candles for children , manufactured by the pharmaceutical industry, can contain as a primary drug approved for use at an early age paracetamol or ibuprofen. The first of them is allowed to apply from the moment of birth. There are such antipyretic candles as "Children's Panadol", "Cefekon D", "Efferalgan", which includes paracetamol in various dosages. So Efferalgan is produced with a dosage of 80, 150 and 300 mg, which corresponds to different ages. These drugs, like many others, have limitations and contraindications. Thus, the daily dose per 1 kg of mass should not be more than 60 mg. The drug is used in 4 divided doses every 6 hours. Breast children 1-2 months of age, he is prescribed 1 candle per day.

How to deal with particularly difficult situations, if the temperature still rises earlier than the next portion of the medicine is allowed to use? Here you will come to the rescue of another drug - antipyretic candles for children with ibuprofen - "Nurofen". The maximum daily intake of 30 mg per 1 kg of weight, which will not exceed 10 mg / kg per reception, such receptions per day may be up to 4.

It should be remembered that these drugs with large doses and a long period of use can cause the child to have an allergic reaction, disruption of the hematopoietic system, liver or kidneys. Overdosing is dangerous when using any medications!

In the treatment of various respiratory diseases, antipyretic suppositories for infants with interferon-Viferon or Genferon-can be used. Their reception is allowed from birth. They have antiviral and immunomodulating properties, are well studied, have excellent tolerability and high efficiency. And even with prolonged use do not have a negative impact on the immune system of the child. In complex treatment, they interact well with other drugs. In turn, they have a positive effect on the microflora of the body when treated with antibiotics, thereby restraining the development of dysbacteriosis.

Antipyretic candles for children "Viburkol" belong to the group of homeopathic remedies. They have sedative, anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Viburkol lowers the temperature without causing hypotonic circulatory disturbances. You can use 1 candle rectally at a frequency of 15-20 minutes, but not more than 2 hours in time until the desired effect is achieved. Later - 1 to 3 times a day. Maximum for children up to six months - 1 candle 2 times a day.

This article shows the main means of temperature for children of the rectal type. And which of them you use to treat a child, your doctor will tell you the best. According to the experience of many mothers, one can say that such remedies as antipyretic candles should always be kept in a home medicine chest. They do not cause allergies, do not irritate the stomach, last longer and can be used at night when the baby is sleeping. Only be sure to remember the recommendations for their dosage.

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