
Helminths: treatment and prevention

Unfortunately, one can not completely protect oneself from the penetration of helminths into the body. You can grab a "gift" in transport, in the hospital, and in the park. At the same time for a long time you can not even suspect about the existence of uninvited guests.

Assume that you are reliably aware that helminths live and parasitize in your body (in the body of the child, the spouse - in general, any member of the family). Of course, you will be interested in the answer to the question of how to get rid of helminths. There are actually a lot of ways to get rid of parasites, but they can be divided into two groups: treatment in terms of official medicine and the methods of treatment offered by traditional healers.

Helminths: treatment in terms of traditional medicine.

Official medicine on the basis of examining the patient, getting to know the symptoms and studying the provided analyzes makes up a course of treatment. It is appointed individually, taking into account the stage of the disease, the age of the patient, the general condition of the patient.

There are many medicines in the form of tablets, suspensions, tinctures, aimed at combating helminths. Some of them need to be taken a long time, some are taken once - it all depends on the specific cases. Therefore, only a doctor, having all the necessary information, can prescribe a specific medicine for helminths.

As for alternatives to traditional medicine, here the patient chooses the appropriate option on his own.

Helminthes: treatment from the point of view of traditional medicine.

Treatment for an adult is almost no different from treating a child.

The most common way to get rid of children from helminths is the morning reception of freshly squeezed carrot juice on an empty stomach. It is very useful to eat carrots, some even put carrot enemas. If you doubt the effectiveness of this method, then you can choose another one.

To small children who have undergone to attack of worms, folk healers advise to attach to the back passage cottage cheese. So, tempted with bait, pinworms leave the baby's body.

It is believed that pumpkin seeds, cabbage (carrot) juice, garlic and onions are very effective in controlling helminths. Therefore, if you do not have anything against these products, and your body does not rebel against them, you can safely include them in your diet.

Quite popular in the fight against the problem called helminths is the treatment of garlic and milk. It is necessary to eat eight (ten) cloves of garlic, washing down with boiled milk, after two hours to take a laxative. After this procedure, the worms leave the body.

How else to deal with helminths? Traditional medicine advises the following method. Fill ½ of the plastic bottle with finely chopped onion slices. Fill the remaining part with vodka and insist for 10 days. A strained drink should be taken twice a day before meals on a tablespoon.

You can take three times a day tincture of wormwood (two tablespoons) 20 minutes before meals. To make a tincture, pour a teaspoon of bitter wormwood with boiling water (two glasses), cool and cool the tincture.

Whichever therapeutic agent you take into service, it is important to remember that it is not always possible without the help of doctors to achieve the desired result. Similarly, you can not completely protect yourself and your loved ones from such adversity as helminths. Treatment sometimes requires a comprehensive approach, especially when it comes to the child's body. Therefore, paying tribute to folk medicine, going to a qualified doctor is a reasonable choice.

What has been said above does not at all mean that the prevention of helminthiasis is an empty matter. Be sure to follow the rules of hygiene, the rules of processing food, wash your hands and teach them to children, do wet cleaning, do not eat unwashed vegetables and fruits and do not drink water from so-called springs, unfiltered tap water.

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