
Know ourselves, or How to determine the type of build

Recently, the question often arises: how to determine the type of physique? "And for what, in fact, is it necessary?", - many of us can ask. Indeed, some time ago no one thought about this problem. New directions in dietetics, sports, bodybuilding are built just on the dependence of diet and exercise on the constitution of man. So if you decide to lose weight or pump up a certain group of muscles, the question of how to determine the type of physique, for you is quite relevant. After all, for people of different types are not suitable for the same methods and programs, even if they set the goal in front of themselves the same.

To begin with, it is good to imagine not only how to determine the type of physique, but what exactly is meant by this phrase. Everyone has a constitution, that is, a collection of hereditary and acquired characteristics. Constitution is one of its manifestations. Knowing how to determine your type, you can expect not only to achieve good results in the process of losing weight or in sports, but also to prevent the development of many diseases. In medicine, for a long time already bind the features of the structure of the organism with a predisposition to one or another inflammatory process.

At the heart of the definition of the type of physique lie the characteristics of bone and muscle tissue, as well as the proportionality of parts of the body in relation to each other. However, there are several classifications of structural features. So, Academician V. Petlenko distinguishes 5 types: athletic, gradual, asthenic, normostenic, hypersthenic. At the same time, Professor V. Chernorutsky generalizes these 5 types in 3, eliminating the athletic and the gradual. Most often use is the second classification.

Let's consider each of these types.

  1. Asthenic. This constitution is expressed in the predominance of the longitudinal dimensions of the body over the transverse. If your body type is asthenic, then you have narrow shoulders, long arms and legs, and a limited amount of adipose tissue. Growth in such people is usually above average. They lack strength and endurance, but they are very active and mobile. Asthenics are predisposed to ulcers (duodenal ulcers or stomach) and tuberculosis.
  2. Normostenichesky. The constitution of such people is different proportionality and the correct ratio of body size in length and width. They are characterized by an average level of adipose tissue, a strong skeleton and broad shoulders. Representatives of this type have a slender figure. This is just the case when the beauty of the body is given by nature.
  3. Hypersthenic. This type is characterized by the predominance of transverse dimensions over the longitudinal ones. Hypersthenics differ short neck, low growth. The amount of fat in the body is higher than the average, which leads not only to the pretty plumpness, but also to the fat folds, especially in the waist region. Representatives of this type have amazing endurance, but they lack flexibility and grace. Medics say that such people are prone to obesity, ischemia, atherosclerosis.

In accordance with these types are built and diet, and training. So, for hypersthenics it is extremely important to observe a constant rate of calories per day. Especially careful you have to be with carbohydrates. People with asthenic type just start just moving more or doing some sports, and losing weight will not keep you waiting. For holders of the normostenic constitution, the ideal solution will be to combine a proper diet and exercise. One diet will not make the weather here.

So after all, how to determine the type of physique to know what you need to be ready for. The output is simple - along the circumference of the wrist. To do this, you can use a flexible tape-meter. For the growth of 160-175 the circumference is typical:

  • 15-17 cm for normostenics;
  • From 17 cm - for hypersthenics;
  • Below 15 cm - for asthenics.

Thus, having determined the type of physique, you can easily manage your body, at least, learn to understand it.

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