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"October 19". Analysis of the poem. Historical essay

By the imperial decree of Alexander I on October 19 (31) in the suburbs of Petersburg, in Tsarskoe Selo, the Lyceum was opened. This day was celebrated by his graduates, who always gathered for a "lyceum lunch". Pushkin's poetry "October 19" is devoted to these memoirs. The analysis of the poem will be carried out below.


From August 1824 Pushkin was already in exile, in his estate near Pskov. He spent in it alone for just over two years.

The reference ended in September 1826. October 19, 1925 the poet held one, as the first strophe of the poem tells about it. From his one-story village house, he, sitting in his office, in the "sad cell" - according to the definition of the poet, looked out the window, and on the paper lay the wonderful tiresome lines of the first stanza, which describes the wonderful landscape of late autumn outside the window, but that day Does not please him.

The fireplace is hotly melted, and only the wine will give a few minutes of oblivion from loneliness on such a momentous day when all the friends gathered behind a common feast, and the chorus of their voices, interrupting each other, is heard. All this is clearly a poet. No matter how he recalls the living imagination of his comrades around him, he does not hear their approach very early. The soul does not wait for their nice arrival. This is how the first two stanzas "October 19" begin. An analysis of the poem speaks of the bitter loneliness of a person who is accustomed to friendly communication.

On the banks of the Neva

30 boys became friends over six years of study at the Lyceum and promised each other to meet annually on the anniversary of its opening. But someone can have reasons to not appear on dinner on this memorable day. There is no me, says the poet, but who has not come yet? Who else is not, he tries to imagine. He knows for sure that curly-haired Nikolai Korsakov could not come. Five years ago, the musician-composer died in Florence. His grave in Italy, and find it, if you do not know exactly where to look, it is impossible for a Russian person. Not a single Russian word was written on the site of his repose. On this occasion, the poet embraces sadness on October 19. Analysis of the poem confirms this.

Who else is not?

About "Federnelka" - his weather weather Fedory Matyushkin - the poet reflects. The one who had one more nickname "Want to Swim" was in the third round-the-world trip.

Matyushkin will make a brilliant maritime career, become an admiral, but he will not cease to be a man. When Pushkin is killed, he will ask desperately from M. Yakovlev, also a former lyceum, how he allowed it? And, violating the Charter, will give the order to make a volley of all the guns of the ship, which then commanded. As Pushkin also assumed in the sixth stanza, life will not change Fedor Fedorovich Matyushkin's lyceum morals. On a beautiful day, the lives of many remarkable people of that time, on October 19, crossed. An analysis of the poem will tell you what else the poet was allowed to know, but what he felt with his heart and soul.

Beautiful union

Unshakable and eternal with enthusiasm is the lyceum union being in solitude to the poet. He sees him free and carefree. And wherever they are all - the whole world is alien, only Tsarskoe Selo is native. And the new friendships, as the 8th stanza narrates, are deceitful and always ready for betrayal. AS Pushkin has in mind his acquaintance with the earl - a rake, a scooter, a belter Fedor Ivanovich Tolstoy, who spread dirty gossip about Moscow in the exile in the south. Pushkin later wrote about him that he surprised his disgrace with all parts of the world. Also remember the false envious "friend" A. N. Raevsky, who, seeing the mutual fascination of Pushkin and E. K. Vorontsova, envying, made an effort to the way Pushkin believed that he was sent into exile in Mikhailovskoye. But the poet will not revel in bitter memories. After all, this is the day of October 19. The analysis of the poem will show the best of his meetings.

Who visited the poet

Of course, the first was Ivan Puschin. Not for long, only a day had been friends together, but on January 11 it turned into a lyceum day.

The second Pushkin saw in the vicinity of Mikhailovsky Prince AM Gorchakov, whom he considered "a lucky man from the first days." On a country road they accidentally met, embraced, and their paths did not intersect later.

Gorchakov was engaged in the diplomatic service, which rose to the highest level in the state. You can find out what the poet was thinking about by analyzing the poem "October 19". Pushkin asked himself: who will be left alone to celebrate the day of the Lyceum? Going to the end of the poem, I must say that it will be AM Gorchakov, who will die in Baden-Baden in Germany at the age of 84 years.

Desired friend

In April Anton Delvig came to Mikhailovskoe and lived for a while visiting AS Pushkin. A remarkable poet, who wrote the Lyceum anthem, which was performed for many years by many generations of lyceum students, awoke in the poet vivacity and the desire to create. Both of them began writing in the Lyceum even then the poems noticed by all. Daring, but lazy, the poet collaborated later with Pushkin in the publishing industry. They were both equally contemptuous of the merchant from the literature of Bulgarin, wrote epigrams on him. But it's all in the future, like Delwig's early death, which friends still do not know about and just enjoy themselves with each other. Pushkin gives an accurate and brief description of the poet-sybarite, who shuns pomposity and lives in silence. This is indicated by an attentive analysis of the poem "October 19". Pushkin in 1931 will be hard to survive the death of a close friend, especially since Pushchin and Kuchelbecker will already be in exile after the uprising on the Senate Square.

Building a poem

The work is written in the first person. The lyrical hero does not hide behind any guise - this is the poet himself, his personal experiences and experience are given here. When a short analysis of the poem "October 19" is conducted, one should pay attention to the sad solemnity, which continues with the description of bitterness of solitude, pleasing memories of the visits of friends, and ends with the hope of meeting in the near future, at a feast dedicated to the beloved Lyceum. And after that, the supposed toasts will go, when everyone is forgiven and the joy of the meeting is spread everywhere. An analysis of the poem "October 19" (Pushkin) briefly talks about the transfiguration of reality by the imagination of the poet from the agonizingly long separation into a joyful encounter. At the very end, it should be noted that the poem is written with an eight-line stanza (beginning with a solemn five-legged iambic, then the size may vary), and then complete the analysis of the poem "October 19".

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