
The drug 'Ginoflora' (candles). Instructions

The drug "Gynoflor E" (candles) describes the instructions as an antiseptic and antimicrobial agent. The medicine is used in gynecological practice.

The drug contains a large number of lactobacilli (viable bacteria), which help restore the balance of microflora in the vagina. Another active component of the drug "Gynoflor" is estriol (a natural female hormone). Despite the low enough content, this substance contributes to the recovery of the vaginal epithelium, improves microcirculation in it, ensures its hydration and elasticity. Thus, a favorable environment for the development of lactobacilli is formed. The action of the active components is carried out locally.

Lactose, which is present in vaginal tablets (suppositories), is fermented by lactobacilli into lactic acid, which promotes the appearance of an acidic medium that inhibits pathogenic microorganisms.

The drug "Ginoflora" (candles) recommends the instruction for restoring the disturbed balance in the microflora after using some drugs (for example, antibiotics). The medicine is indicated for therapeutic purposes with local disorders after and during menopause (soreness in sexual intercourse, burning, itching, dryness in the vagina). The drug "Gynoflor" (suppositories) recommends the instruction as a concomitant against the background of systemic hormone replacement therapy. The medication is prescribed to eliminate various vaginal secretions of an unclear nature. Medication "Gynoflora" (candles) the instruction recommends and with infections of the vagina of moderate or mild severity, against which chemotherapeutic and antibiotic agents can be replaced by other drugs.

Treatment of local disorders after and during menopause as a concomitant is carried out for six or twelve days. Dosage in this case is a suppository per day. At the end of the therapeutic course, supportive treatment is prescribed. Dosage with this - one tablet vaginal one or two times during the week.

To restore the balance of the microflora of the vagina, eliminate vaginal discharge and treat infections, the drug "Ginoflora" (candles) the instruction recommends using for six or twelve days. Dosage in this case - one or two suppositories (vaginal tablets) per day.

Candles "Gynoflora" should be inserted into the vagina deeply. Apply preferably at night. The introduction is best done by lying on the back, bending slightly the legs in the knees.

In the event of menstruation, treatment is discontinued. You can resume the use of the drug after its termination.

When using candles (tablets) vaginal, there may be a feeling of light heat or burning, itching or redness. Usually these manifestations are eliminated on their own. But with increasing symptoms, you need to consult a specialist.

The drug is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the active and other components, in the presence of estrogen-dependent tumors of the mammary glands, vagina or uterus. The medicine is not prescribed for bleeding from the vagina of an unknown nature. The drug is not recommended until the beginning of menarche (the first menstruation).

The use of systemic or local antibiotics can reduce the effectiveness of the drug.

Despite the fact that the drug "Gynoflora" is not contraindicated during the period of feeding and bearing, the drug can be used only after agreement with the doctor.

If there is a vaginal bleeding, stop using the medication and consult a doctor.

Before using the drug "Gynoflora" is recommended to read the annotation.

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