
Black clay is a simple, affordable and effective remedy for combating cellulite and acne on the face

Black clay is a very simple and effective means of combating cellulite and acne on the face. Its dignity lies in its accessibility and ease of use. How does this wonderful remedy work on the skin? The effect is due, first of all, to the ability to draw from the surface of the skin toxins and fat deposits. And if you do not use a mask on the water, but on the broths of herbs or with the addition of various oils, the effect multiplies.

Unfortunately, our sedentary lifestyle increasingly leads to unpleasant consequences in the form of an orange peel, which spoils the appearance. Now this problem has already touched enough young girls. This is facilitated by tight clothing, high heels, and improper nutrition. All these factors lead to a slowing of blood circulation. Skin is not adequately supplied with nutrients and oxygen, which causes stagnation in problem areas and the accumulation of unnecessary deposits.

With this you can and must fight - the sooner, the better. Even at a fairly young age, with a visible lack of clearly expressed signs of cellulite, preventive measures will not be superfluous. For preventive purposes, black clay in the form of masks and wraps can be applied no more often than once a week, even on plain water.

The benefits of these wraps and masks are also in the fact that they supply the skin with useful minerals, which are abundant in black clay: strontium, magnesium, iron, potassium and many others. Trace elements, getting into the skin, accelerate the metabolic processes taking place in it, which smoothes wrinkles, cleanses the skin of acne and cellulite deposits.

Black clay from acne is usually done on the basis of some anti-inflammatory infusion. For example, chamomile. The exact proportions do not make sense - the main thing is that the ready-made mass has a consistence of thick sour cream. In non-metallic dishes you need to pour in the powder (the amount will eventually be determined by practice, depending on the amount of skin being processed) and dilute with water or infusion of herbs.

It is possible to give some general recommendations on how to use these masks most effectively. Ideally, you need to cleanse your skin and steam it well. Then apply black clay, already diluted. It is desirable to apply it in a thick layer, so that it does not dry out for a long time. Or top cover with cellophane with cut out holes for the nose and eyes. Or a wet cotton cloth with the same holes.

When fighting with the agents (black spots) on the face , either lemon juice, egg white (for oily skin) or milk (for dry) is added to the solution. Here the recommendations are standard, as for conventional masks. Keep this mask on your face need no more than 5-7 minutes. Those who first do such procedures, it is worth checking whether there is an allergy (this is rare, but it happens) for this or that component.
Then the mask is washed off with warm water with neat massaging movements. The face promakivaetsya, and the skin is applied nourishing cream. If it's hard with time, you can apply the mask to the unprepared skin. The benefit will be all the same, although not so quickly noticeable.

Black clay from cellulite is used similarly, with the only difference being that citric oils are added to the ready-made mass to more efficiently dissolve the orange peel.

It has long been known and scientifically proven that black clay improves blood microcirculation in the best way, while tones and soothes the skin, rejuvenating, purifying and nourishing them. It is enough to do the procedure a couple of times a week, and after the first wraps the effect will become very noticeable. For one procedure, it's enough to give yourself about 30 minutes at a time, and the results will please every day.

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