
Therapeutic procedure, proven by time: autohemotherapy - reviews, indications, scheme of application

Autohemotherapy was invented and was first tested on patients in the early twentieth century. Antibiotics at that time had not yet been discovered, and this method of treatment was considered to be quite effective, in particular, with slow inflammatory diseases. So, she was often recommended for patients with furunculosis, various infectious diseases. This method has proved itself well in the treatment of gynecological diseases.

There are several ways to perform autohemotherapy. In classical venous blood, usually drawn from a vessel on the patient's arm, is injected intramuscularly into the buttock. Most often, the so-called step scheme is used, gradually increasing the amount of blood injected, and then decreasing it in the reverse order. Treatment regimen then looks like this: begin with 2 ml, then every other day increase the volume of injected blood by another 2 ml (alternatively - every day increase by 1 ml). When the dose reaches 10 ml, the countdown begins. The course of treatment, therefore, is just over two weeks.

Classical autohaemotherapy, reviews about which are both positive and neutral, are most often used. It practically does not give complications: only seals are possible in the places of injections. In addition, some patients note a gradual increase in painful sensations, because of which they could not complete the course of treatment. However, this is an indicator, rather, of individual sensitivity, rather than harm, which ostensibly can cause autohemotherapy. Side effects from its use are not described, only in some patients there was a temporary fever that goes by itself in a few days. Undoubtedly one: the question on appointment of a course of autohemotherapy should be solved only by the doctor, to apply it independently should not be.

The next method of treatment with the introduction of the patient's own blood is called hemopuncture (biopuncture). Injections are done not in the buttock, but in active points or in places with severe soreness. In addition, biopuncture or point autohemotherapy, the feedback about which speaks of its effectiveness, implies the use of the blood taken from the patient, not in pure, but in a diluted form. Blood is diluted with homeopathic injections. This method was practiced by the famous Russian physician-immunologist Raisa Nikitichna Khodanova, who devoted it to studying all her life. The so-called PAA (a preparation of autologous blood), obtained after breeding, was injected into various parts of the body. Spot autogemotherapy, reviews about which were admired many decades ago, had such an effect that patients from all over the country headed to Khodanov's immunocorrection laboratory under the All-Union Institute of Immunology. As it was established during the studies conducted in it, the therapeutic effect of autohemotherapy is associated with the activation of lymphocytes, which play an important role in the immune system, that is, it has a completely scientific rationale.

Autohemotherapy, contraindications to which are practically absent, can be recommended for chronic pustular skin diseases, non-healing wounds and ulcers, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, and herpes. It is used in the treatment of chronic diseases of internal organs (for example, pyelonephritis, bronchitis) and trauma, improves the patient's condition after surgical interventions. It is indicated in immunodeficient states of various nature. This method has found application in cosmetology: for example, autohemotherapy is often prescribed for acne. Reviews in most cases indicate a marked improvement in the condition of the skin after the course of procedures: according to statistics, this method helps 80% of patients.

It should be noted that even now, more than a hundred years after this procedure was first described, opinions about its expediency differ even among specialists. Some consider it to be extremely useful, while others claim that in this case there is only a placebo effect. Therefore, the decision to conduct autohaemotherapy should be taken, first having weighed all the pros and cons.

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