
How to knock down heat is known to many, but is it worth it?

High temperature is a frequent occurrence. She can frighten us. When it occurs, we immediately ask ourselves: "How to reduce the heat? What to do? "Someone immediately turns to a doctor for help, someone is rushing about in search of various ways and means to get rid of it.

But if this happens to an adult person, this does not mean that you need to immediately think about how to knock off the heat. It generally does not need to be knocked down to a certain value. This fact suggests that human immunity fights infection.

How to remove heat when necessary, and how to determine the moment when this should not be done? For example, an increase in temperature in a small child is much more dangerous than an adult's, since the baby's immune system is at the stage of formation. And it is not yet able to fully influence the negative external factors. In an adult, everything is different, immunity controls such processes. The temperature in adults is not necessarily a disease, it can be the usual reaction of the body to a certain disorder. There can be many reasons for the rise in temperature: bleeding, hormones, infarction, inflammation of joints or tissues, exposure to viruses and bacteria, and even trivial overheating.

In general, we can say that the high temperature in infections is a sign of good work of the immune system. If, however, the immunity is weakened for some reason, the body is not able to react properly to "foreign agents", so that the disease can take a protracted character. Therefore, you do not need to immediately think how to knock down the heat (if it does not exceed 38-8.5 C, and if the patient normally tolerates it). You need to worry when the temperature is approaching forty degrees. And if suddenly she reached forty-one degrees, then immediately, call a doctor (ambulance), since with a high degree of probability convulsions may begin. Forty-two degrees is a rare but critical temperature at which damage to the brain can begin, so the presence of doctors is compulsory.

How to knock down heat?

Do not rush with taking antipyretics. Before you need to cool down. You should drink plenty of fluids, for the reason that the body is dehydrated. And the more dehydrated the body, the higher the temperature. To drink tea, water (both usual drinking, and mineral), juices, морс. Abundant drink in this situation normalizes the water balance. It is very good to give the patient hot tea with lemon, honey, raspberries. If there is sweat after that, then the temperature goes down.

There is another effective method that helps to knock down the temperature. He will undress a patient, rub it with alcohol, or cologne, or vodka. After that, do not cover. The patient will begin to freeze, which means that the temperature began to fall. This is an absolutely safe and very effective tool.

Another good way is an enema. The solution is prepared from a mixture of boiled water (0.5 cup) and antipyretic powder. Of course, it is unpleasant, but, how effective!

But if all of the above options have not produced the desired result, then you can proceed to antipyretic drugs. It should be used with caution, preferably after consulting a doctor.

How to knock down the heat in children?

As mentioned above, the child's high temperature is a serious business, for the simple reason that the baby's immunity is only at the stage of formation. Therefore, it must be knocked down. However, it is necessary to focus not only on the numbers on the thermometer, but also on the overall well-being of the crumbs, and on the accompanying diagnoses. When the temperature rises to 38 (for the first months of life and those children who do not tolerate high temperatures) - 38.5 C, antipyretic agents should be used. Which ones will be prompted by the attending physician. Usually, drugs based on paracetamol or ibuprofen are used. It is necessary to closely monitor the child's condition, and if something continues to alert or disturb, immediately call an ambulance.

To bring down the heat is only half the battle. The most important thing is to determine the cause of its increase and to appoint a further course of treatment.

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