
Where to take tests for hormones. Analyzes for female hormones: prices

Hormones in the human body regulate the work of many organs. Even with a slight disruption in their production, health is seriously threatened. First of all, the metabolism, regenerative processes are disturbed, the blood flow becomes difficult, the reproductive system suffers. Especially important is the regular monitoring of the hormonal background in women. It is in the representatives of the weaker sex hormonal changes are inherent in nature. The indicators depend on the age, the day of the monthly cycle and even the emotional state. In order to monitor and maintain hormonal health, you need to regularly undergo a medical examination. About that, what it is necessary to pass inspections and as there is a decoding of analyzes on hormones, we will tell in article.

When you need to take tests for hormones

The modern pace of life contributes to the development of hormonal imbalance in most people. Therefore, diseases associated with improper production of individual hormones are increasingly registered. They lead to such violations of stress, poor nutrition, a passive lifestyle, an unfavorable ecological situation, the intake of various drugs and many other factors. Therefore, everyone can be in the risk zone. Doctors recommend that every year they undergo tests to prevent the development of diseases caused by violation of the hormonal background of a person. Mandatory tests are prescribed for "female" hormones in the following cases:

  • With a sudden change in weight;
  • Excess weight, which can not be corrected by proper nutrition and exercise;
  • Fat content of the skin, inflammatory processes on it, acne;
  • Unreasonable mood swings and sleep disorders;
  • Long-term stress and depression;
  • Excessive growth of hair on the body;
  • Planning of pregnancy;
  • Absence of ovulation;
  • Disorders of the menstrual cycle;
  • Miscarriages and a frozen pregnancy in the anamnesis;
  • Habitual miscarriage;
  • Prolonged absence of conception;
  • Delayed puberty;
  • Ovarian tumors;
  • Endometriosis;
  • Amenorrhea;
  • Hemorrhages in the middle of the cycle ;
  • During pregnancy;
  • Hormone therapy for the control of treatment.

Analyzes for hormones: what you need to pass

Depending on the expected diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe the necessary tests. How many tests for hormones will need to be handled depends on the health problem that has arisen. In some cases, you need to find out the level of one hormone, and in another - a number of indicators. Often, clinics offer a comprehensive hormonal study, which consists of 11 hormones:

  • Follicle-stimulating hormone;
  • Luteinizing hormone;
  • Estradiol;
  • Prolactin;
  • Testosterone;
  • Progesterone;
  • Triiodothyronine free;
  • DEA-sulfate;
  • Total thyroxine;
  • Thyroid-stimulating hormone;
  • Antibodies to a thyroid-stimulating hormone.

Such a study allows you to detect the majority of violations in the body, associated with the work of hormones, including in the reproductive system of women. The duration of the study depends on whether urgent tests for hormones were performed. Prices of such surveys are 600-1000 rubles. For one indicator. Results can be expected the next day. When conducting simple tests, the study lasts 3-6 days. The cost of such diagnostics will cost two times cheaper.

Luteinizing hormone

Hormones synthesized by the pituitary gland and directly affect the regulation of the menstrual cycle of a woman, luteinizing (LH), follicle-stimulating (FSH), prolactin.

LH promotes the production of estrogens, thereby affecting the ovulatory processes and the formation of the yellow body. Insufficient amount of it in the body of a woman leads to infertility, as the process of ovulation is disrupted, there is a weakness of the luteal phase, amenorrhea. The increased amount in the blood can indicate endometriosis, polycystic ovary, pituitary tumor. In pregnancy, a low content of LH is the norm. The norms of LH depend on the phase of the female cycle:

  • 2-20 mU / l during the follicular phase (1-14 days of the menstrual cycle);
  • 20-150 mU / l in the ovulatory phase (14-16 days);
  • 2-19 mU / l in the luteal phase (from day 16 and until the first day of menstrual flow).

To pass analyzes on hormones LG it is possible on 4-8 or 20-21 days of a monthly cycle of the woman. When interpreting the result, the doctor also takes into account the patient's age, complaints, anamnesis, weight, psychological state, the presence of bad habits - all these factors can affect the level of the hormone in the body.

Follicle-stimulating hormone

The function of the follicle-stimulating hormone in the body speaks its very name - it stimulates the maturation of follicles in the ovary. Accordingly, when it decreases, its function is violated. Then there is no ovulation, and pregnancy is impossible. Low values of FSH in the norm can only be in pregnancy and menopause, because under these conditions there is no need for the organism to mature follicles. This hormone must be taken to the follicular phase of the cycle. Normally, during this period, the hormone concentration should be 2.7-11.5 mU / l. The causes of FSH increase may be uterine bleeding, endometriosis, neoplasms in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. External factors contribute to an increase in the indices: X-ray radiation, alcohol and the intake of such drugs as Clomifene, Metformin, Cimetidine and others.


Prolactin is also called the "milk hormone", as it is responsible for the development of the mammary glands and the normalization of the lactation process. The level of hormone concentration is strongly influenced by external factors. It varies at different times of the day and the days of the monthly cycle. They contribute to changing the indicators and experiences, fatigue, taking various drugs, physical overload. They give an analysis for 5-7 or 18-23 days of the menstrual cycle. The norm of the hormone is considered to be 61-512 mU / l. With an increased level of prolactin, women complain of cycle disorders, increased body weight, discharge from the chest, acne, lowering of the libido.

Progesterone hormone

Progesterone is the hormone of pregnancy. He is responsible for the growth of the endometrium, which is necessary for fixing the embryo in the uterus, the development of the embryo. A hormone is produced during the luteal phase with a yellow body to prepare the body for possible conception. Lack of progesterone threatens intermenstrual bleeding, cycle disorders, infertility. The hormone plays a big role during pregnancy. During this period, its indicators are significantly increased to form the necessary hormonal background.

The norm of progesterone in non-pregnant women during the luteal phase is 7.00-56.65 nmol / l. Since the hormone is directly related to the normal course of pregnancy, it must be diagnosed during this period. In the first trimester, its concentration should be 8.9-468 nmol / l. In the second - 71.5-303 nmol / l and in the latter - 88-771 nmol / l.

Many laboratories specially for pregnant mothers offer prenatal hormone tests. The prices of such comprehensive surveys range from 1500 r. Up to 6000 rubles. Depending on the number of indicators studied.

Hormone estradiol

Estradiol is a hormone that participates in the maintenance of the normal functioning of the entire reproductive system, is responsible for sexual development by the female type. The norm of this hormone in the pre-ovulatory period is 684-1405 pmol / l. Its decrease indicates a lack of luteal phase of the female cycle, and during pregnancy such indicators threaten miscarriage or fading of fetal development.

Diagnosis of the level of blood in the blood of progesterone and estradiol is a mandatory test for hormones in the planning of pregnancy.

Hormone testosterone

Violation of the production of such a male hormone, as testosterone, in a woman can lead to problems with the conception of a child, obesity and the development of secondary sex characteristics by the male type. This hormone is responsible for the formation of muscle mass and the processing of fatty deposits, and also affects the level of libido. Normally, women of childbearing age category should meet testosterone values: 0.25-1.30 ng / ml.

Thyroid hormonal panel

When planning pregnancy, it is also mandatory to pass tests for hormones produced by the thyroid gland. And also thyreotropic (TTG) hormone, synthesized by the pituitary gland. TTG stimulates the production of triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). Lack of hormones of the thyroid panel leads to violations of metabolic processes and problems in the reproductive system. Such a complex examination is called "analysis for hormones of TTG." Usually, the following examinations are prescribed:

  1. Triiodetronine is a common (T3). For non-pregnant women of reproductive age, the norm is 1.09-3.15 nmol / l.
  2. Triiodyronine free: 2.5-5.8 pmol / l.
  3. Thyroxine is common. The norm is 41-142 nmol / l.
  4. Thyroxine is free. The norm is 8-22 pmol / l.
  5. A thyroid-stimulating hormone (TTG). The norm is 0.5-4.0 mU / l.
  6. Antibodies to TTG are found in autoimmune diseases. If the indicator of analysis is more than 1.5 U / l, the result is considered positive.

In the laboratories carry out both a complex analysis for the hormones of TSH, and the diagnosis of individual indicators. The price of the survey is 500-1000 rubles.

Types of tests for hormones and their cost

The doctor prescribes a direction for hormonal analyzes, depending on the patient's problems with health. To pass analyzes on hormones it is possible both in the state out-patient department, and in a private laboratory. Many clinics offer comprehensive surveys. For example, an analysis of hormones for obesity, menstrual irregularity, prenatal diagnosis, preparation for pregnancy, and others. The cost of tests for hormones in a public medical institution is no different from the prices of a private laboratory. On average, a blood test for one hormone costs 500-600 r. While a comprehensive survey, consisting of 5-6 hormonal indicators, will cost 1500-2000 rubles. In addition, with a full examination you need to visit the laboratory to donate blood only once. In Moscow, you can take a blood test for various hormones in the clinic "Invitro", "Hema", "Efis", etc.

How to pass the test for hormones

As mentioned above, the level of hormones is significantly influenced by external and internal factors. The analysis for a certain hormone needs to be taken only on the necessary day of the menstrual cycle, so the doctor can only prescribe the date of blood donation, focusing on the well-being, complaints, regularity and duration of the female cycle of the patient. Strictly follow the doctor's instructions to obtain reliable test results.

To pass analyzes on hormones it is possible only on an empty stomach - not earlier than after 8 hours of absence of reception of nutrition. It is advisable to go to the laboratory no later than three hours after the morning awakening. The day before the examination is to be deleted:

  • Physical activity;
  • Sexual intercourse;
  • alcohol;
  • Visiting sauna and bath, solarium;
  • Reduce the impact of stressors;
  • Taking medicines.

Norms of analysis for hormones are significantly different in different laboratories. In the article only average values of normal indices are given. Decoding of hormone assays requires a professional approach and consideration of various factors. Therefore, explain the results and make a diagnosis only a doctor.

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