Health, Medicine
Hormones of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland
Hormones of the pituitary and hypothalamus have an exceptional effect on the entire human body. They coordinate growth, development, puberty and all kinds of metabolism. Hormones of the hypothalamus, the release of which is controlled by the pituitary, regulate many vital functions of the body. Let's look at this gland from an anatomical point of view.
Hormones of the hypothalamus and its structure
The pituitary body, the central organ of the endocrine system, is a small, rounded formation consisting of two parts. The hypothalamus is located above the pituitary in the so-called intermediate brain. It is also called a pothar. The weight of the gland is up to five grams. However, this small formation plays a significant role for our body, regulating the temperature balance, metabolism (like proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and minerals), thyroid function, ovaries and adrenal glands. The gland consists of three parts, it has a pituitary foot. Its main mass is formed by neurosecretory and nerve cells, grouped into nuclei (more than 30).
Rhizome Hormones
Corticoliberin affects the anterior part of the pituitary gland. This neuropeptide regulates a number of mental functions (activation reactions, ability to orient). This hormone increases anxiety, fear, tension. Prolonged exposure to the body leads to chronic stress, depression, exhaustion, insomnia. Such hypothalamic hormones, as mentioned corticoliberin, are substances of a peptide nature. These are parts of protein molecules. A total of 7 neurohormones, they are also called liberins. Their effect on the pituitary gland gives rise to the synthesis of tropic hormones - somatotropin, gonadotropin and thyrotropin. In addition to them, the neurosecretory cells in the hypothalamus produce other substances that affect the pituitary gland. These are statins that depress the secretion of these hormones. All of them affect the growth, development, interaction of the endocrine system with the nervous. Stimulants of releasing hormones can be catecholamines. However, this is still only a hypothesis.
Synthesized in the hypothalamus, this substance then enters the pituitary (its posterior lobe) and is released into the blood. The maximum concentration of oxytocin is associated with a feeling of emotional intimacy - in mothers in contact with a newborn child, in men with affection and sexual contacts. If this hormone is produced in insufficient quantities, then optimal labor activity is impossible, the risk of miscarriage is high.
It is impossible to list the hormones of the hypothalamus and not to mention the antidiuretic hormone (ADH). Its functions are increasing blood pressure, maintaining the water balance, coordinating the absorption of potassium in the body. Secretion of vasopressin increases with nausea, stress, pain, hypoglycemia. To reduce it, you should eat a lot of foods rich in potassium (dried apricots, tomatoes). The lack of vasopressin leads to the development of diabetes insipidus.
Hormone medications for the hypothalamus
Drugs "Gonadorelin" and "Leuprolide" are used in therapy for delayed puberty, with cryptorchidism and hypogonadism. And also with polycystic ovary, endometriosis.
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