Food and drinkSalads

Delicious festive salad: simple recipes, beautiful decoration

In this article we want to talk about delicious festive salads. Many of them have already become a classic attribute of any feast. Meat, fish, fruit, vegetable ... A whole variety of salads and not to list. Changing the ingredients in them, you can create more and more culinary masterpieces. In the article everyone will be able to find simple holiday salads that will surely surprise your friends. Such recipes should be in the arsenal of each hostess.

Salad with tongue

This salad you enjoy the speed of cooking, and its taste qualities, too. For this dish, take:

  1. Boiled beef tongue - 400 g.
  2. Dutch cheese - 150 g.
  3. Mayonnaise - 150 g.
  4. Olives without pits - half a pot.
  5. Salt, pepper - to taste.
  6. Tomatoes - 2 pcs.

Ready cooked tongue cut into straws, olives - ringlets, and tomatoes - cubes. Mix all the ingredients in the dishes and season with salt and pepper to taste, season with mayonnaise. Here is a salad with tongue. What could be simpler? The whole process will take five minutes.

Salad with mushrooms and tongue

When preparing simple salads, you can try a salad with tongue and mushrooms. Let's take the following ingredients:

1. Champignons - 350 g.

2. Oyster mushrooms - 300 g.

3. Beef tongue - 400 g.

4. Olive oil - 50 ml.

5. Cherry tomatoes - 200 g.

6. Onion - 1 pc.

7. Eggs boiled - 4 pcs.

8. Rukkola - 100 g.

9. Pickled cucumbers - 200 g.

10. Salt, pepper, greens mayonnaise to taste.

Boiled tongue cut into small slices. Champignons and oyster mushrooms cut and fry in olive oil.

Lightly salted cucumbers, too, chop. Tomatoes are divided into four parts, cut onions in the form of semirings, and eggs - straws.

Mix all the ingredients and add the arugula. Salt, pepper add to taste, and season with mayonnaise. Salad can be laid on the dish with a slide, decorated with green leaves, and sprinkled with grated yolks.

Delicious holiday salad olivier

Speaking of the most delicious festive salads, you can not ignore the famous dish. You probably already guessed what will be discussed! Of course, this salad is classic Olivier. He has become so firmly entrenched in our lives that it is impossible to imagine without him any winter holiday, especially the New Year.

To prepare it you will need:

  1. Boiled potatoes - 200 g.
  2. Green peas - one jar.
  3. Pickled cucumber - 200 g.
  4. Eggs boiled - 4 pcs.
  5. Mayonnaise - to taste.
  6. Carrots boiled - 200 g.
  7. Boiled meat - 300 g.
  8. Salt and pepper - to taste.

To prepare a classic salad, prepare the products, or rather, boil them: meat, eggs, potatoes and carrots. They should cool down, and then you can start to cut them into cubes. All the crushed ingredients are added to the dishes and mixed, while adding chopped pickled cucumbers. Everything is almost ready. Now you need to taste pepper and salt our salad and season with mayonnaise. In the finished form, we put Olivier in a vase and decorate with greens or olives (at your discretion).

How to make a salad in the form of a monkey?

Do you think there is a salad monkey? In fact, it is not a salad, but simply a decoration of a festive dish. After all, this topic is very relevant in the year of the monkey.

For a basis you can take absolutely any salad, for example, the same olivier or a fur coat. He will need to put on a dish in the form of a monkey's head, as in the picture. It's quite simple. And then decorate. It's just a matter of technology.

We offer for registration use grated on a fine grater of proteins and yolks, as well as sliced into small slices of olives.

The muzzle of the animal is decorated with eggs, and from the olives you can put eyes and additional ornaments. Here is just a celebratory salad "Monkey". Especially this kind of design will please the children.

Seafood salads

Maritime Salad is entitled to attend any festive table. Dishes with seafood are always very tasty and useful, and thanks to the bright appearance they are an ornament of any feast.

There are many recipes for this salad, they are all different using different ingredients. First of all, this concerns the marine components. To prepare our version, take:

  1. Seafood (it can be frozen assorted mussels, squid, shrimps, octopus tentacles) - 0.5 kg.
  2. Corn canned - one can.
  3. Crab sticks - 5 pcs.
  4. Boiled eggs - 5 pcs.
  5. Tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  6. Mayonnaise, salt, greens - to taste.

Prepare the salad "Sea" starting with the preparation of products. The frozen cocktail is poured into a saucepan, then we fill it with steep boiling water, add salt and put it on the fire. Bring to a boil, boil for a couple of minutes.

Simultaneously, you can boil eggs. In the meantime, you have to cut crab sticks into cubes and put them into dishes, add corn, ready-made seafood (if necessary, they can also be cut), crushed eggs. The tomatoes are the latest. Now lettuce is dressed with mayonnaise.

Recipe for cooking herring under a fur coat

Probably everyone tried a fur coat or herring salad under a fur coat. He is loved by all and deserves to be remembered in our article. To prepare it you will need:

  1. Boiled potatoes - 4 pcs.
  2. Boiled carrots - 4 pcs.
  3. Bulb - 1 pc.
  4. Boiled eggs - 4 pcs.
  5. Herring or her fillets - 400 g.
  6. Boiled beet - 2-3 pcs.
  7. Mayonnaise to taste.

Salad fur coat is very simple to prepare. At the bottom of the dish is laid onions, cut into rings, on it are placed the fillets of herring, and then the layers are potatoes diced, carrots, eggs, beets. All products, except potatoes, rub on the middle grater. Each layer must be lubricated with mayonnaise. How much to do this, decide for yourself. Someone likes it when it's a lot, then the salad turns more moist and homogeneous, and someone prefers not to get carried away by it.

The topmost layer is beet, it must definitely be well smeared, and then decorate with crushed walnuts or grated yolks and greens. It turns out a delicious holiday salad, and even bright and beautiful.

Salad with chicken

This is a wonderful dish for sure you will like. To prepare a classic salad with chicken, you need to have such products:

  1. Pepper sweet salad - 1 pc.
  2. Cucumber - 1 piece.
  3. Chicken breast - 1 pc.
  4. Onion red - 1 small or half large.
  5. Dill and mint.
  6. Olive oil.
  7. Salt, pepper to taste.
  8. Juice of one lemon.

Chicken meat should be salted, peppered and discarded from both sides. Using a frying pan, fry it in olive oil. Sweet pepper and cucumber cut into small pieces.

Peel onion, cut into slices and pour lemon juice. Leave the mint leaves finer. All the vegetables are put in a salad bowl, mixed and seasoned with olive oil and lemon juice. And do not forget to salt and pepper at your discretion. Sliced chicken and add to the rest of the ingredients. Mix again thoroughly. Sprinkle the prepared dish with crushed mint and dill. Be sure to try this delicious holiday salad, and it will become mandatory in your arsenal.

Recipe for salad with shrimps

Seafood is always delicious on its own, and the dishes from them are simply wonderful and varied. We would like to offer you a salad with shrimps, grapefruit and avocado. We will need products:

  1. Avocado - 1 pc.
  2. Shrimp - 250 g.
  3. Grapefruit - 1 pc.
  4. Cucumber - 2 pcs.
  5. Iceberg salad is a small bunch.
  6. Ground pepper, salt to taste.
  7. Olive oil.

Frozen shrimps need to be got and unfrozen. Pour olive oil into a frying pan and reheat. And then fry the prawns on it until it is ready.

To make piquant seafood in a frying pan, you can throw a clove of garlic and hot pepper, fry them a bit and take them out. And then on this oil fry the shrimp. With this method of preparation, they will turn out delicious and aromatic.

Avocado and cucumber peel and cut into small pieces. Grapefruit should be cleaned so that only the flesh remains, which must also be cut. Leaves are washed and dried with paper towels.

On the dish you need to lay out lettuce leaves, and on top - already prepared mass of avocado, cucumber, and grapefruit dressed with olive oil. Vegetables need fruit pepper and salt, and decorate with fried shrimp from above. Here is our salad with shrimp, grapefruit and avocado ready.

Salad from squid

Speaking of seafood, I want to share a recipe for another dish. Let's prepare a salad of squid. The recipe is very tasty, it is also called royal.

For him we will need:

  1. Squids - 400 g.
  2. Egg white - 10 pcs.
  3. Red caviar - 1 tablespoon.
  4. Mayonnaise - 4 tablespoons.
  5. Parsley and dill.
  6. Crab sticks - 1 package.

Squid should be thoroughly washed and put in boiling water for twenty minutes. Then rinse and clean the internals again. Peeled squids cut into thin strips.

Eggs must be boiled and cooled, then cut into squirrels, crab sticks. Dill the parsley and parsley. Mix all the ingredients and season with mayonnaise, and decorate this delicious festive salad with red caviar and greens. This recipe is very original. This dish has the right to become an ornament became.

Instead of an afterword

Preparing for the holiday, you can choose a menu for a long time, carefully sorting out the ingredients. But this is not always possible. Often we are limited in time, and it is necessary to organize a table quickly, beautifully and deliciously. Then the recipes of delicious festive salads come to our aid. Any dish can be elegantly decorated, giving it elegance and refinement. And no one will guess that you did not cook for sophisticated recipes, but used old, proven advice.

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