Food and drinkSalads

"Obryorka" salad with chicken: recipe with photo

Salad "Obzhorka" with chicken ( you can read the recipe in the article) is an uncomplicated but at the same time unique and tasty dish that you can please your family and unexpectedly arrived guests.

Dish in a hurry or festive decoration of the table

Salads - an invariable attribute of a classical supper or a celebratory table. The housewives always have a lot of recipes, including original ones, which they willingly share. After all, this is the decoration of the evening, and the opportunity to quickly prepare something original from the products that are always in the fridge.

A classic example is the salad "Obzhorka" with chicken. The recipe for this dish will be simple even for a beginner cook.

In many Russian families it is a festive salad that accompanies any feast. It is very tasty and, despite its high caloric content, is loved by the majority. Although there are easier recipes for this dish.

History of salad

The history of salad "Obzhorka" begins with Soviet times. Yes, it's a dish invented in our country. Popularity and love among the housewives, it has won thanks to a simple set of products that could be found even in those scarce times, and simplicity in cooking.

And it is worth noting that in those difficult times in the course was a variation of this salad without meat. If it was not in the refrigerator and stores, the housewives used only carrots, onions, canned beans, pickled cucumbers, in general, anything that could diversify this salad.

At the same time he was almost as loved and popular as a herring under a fur coat or the famous Olivier.

A set of ingredients

A very simple set of products you will need in order to prepare a salad "Obzhorka" with chicken. The recipe for this dish suggests that most ingredients are in the refrigerator of every housewife daily. Therefore, they will not have to go to the supermarket or the market separately.

You will need a chicken breast or a leg with a weight of about 300-400 grams. If desired, the breast can be replaced with a leg of the same size.

Also take carrots and onions - one or two pieces, depending on how much you like these vegetables and how many guests expect. Do not forget about salted marinated cucumbers - they need no more than 4-5 stuff. You can take 6 if they are too small.

The presence of garlic in this salad is optional, but if you like dishes more sharply, then take 3-4 cloves, not more. The most common vegetable oil is suitable for frying. Salt and pepper are added to taste. For dressing apply mayonnaise.

Preparation of products

First of all, you need to start with cooking chicken. The whole leg or breast should be thoroughly rinsed. Then place in a bowl or saucepan with cold water and put on a small gas. Boil the cook cooks advise in slightly salted water, until it is ready. If you determine the look of the chicken's willingness is not possible, then notice 20 minutes after boiling water.

Onions must be thoroughly peeled off the husks, washed and finely chopped. The smaller, the thinner the taste of the salad "Obzhorka" with chicken. The recipe suggests further similarly to do with carrots - it is cleaned, washed and cut into thin straws. Alternatively, you can rub it on a fairly large side of the grater.

You also need to peel and finely chop the garlic, if you decide to include it in your salad "Obzhorka." The classic recipe for chicken, of course, presupposes the presence of this ingredient, but many housewives are quiet without it.

Finely chopped and pickled cucumbers - thin straws or cubes, as you like.

Step-by-step recipe

Now back to the meat. The chicken must be separated from the bones and cut into small pieces by the flesh itself. Also there is an option just to tear the chicken meat into small pieces.

We heat the frying pan and put the already prepared carrots into the sizzling oil. Fry it on medium heat for no more than 5 minutes. After that, she needs to give a good cool.

The second step in the red-hot vegetable oil is put onions. In the long run, you should get a medium softness. To do this, constantly stir it on medium heat for 3-4 minutes. Also lets cool down.

Now put all the ingredients in one bowl and season with mayonnaise. Solim and pepper to taste. Ready for your salad "Obzhorka" with chicken. The recipe really does not contain anything complicated.

Creativity options

Another undoubted advantage of this dish is that in it you can replace almost all the ingredients with those that you have in the refrigerator at this moment. In this it is a very versatile salad "Obzhorka" with chicken. The recipe from the photo you can meet with almost any kind of meat - and with beef, and with pork, and with sausage, and with bacon. And lovers can make the main ingredient even fish and seafood - shrimp, mussels and the like.

Also in the composition of this salad resourceful housewives include canned beans, olives, Korean carrots - all that is enough for fantasy. The main thing is that all these products are usually already in ready, most often in canned form.

This is a very nutritious dish, which you will not spend much time with. The preparation and search for all ingredients usually takes about 10 minutes, about the same amount of cooking time. Provided that you have at hand a smoked chicken or other meat is ready to eat. At the same time, you will get 5-6 fine nourishing portions at the output.

"Objorka" with mushrooms

One of the most common nonclassical variants of this salad will be described below (the recipe for "Obzhorki" with chicken and mushrooms).

For a salad that requires a half kilo of chicken fillet. Mushrooms use marinated - 400 grams. Also in the course and all the other already familiar ingredients - onions, carrots, pickled cucumbers. And also vegetable oil, spices and mayonnaise for refueling.

All products are fried in a frying pan. Required separately. Experienced cooks advise using two frying pans to make the process faster. Then the guests can not wait long for your salad "Obzhorka." Recipe with chicken and mushrooms will become one of their favorite.

Another tip: to ensure that the salad does not turn out to be too high in calories, onions should not be fried until the appearance of a golden crust. And remove excess fat. To do this, place onions on a plain paper napkin and leave for 3-5 minutes.

For a salad, tinned champignons are most often used. Lay them on the hot oil, wait until the liquid in them evaporates, and the mushrooms lightly brown. Without loss for taste, canned mushrooms can be replaced with fresh ones. It is desirable - also mushrooms.

Cut into small pieces of chicken meat is also fried until a ruddy crust, in the last turn marinated cucumbers are laid out on a frying pan. With them, too, you need to wait until the liquid evaporates, and then slightly brown.

In the end, all the ingredients fall into one bowl, dressed with mayonnaise and spices.

Secret ingredients

A special delicacy to your dish will give an unusual ingredient. Such a product can become crackers in the case of a salad "Obzhorka" with chicken. The recipe (the photo of the dish is presented in the article) proves that the dish turns out to be very appetizing.

Cooks are advised to use homemade croutons cooked independently. Make them quite easy, taking a loaf of white bread or the easiest loaf. It is better not to use crackers from the store, because there are a lot of different additives in them that can ruin the taste of a salad.

Add them at the very end, before serving. They will not only decorate the dish, but will also give it an unforgettable taste.

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