Self improvementPsychology

What is enlarged consciousness and how to achieve it?

Recently, you can often hear about the expanded consciousness, but not everyone is able to explain what it is. It is for this purpose that this article is here - the concept of consciousness will be described in detail, as well as its forms and species. Naturally, most attention will be paid to such a type as the expanded consciousness. You will learn not only what it is, but also by what methods it is achieved, and also what levels it has. But to begin with it is necessary to deal with the very consciousness and its basic types.

What is consciousness?

Before considering the expanded consciousness in detail, it is necessary in general to understand what is the ordinary consciousness. All people use this word, but if you think about what it really means, few people will be able to give a clear answer. The fact is that there is no clear answer - on the whole, human consciousness can be described as a structure through which a person is able to control his actions. Thus, if you lose consciousness, that is, you faint, then immediately lose control over your body. When you do something unconsciously, or at a subconscious level, then you do not need to control these actions. You inhale and exhale the air without constantly monitoring these actions, that is, you are doing this on a subconscious level - therefore, when a person loses consciousness, he does not die, because there are processes that do not require the involvement of the consciousness itself. So now you have an idea of what a normal human consciousness is. But before you study the expanded consciousness, it is necessary to stay a little at a basic level in order to get a broader idea of the state in which you can be every day - this is very important for further understanding the subtleties of the transition to an expanded consciousness.

Consciousness asleep

There is no point in describing the normal consciousness, since every person can imagine it. In this state of consciousness, you are when everything around you and inside you is in order, without any major changes. But what does sleep consciousness mean, for example? No, this is not the state in which consciousness is, when your body rests during sleep. Although we can safely say that it is the most approximate. The fact that the sleeping consciousness is observed in those people who are overwrought physically and psychologically. They can do different things, talk, but more often it happens almost unconsciously, that is, there is no direct connection of actions with emotions. Everyone knows the feeling when you go home after a hard day, fall on the bed - and the next day do not remember how they got to the house at all. This is the sleeping consciousness.

Consciousness departing

This type of consciousness is very close to the previous one, in fact, it is the harbinger of the sleeper. When your mind switches to flying mode, you should think about rest. It is characterized by loss of the possibility of concentration. The resources of your body are not exhausted, but often the thoughts you want to focus on are eluding you.

Consciousness bouncing

This species is typical for mentally unstable people, as well as for those who are in serious nervous tension. In this state, your attention can not stop at one thing and constantly switches from one object to another, thereby preventing you from functioning normally.

Consciousness is bright

This example of consciousness is already much more familiar to all people. Many believe that it is close to the expanded, but in fact it is not. Vivid consciousness is characterized by a heightened perception of what is happening around. It is caused by some strong experiences, both positive and negative. In most people, it returns to the normal state quite quickly, when the state of euphoria passes.

Consciousness is calm

If you are interested in an extended state of consciousness, then you should pay attention to this point. The fact is that this type is the closest to the extended one - it is a kind of path to your goal. To understand the expanded consciousness, you need to learn in any situation to acquire a calm consciousness. This type is typical for a person who has rested, is full of energy, but does not hurry to spend it, is not distracted by any details, does not try to do several things at once. In this state, you are able to think about yourself, your life, your environment, evaluate the situation and so on in a measured and without haste. It is then that you can try to understand the expanded state of consciousness.

What it is

However, what does it mean to expand consciousness, thinking? How can this be achieved? Methods should be left for later - they will be described in more detail later. Now it is worth concentrating on understanding what the expanded consciousness is. So, you already know what a calm consciousness is - and now imagine that you are rising above yourself and can look at yourself from the outside. Speaking in general, this is precisely what is the expanded state of consciousness. You can not simply assess the situation calmly, you can do this by looking at it from the side, being as if not in your body - so you will be able to know much more than if you just try to appreciate something in a calm state of consciousness. It is believed that this is one of the highest states of consciousness to which absolutely everything should strive. But do not think that you can just imagine yourself outside your body - and you immediately get to know the expanded consciousness. To learn how to acquire it, you will need years, and even dozens of years of training. This is a very complex process, which is not given to everyone. So do not be discouraged if you do not immediately be able to enter the expanded consciousness - well, if you can do this in a few years. In this case, do not rush - otherwise you can not even find a calm mind, let alone talk about the expanded.

The first technique

What is the practice that enlarges consciousness? It is this question that people who want to comprehend this state are asked. In fact, there are several methods. This article will tell you about the most famous, popular and most effective ways. And the first of them is a disconnection of emotions. The fact is that emotions load the human mind very much, redirecting it to topics that should not bother him. A person is happy, upset, frightened and so on. And all this is due to emotions that do not allow you to find harmony with your inner world and look at the situation from the outside. You can not achieve an expansion of consciousness if you are distracted by various emotions, so if you are interested in how to expand a person's consciousness, the first thing you have to do is learn to turn off your emotions. If you manage to do this, then you will remove an unseen limitation from your capabilities, you will have a chance to rise a step above the level at which all the average people are.


Another method that you need to master is harmonizing the state of the body. What does it mean? The fact is that constantly your body commits any small or even large movements. A slight turn of the head, a look to the side, a raising of the hand. All these actions are due to the fact that your brain gave the order through the nervous system. Naturally, all these actions require from him concentration, attention, and resources. And all this loads your consciousness, so you can not hope to find peace until you can take it all under control. Your goal is to establish a temporary harmony of your whole body so that the brain does not have to be distracted by any commands. All the processes that must occur in your body will be subconscious, and your consciousness will be clean from all unnecessary actions. Experienced professionals can achieve this state on their own and quickly enough, but if you just start practicing, then you can help, for example, music that enlarges consciousness. It harmonizes the vibrations of your body, thereby facilitating your task.


What other ways are there to expand consciousness? If you really want to achieve success in this, then you definitely need to find out what a mantra is. A mantra is a special text that can have a specific meaning, or it may not have it at all. The essence of this text is that it is constantly repeated. Why is this done? It's pretty simple - when you read a mantra, you fill your mind with only information. When this happens, your consciousness is no longer able to perceive other signals that are sent to it both by the surrounding world and directly by the body itself. The result is a kind of blocking of consciousness, which will allow you to achieve its expansion. As you can see, you can expand consciousness in many ways, but it's best to use the whole complex, so the probability of success will increase significantly.

The first level of expanded consciousness

If you watched a movie that expanded consciousness, you probably heard that there are levels of such consciousness. This is indeed true - many specialists distinguish three levels of expanded consciousness, each of which must be comprehended in order to go up one more step. So, the first level is not too different from the usual standard consciousness. However, the differences are already quite noticeable, so it's unlikely that you will be able to enter into such a state and not pay attention to it. How can you recognize such a state of consciousness? The fact is that in a standard state, a person perceives the world as it is. This means that for him a house is a house, a tree is a tree, and a table is a table. Nothing unusual, everything is quite standard. If you could reach the state of expanded consciousness, then everything in the world begins to become not static, but dynamic. So the table for you ceases to be just a table, it turns into a part of the interconnected constantly changing system.

The second level of expanded consciousness

When you can fully comprehend the first level of the expanded consciousness, you will also have to expect a second level ahead. What is he like? In fact, it's about the same as the first level. Only this time your consciousness ceases to be an "observer". If at the first level you just watched how objects intertwine with each other in interconnection, how everything becomes dynamic, then on the second level your consciousness also becomes a part of all these interlacing. And as a result, it remains to comprehend only one, the highest level of expanded consciousness.

The third level of expanded consciousness

What awaits you at the third level? As you have already understood, this is the last, the highest level, to which absolutely everything is striving, but only a few are capable of achieving it. Your consciousness is still a part of everything that is happening around, it is still a part of the universal network, but at the same time it rises a step higher and gets control over what is happening. This is what was originally meant - when you reach this stage, you are able to assess the whole situation, to feel it, to understand the essence of all that is happening. Simply put, your consciousness at the same time remains your consciousness, and becomes something higher, ruling everything around.

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