Self improvementPsychology

Complex of exercises on educational kinesiology. Kinesiology: Exercises for the Brain

Psychologists say that a person's movements and gestures can tell more about him than words. The body language is affected by emotions, physical well-being and mood. Science, which studies human postures, gestures and various movements of muscles, is called kinesiology. There is also such a discipline as applied kinesiology. It is studied at the faculties of physical culture, in medical and pedagogical universities. The science of movement is closely connected with such directions as neuropsychology, psychology, manual therapy, acupuncture, osteopathy.

Principles of kinesiology

With each disorder, the body signals in the form of certain manifestations: pain, acne, allergies, poor health, violation of muscle tone. A physician-kinesiologist as to the state of muscle tonus, according to the movements of a person, determines the symptoms of the disease and makes a diagnosis, for this purpose the muscular system is tested, revealing the imbalance that led to the first manifestations of the disease. The detected imbalance is restored using special techniques. The human body is capable of self-healing, experts say, and in most cases, drug therapy is not required, kinesiology comes to the rescue. Exercises offered in this direction are unique in their curative effects on the human body and are suitable for almost everyone, even a preschool child can absorb them.

Kinesiology for children

Experts argue that certain movements pave the way to the development of the brain, consisting of two hemispheres, interacting with each other. Harmonious development of the right and left parts of the brain contributes to a high level of intelligence. And here, too, kinesiology comes to the rescue. Exercises for preschool children contribute to the mental development of children and the disclosure of their talents and abilities.

A special system of exercises for the hands and fingers takes into account the functional characteristics of the hemispheres (left - logical, sign, right - humanitarian, imaginative).

Teachers practicing kinesiology exercises in their work should remember that correctional work is directed from the movements of the hands to the development of thinking. In addition to finger games, teachers use breathing exercises, motor and stretching muscles. With an intense load, the nervous system is improved, intelligence and cognitive abilities develop. This is evidenced by kinesiology. Exercises for preschoolers require teachers to know all the techniques and skills to accurately convey them to the minds of children, since the most correct execution of exercises contributes to intense changes in the human body.

Kinesiology. Exercises for children, several basic nuances of fulfillment

  • When carrying out the usual training program, it can be interrupted by a complex of kinesiological exercises, whereas creative moments should not be interrupted. If a lesson is planned involving intense mental workload or imaginative thinking, the motor exercises are conducted before the lesson.
  • It is worth remembering that kinesiology does not always give an instantaneous effect, sometimes changes occur gradually, speech, movement is improved, mental activity is increased.
  • The main blocks of the correctional program are aimed at the energy impact, reception and processing of information, as well as on regulatory activities. The study of each block requires separate methods and methods of influence.

Kinesiology. Several exercises that activate the brain

The main methods, including brain activity, experts recommend not only to children, but also to adults. Kinesiology again comes to the rescue. Exercises for the brain increase not only the intellect, but also awaken the hidden abilities of man.

A system of activities to stimulate mental activity was developed by Dr. Dennison - a scientist who worked for 20 years with undergraduates in the intensive training group "Valley", in the state of California. The movements developed by him helped each student, regardless of his intellectual development.

The complex of exercises on educational kinesiology is simple and practical. Exercises that eliminate brain asymmetry can be performed anywhere.

The classroom is divided into three groups:

  • Exercises that increase the tone of the cerebral cortex: respiratory, acupuncture, massage.
  • Movements that improve the reception and processing of information: cross-arms and legs.
  • Exercises that affect regulation and control: different postures and movements.

Lesson for turning on the brain

Exercises of the first complex include rhythm and activation of the brain buttons.

Rhythm and activation of brain activity consists of a set of exercises that allow you to gain clarity of thought, concentration, activity and positivity of thinking. Preparatory exercises are performed at the beginning of the class, after a break for lunch or after a lengthy change. Before the exercises, experts recommend drinking juice, water or tea, since the liquid helps to activate active thinking activity. After the rhythm begins the process of working with the "buttons of the brain."

Effective mini complex

Exercise 1

Putting a hand on the stomach, with the other hand, we stimulate the point located in the intercostal space, under the collarbones. We feel the hands of the abdominal muscles supporting the balance in the body. A harmoniously functioning vestibular apparatus prepares the brain for perception and processing of information. Stimulation of the muscles under the clavicles activates the carotid arteries, so the brain is saturated with oxygen. Exercise allows you to fully focus on the activities of intellectual activity.

Exercise 2

Cross-walking on the spot, activating the work of the left and right hemispheres. When walking in place, we touch the right elbow of the left knee, and the left elbow of the right knee, while the nervous system of the corpus callosum becomes active, the level of logical thinking increases, due to the appearance of new neural pathways connecting the hemispheres. Exercise is very slow, because it requires the inclusion of motor coordination and usually unused small muscles.

Kinesiology for those who want to lose weight

What problems can kinesiology still manage? Exercises from the health complex are designed for people working to reduce body weight. The problem of overweight is something that always worries women and reduces the quality of their lives. To help in this case can kinesiology, exercises for losing weight can solve this problem and make every woman attractive. Experts believe that the problem of excess weight is created by a psycho-emotional background, which violates the balance in the body. Exercises of this complex can relieve stress, depression, develop a positive outlook on the world.

Lose weight correctly

Press a barbell or dumbbells above your head while standing. This is the most effective option for the transition of fatty folds to muscle tissue.

Starting position: the load is located at the chest level, then rises above the head in perfectly straight hands. The tension should be felt in the area of the shoulders, chest and triceps. The exercise is conducted in four approaches, each approach for eight or ten presses.

Hind attacks with cargo in a standing position. Exercise well chases extra pounds, speeding up metabolic processes in the body. These movements are difficult to perform, you need to keep your balance on the attacks, without turning, not bending over, not touching the floor with your knee. The exercise is repeated in three sets, each including up to fifteen repetitions.

Applied Kinesiology

The basic principle of this scientific direction: movement is life, motion stops, life stops. What is applied kinesiology? Kinesiology (exercises of some complexes are given above) helps to restore the energy balance in the body, eliminating the causes of the disease.

Kinesiology divides biological movements into mental, energy and information, and chemical, passing from one to another and associated with internal organs, nerves, joints and the emotional state of a person. Relying on specific muscle movements, their tone and stretch, the doctor determines the irregularities in the work of the body and conducts treatment, assigning certain exercises, diet, acupuncture and herbal treatment, which contributes to the restoration of energy balance in the body.

Testing in kinesiology

The methods of applied kinesiology are not too complicated, they can be studied and used at any convenient time. For example, your own lie detector. Having said aloud: "My answer is yes", - it is necessary to connect the first and second finger on the left hand to the ring, remembering the strength of the connection of the fingers. Then, you need to try to disconnect the ring. After that, try the strength "No". The power of compression will tell you about the power of desire. Any muscle tension will become a personal lie detector, if you pay attention to it. Trying food, it is possible to determine by the reaction of the muscular system how much the organism perceives this food, and how in the future it will affect the state of all organs and systems. Muscles are tense, do not experiment, it is better to eat something familiar. Cosmetics is also tested. We put the cream on the face or on the hands and listen to the reaction of the body, the muscles on the face are strained or relaxed, with unnecessary tension, new cosmetics are better to postpone and use the already tried option. Thus, listening to your feelings, you can make your life more harmonious and rid yourself of many troubles.

The body will answer any question. It is worth to listen and no longer make a mistake.

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