
Roll roofing: installation and repair

The quality of the roofing depends on the degree of protection of the roof from external influences, as well as its durability. If you do not have relevant work experience, it is better to hire an assembly team that will do it quickly and efficiently.

When making the roof, a soft roll roof can be used. It has a number of advantages: ease, ease of installation, low price. It must be remembered that the presented kind of material to the base is attached with adhesive mass (mastic). If the ruberoid on the lower surface has talc, then it should be cleaned. Rolls should be rolled out and kept in this form for about a day, so that they straightened. If there is no such possibility, they will be tediously rolled in the opposite direction.

A piece of roofing material or other material should be glued perpendicularly to the direction of water flow if the roof slope is less than 15 degrees. If it is steeper, then the material is laid parallel to the direction of the drain. Begin installation from the bottom of the roof and move up. To avoid water ingress, the upper panels should be applied to the lower ones. On the sides overlap is from 70 to 100 mm.

The roll roof after gluing is additionally rolled with a special roller. It should be noted that before the material is spread out, it is necessary to finish the finishing of some of the details on the roof. Naturally, all actions should be performed by several people, since one simply can not cope. During work, one worker holds a roll, and the other rolls it out. At the same time, all recommendations for overlapping joints are observed, which then need to be sealed with mastic.

The construction of the roll roof should be done carefully, so that the material does not tear or crack. If the roofing material is laid in several layers, between which the fiberglass is laid, the impregnation should be carried out on each layer.

Periodically, the roof should be inspected, because the roll roof can require repairs. The fact that over time, it may appear holes or cracks, because of what it can not fully perform its protective function. However, the procedure for repairing the damage has its own order. First of all, the roll roof is fully inspected. Not only cracks or holes should be guarded, but also air bubbles. Naturally, you should clean the entire surface of the dirt.

If there are swellings, then they need to be opened and cleaned, while the incision should be made crosswise. Then the bent edges are pasted with mastic, and the patch is superimposed on the seams. If cracks are found on the roof, then they must also be patched, after cleaning the site of damage from dirt. Any damage should be well dried before embedding.

Minor repair of a soft rolled roof is made manually. To work, you need a spatula, bitumen mastic, a knife to cut the material. If the damage is very serious, you may need to completely replace the blade. Garbage is removed with a stiff brush, and the damp places can be dried with a conventional hair dryer. After that, the damaged area must be primed with mastic.

For large repairs, you can use different technical devices. However, if the roof is periodically inspected, then any large-scale work may not be needed for a long time.

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