Food and drinkRecipes

Corn cereals in cooking

Everyone knows that corn kernels produce flour, starch, sugar, alcohol, butter, corn, and so on. The latter is a good source of B vitamins, protein and amino acids that are not synthesized in the human body. This cereal culture contains carbohydrates, which help normalize blood sugar levels and are necessary for nerve cells and muscles nutrition. However, it is not recommended for people who are overweight.

Corn has a unique composition. The substances that it contains contribute to the regulation of cholesterol, stop its deposition on the walls of the vessels. Thus, silicon has a good effect on the teeth and cardiovascular system, carotene protects the body from the harmful effects of the environment, preventing its aging, selenium prevents the development of cancer.

Regular use of dishes from corn helps to purify the skin, improve the complexion, dissolve phosphate stones in the kidneys. Therefore, this cereal is an important part of the diet in the presence of diseases such as hepatitis, nephritis, gout, etc.

In addition, corn is low allergenic and does not contain gluten, which is important in baby food. Consider what can be cooked from corn groats for a child.

Breakfast for baby

Ingredients: half a glass of corn grits, two beets, half a glass of milk, one glass of water, three tablespoons of butter, salt.

Beets must be cleaned, grated on a coarse grater and placed on the bottom of the dishes. From above put groats, pour salted hot water and cook for five minutes without interfering. After the time the porridge is removed from the fire and left for twenty-five minutes to insist, after which it is again put on the stove and brought to a boil, add milk and cook for two minutes. In the finished dish, add oil.

Porridge from corn

Ingredients: three hundred grams of milk, corn grits (four spoons), salt and sugar.

Milk brought to a boil, put sugar and salt to your taste and rump. Cook the porridge over a small fire for six minutes stirring occasionally. After that, it is removed from the plate and left for fifteen minutes, pre-covered with a lid. If the dish is thick, it is diluted with milk, yoghurt or fruit puree.

It is necessary to say that in case of inclusion of cereals from corn in the children's menu, various berries, dried fruits or jam, and sometimes pumpkin, are added to it. If a dish is prepared for the whole family, onions are added with pepper and tomatoes, suluguni cheese (it is cut into small pieces) or brynza. Porridge is often filled with butter or cream.


Ingredients: six hundred grams of curd, four eggs, fifty grams of flour, corn groats (one hundred grams), thirty grams of butter, one hundred grams of milk, sixty grams of sugar, one lemon peel, vanillin, thirty grams of raisins, one hundred and fifty grams of sour cream, fifteen Grams of breadcrumbs for breading.

In the curds are added yolks, butter, sugar, as well as milk, lemon zest, croup, vanillin, raisins and flour. Mix well and inject whipped proteins. In a greased baking sheet and oiled baking sheet lay the mass and bake. Serve the dish with sour cream.

Consider what to cook from corn flour.


Ingredients: twenty grams of corn flour, twenty grams of wheat flour, one hundred grams of milk, sugar, four eggs, ten grams of yeast, ten grams of fat, ten grams of butter, ten grams of cream, salt.

Boiled milk is brewed with corn flour. Stir and leave to cool. Then add yeast, diluted in milk, wheat flour, stir and stir in a warm place.

When the dough rises a little, it is injected with yolks, pre-whipped proteins, salt and cream, mixed and left for fermentation.

Ready dough is collected with a spoon and sent to a frying pan. Pancakes are served with sour cream or butter.

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